JMTA was founded in 1918 and has been an active organization in this area since that time. We are a professional organization of music teachers of many instruments, including voice. You may apply online at our state website: Join Now! If you have any questions, please contact VP of Membership Dr. Mary McKee at [email protected].
Teacher Benefits
Professional growth through lectures at monthly meetings
Professional services – insurance plans offered and much more
American Music Teacher and MTNA e-Journal publications;
Student Activities
Events at the local, state and national levels are open to students of Jacksonville Music Teachers Association members JMTA
Student Recitals (various locations across Jacksonville) One to three per year.
District IV Sonata/Sonatina Festival (November)
District IV Student Day Evaluation event and Honors Recital (Spring) includes voice, organ, strings, woodwind, classical guitar, harp, percussion, piano and accordion
District IV Concerto Competition (March) includes voice, string, brass, woodwind, organ, piano, percussion
Community Service Award (December)
Annual Scholarship Audition (Spring)
State Competitive Events (May – at various state locations including winners of DistrictConcerto competition, Pre-college Chamber ensemble competition, Pre-college and CollegeClassical Guitar competition, Byrd Piano ensemble and Gray Perry Young Collegiate Piano)
Community Service Award
Performance competitions (fall – state level; January – division level; March – national level)
Junior level – string and woodwind; Senior level – brass, string, voice and woodwind;Young Artist level – brass, string, voice and woodwind; Collegiate Chamber Music
Composition competition (fall – state level; January – division level; March – national level);Levels – elementary, junior, senior and young artist