Photo Gallery

Following our last meeting of the 2023-2024 year, our May meeting, some of us attended out end-of-year luncheon at Carrabba's Italian Restaurant, including Jack Melvin of Keyboard Connection, who graciously lets us use the store for our meetings and programs.
The photos below are of our JMTA 2024 Scholarship Winner, Matthew Phan, being award his scholarship monies from Kamila Shahtakhtinski, NCTM, Scholarship Chair, and performing one of his program pieces. His teacher is Peggy Edwards.
The photos below are of our JMTA 2024 Scholarship Winner, Matthew Phan, being award his scholarship monies from Kamila Shahtakhtinski, NCTM, Scholarship Chair, and performing one of his program pieces. His teacher is Peggy Edwards.
The May 2023 JMTA meeting with Dr. Anita Renfroe presiding. Following the meeting and program, we had our end-of-year luncheon at Carrabba's Italian Restaurant.

Performing with his mother and piano instructor,
Dr. Mary McKee
Dr. Mary McKee