JMTA High Notes
January 2020—Vol. 23, no. 4 JMTA General Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2019 Time: 9:30am - Business Meeting; 10:30am - Featured Program: (See Below) Location: UNF Recital Hall (room 1200, building 45), UNF, 1 University of North Florida Dr., Jacksonville, 32224 __________________________________________________________ Happy New Year JMTA Members! Please join us for the annual District IV meeting, January 8, 2020, 9:30 a.m. at the UNF Recital Hall (room 1200, building 45). Following the business meeting please join the UNF Piano Area for a presentation celebrating women composers and their contribution to Intermediate to Early Advanced-level piano literature. After the meeting you are welcome to join us all for lunch at The Loop in the St. John’s Town Center (just down from Publix). For those wishing to carpool with others to save on parking fees, you might want to leave a car or two in the Town Center near The Loop and carpool into campus together. Then you can reclaim your car at lunch. Parking: If you haven’t been to UNF in the last year and a half, parking now works a little differently (it’s a bit easier!). Parking will be available on floors 2-4 of the Fine Arts Center parking garage. If you’re coming for the 9:30a meeting, you shouldn’t have much difficulty finding a spot (if you come later it might be more difficult as next week is our first week of classes for the new semester). Little kiosks are available in the Fine Arts Center Garage and in between the garage and the Fine Arts Center. The daily parking fee is $5 and can be paid at the kiosk or using an app. More details here: Bus: If you’d prefer to leave your car at the St. John’s Town Center and take a JTA bus into campus ($1.50 fare vs. $5 parking fee), information for which bus to take and when can be found here: Any questions? Please feel free to contact me or Sarah Hartley ([email protected]) Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! My best, Erin Dr. Erin K. Bennett, NCTM ______________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes JMTA General Meeting – November 13, 2019 - Keyboard Connection Present: Anita Renfroe, Sandy Stewart, Lorie Burningham, Michael Mastronicolo, Sandra Roberts, Kama Rasmussen-Li, Lynn Freeman, Erin Bennett, Joan Cordell, Ron Touchton, Sarah Hartley, Lorraine Sears, Erin Bennett, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Paulette Kilts, Maureen Rhodes Call to Order: 9:30 AM by Anita Renfroe Minutes from October – Secretary not present Finances: Lorie Burningham – Motion to approve the budget was unanimous. Altruistic: Sandra Roberts - Nothing to report. Community Service Awards: Joan Cordell – Nothing to report. Ethics: Maureen Rhodes – Nothing to report. Historian: Lynn Roberts – Not Present Communications and Internet Media: Contact Angie if you need anything sent to the membership. Programs: Michael Mastronicola – December – No program or meeting January 8 – Sarah Harley at UNF. She will be sharing new, accessible and motivating repertoire for elementary and intermediate students. Parking is $5. February 12 – Charlotte Mabrey. ‘Sharing Good Vibes Through Percussion: Learning, Improvising and Teaching Rhythms.’ March 11th – Dr. Lori Rhoden, Professor of Music, Ball State University. ‘ Sightreading BootCamp: Making our Students Competent and Confident Sightreaders.’ April 8th – Concerto Winners Perform May 12th – End of the Year Luncheon Anita encouraged those present to bring a friend to these programs. Scholarship: Kamila Shahtakhtinski. The November issue of High Notes has complete information on scholarships as well as applications. Deadlines are in March. Social: Thanks to those who have brought refreshments. Student Recitals: Sandy Stewart - Our next student recital will be held on Sunday, December 8 at 3 p.m, at the Arlington United Methodist Church, 1400 University Blvd North. Please send all student information to Gavin Taylor, at [email protected] one week in advance. There is a $5 fee per student that must be paid before the performance for the student to be allowed to perform. Please make checks payable to JMTA. Teachers, please bring a late of cookies. Other dates are on our website at Student Day: Denise Homsley was not able to be here. Student Day is confirmed for February 1st at First Baptist Church. The application deadline is December 12th. Honors recital date is TBA. More information is on the website. Lorraine Sears asked about converting the Music Masters Aural CDs to mp3 so students can access from their devices. It was suggested that the CD be imported into iTunes, then converted to an mp3. You can then upload these to Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive and then send a link to your students. Old Business: Anita Renfroe Publicity/Advertising Committee – Still looking for someone to head this committee Donor/Grants Committee (Multi-Piano Festival in honor of…) potential date of Spring 2020. Looking for volunteers and businesses who can sponsor this activity. New Business: Anita Renfroe FSMTA comments from members who attended State Conference: Presenters made themselves available after their session to meet with teachers. Kama thought the topics were very diverse and wonderful. Joan loved the session with the doctors from Shands Hospital. Anita added that there is a program preparing young musicians to work in the hospital. Erin was inspired by the presentation that reminded us about how we perceive ourselves as musicians and to be kind to ourselves and not be too self-critical. Paulette Kilts enjoyed the presentation by the audiologist. Musicians should go to doctors with experience diagnosing musicians. FSMTA Wellness Emphasis/local impact: It was encouraged that we have someone from each association to become a Liaison in terms of wellness so that resources can be shared around the state. Anita attended and mentioned the program we had last month on the Alexander technique. She sent in information on Mariel Brewster. She will also send in information on what happens at the Proton Therapy Institute. Kama mentioned that Anita played beautiful during the teacher’s recital at the State Conference. Ron Touchton asked for referrals for his studio at [email protected] Michael mentioned the Outstanding Young Pianist competition – 5th-12th grade performs. There are three judges. The winners perform at Friday Musical the following week. Solo (perform 2), a concerto category (7th-12th grade), Piano ensemble category, chamber music category (with substantial piano part). Auditions are open in January. You can go to to get an application. Audition is January 18th in the morning. A student can only enroll in one category. Anita would like everyone to be aware of events in the area such as Friday Musicale. Erin mentioned that on Dec. 6th at 7:30, UNF is holding an annual piano playoff based on women composers. The audience votes. Sandy Stewart: She is volunteer at community hospice on Sunbeam Road. She reminded us that she has started the Compassionate Music Series. One of the programs is called First Fridays. She would love to have people volunteer to come and play for the patients. This can include high school students. They can play hymn arrangements, classical, movie themes. Students can contact Sandra and schedule a time to be there and she’ll meet them there. Just have your students email Sandy and she will take it from there. Adjournment at 10:15 AM Commencement of Board Meeting -10:15 AM Paulette Kilts mentioned we can have a board meeting since we have a quorum. The board meeting was necessary to pass the suggested changes to the Bylaws. She handed out the Proposed JMTA Constitution and Bylaws Amendments. Motion to approve by Joan Cordell, seconded by Lynn Freeman. Unanimously approved. Program by Josh Mills – Piano Marvel Technology – used at UNF – includes SASR (Standard Assessment of Sight-reading.) The program featured a UNF student sight-reading by using the app, which is available in the Apple app store. The importance of becoming a good sight-reader was stressed and how the app helps with learning to be a better pianist. for more information. [email protected] - Submitted by Lorie Burningham ______________________________________________________ JMTA Treasurer Transaction Monthly Report | December 1 - December 31, 2019 Premier Business Checking Total 31-Dec-19 $9,338.34 Expenses $0.00 Deposits 12/27/19 Student Recital $25.00 12/27/19 Student Recital $20.00 12/27/19 Student Recital $25.00 12/27/19 Student Recital $20.00 12/27/19 MTNA Dues $25.00 12/27/19 Interest (checking) $0.79 11/30/19 Interest (Business shares) $0.35 11/30/19 Interest (Money Market) $1.39 11/30/19 Interest (CD) $12.81 TOTAL INCOME $130.34 Current Checking $4,386.20 Piano Festival Fund (add to Business Shares Acct) $3,324.41 Warren Fund $1,627.73 TOTAL Checking Account as of December 31, 2019 $9,338.34 Other Accounts: Business Money Market (Scholarship) $3,270.36 Business Shares (Festival) (add to amt in chking) $1,644.88 22-Month CD (matures 3/31/2020) $7,083.47 TOTAL as of December 31, 2019 $11,998.71 TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31, 2019 $21,337.05 - Submitted by Lorie Burningham ______________________________________________________ JMTA Treasurer Transaction Monthly Report | November 1 - November 30, 2019 Premier Business Checking Total 30-Nov-19 $9,222.55 Expenses 11/05/19 #1113 (Sandra Stewart - Student Recital) $22.22 11/05/19 #1114 (Josh Mills - Programs) $50.00 11/14/19 #1115 (Anita Renfroe - State Conference) $300.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $372.22 Deposits 11/05/19 Student Recital $25.00 11/05/19 Student Recital $15.00 11/05/19 Student Recital $20.00 11/05/19 Student Recital $25.00 11/05/19 Student Recital $5.00 11/14/19 Student Recital $20.00 11/14/19 MTNA Dues $25.00 11/30/19 Interest (checking) $0.78 11/30/19 Interest (Business shares) $0.34 11/30/19 Interest (Money Market) $1.35 11/30/19 Interest (CD) $12.37 TOTAL INCOME $149.84 Current Checking $4,271.20 Piano Festival Fund (add to Business Shares Acct) $3,323.62 Warren Fund $1,627.73 TOTAL Checking Account as of October 31, 2019 $9,222.55 Other Accounts: Business Money Market (Scholarship) $3,268.97 Business Shares (Festival) (add to amt in chking) $1,644.53 22-Month CD (matures 3/31/2020) $7,070.66 TOTAL as of October 31, 2019 $11,984.16 TOTAL ASSETS as of November 30, 2019 $21,206.71 - Submitted by Lorie Burningham ______________________________________________________ 2020 JMTA Scholarships JMTA High School Senior Scholarship Competition is scheduled for March 21, 2020 at the First Christian Church of Jacksonville, 11924 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville, 32223, starting at 9.30 a.m. This audition is for high school seniors that will be attending college as music majors. The repertoire must consist of 3 pieces of different periods (example: Bach Prelude and Fugue, Beethoven Sonata movement, piece by Debussy). Entrance fee is $25, and there will be three judges on the panel. The deadline for entrance to the High School Senior Scholarship Competition is March 5, 2020. Send 3 letters of recommendation for the student, a check with $25 made out to JMTA, and the repertoire list to Kamila Shahtakhtinski, 7990 Baymeadows Rd. E unit 202, Jacksonville, 32256. For more info, email: [email protected] or call Kamila, 904-645-6481. JMTA Summer Music Camp Scholarship will be awarded annually to the students of JMTA teachers to attend the summer music camp of their choice. Scholarship may be awarded in full or partially and will be based on family need. Teachers must submit short outline of their students’ qualification for scholarship along with their name(s) to the JMTA Scholarship Committee for consideration by the JMTA board. Students must show evidence of attendance at a camp. Students who receive money for summer camps from other organizations are not eligible to receive assistance from JMTA. Applications should be submitted by March 28, 2020 by mail or e-mail to JMTA Scholarship Committee Chair Kamila Shahtakhtinski. - Kamila Shahtakhtinski, NCTM ———————————————————- DISTRICT IV NEWS 2020 District IV Student Day Denise Homsley, Mus.M., NCTM, Chair, District IV Student Activities The 2020 District IV Student Day is almost here! It will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020 at First Baptist Church, 119 W. Beaver St, Jacksonville. Student Day applications have been received from twelve teachers, with a total of fifty students registered. Please plan your schedule to be available to help. Everyone’s assistance is needed to make it a successful Student Day. Please sign up to help at the JMTA meeting on January 8, 2020. A follow-up email will be sent to fill any remaining administration positions. There are four events; three of which are graded. The events for which the student will receive a grade are: Written Theory, Aural Theory, and Audition. There is no grade for the Recital performance (fourth event); however, the Recital is a wonderful opportunity to share a Student Day piece and polish performance skills. An independent teacher in Florida has devised a curriculum to help you prepare your students for the technique, aural theory, and written theory portions of Student Day. The guidelines follow the same leveling and guidelines that is provided in your Student Activities Handbook. These materials will assist students in mastering the revised FSMTA guidelines for Student Day. Contact information is as follows: Music Master, 4111 NW 79 Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33065954-752-2856 (teacher Sue Colvert) [email protected] The Student Day Handbook may be found online on the FSMTA website under Student Activities, Non-Competitive. There is no charge to print all, or any portion, of the Handbook. Please use the new password, which was emailed to you recently, to access the information. **Please refer to your student’s specific level in the Handbook, which will include any new requirements instituted last year.** Participation in District Student Day really helps advance a student’s music education. While the preparation is comprehensive, the rewards are great! Students, parents, and teachers are all pleased to see the student learn so much about theory and performance. As certificates and medals are awarded to the students, it is exciting for everyone to see the merits of their effort and how much they have progressed. Additionally, students often remark that school music classes are easy because of what they have learned from Student Day. Please contact me by email ([email protected]) with any questions you may have regarding Student Day. Participating teachers will receive their students’ schedules approximately January 15, as well as an email regarding the day’s schedule and responsibilities. Thank you, in advance, to everyone for their assistance toward making this day a great success!! I will look forward to seeing many of you and your students at Student Day on Saturday, February 1! ______________________________________________________ COMPASSIONATE MUSIC SERIES Community Hospice has begun a music series at their facility on Sunbeam Road. There is a "Music Minors" performance program for teen volunteers who wish to play piano for an hour in the patients wing on Sunday afternoons. Flyers were handed out at a recent JMTA meeting; anyone wishing for more information should contact Sandy Stewart, [email protected]. - Sandra Stewart, DMA ______________________________________________________ Friday Musicale's 2020 OUTSTANDING YOUNG PIANIST COMPETITION Registration is open for Friday Musicale’s annual Outstanding Young Pianist Competition and Concert. "Talented young students from around the First Coast are nominated by their piano teachers to audition for a performance slot on the recital at Friday Musicale. Pianists in 5th to 12th grades are welcome to compete in solo piano, concerto, piano ensemble, and chamber ensemble categories. All competitor’s benefit from adjudication by a panel of distinguished artists.” "The Friday Musicale Outstanding Young Pianists Competition is now entering its 18th year. Founders Mary Lou Krosnick and Joyce Adams began the competition to highlight young pianists who were performing classical music at the highest level. The competition, now coordinated by Michael Mastronicola [[email protected]], continues to attract extraordinary young pianists to Friday Musicale’s wonderful venue." Application Deadline: Friday, January 10 Competition Date: Saturday, January 18 Winners' Concert Date: Friday, January 24 at 7pm To apply, go to ______________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . DENISE HOMSLEY Denise has worn many hats in the JMTA organization and in District IV, and has been our Student Day chair for many years. Read on to get to know more about Denise. Q: First, please tell us a little bit about yourself. A: I was born and raised in the Boise Valley of Idaho. Although neither of my parents had musical backgrounds, they felt it was important for my brother and me to take piano lessons. I am very grateful. Q: What made you want to start piano lessons as a child and what inspired you to make music your life-long career? A: I began piano lessons at the age of 8, on the first Saturday of June. Practice was a part of my daily routine - after school everyday at 4:00 pm. My lessons were on Saturday mornings. My mother never sat in on lessons, instead she used that time to shop for groceries at the nearby Safeway store. After she picked me up from my lesson, we went to the A&W for root beers in frosted mugs. Quite a treat! Q: Who was your favorite music teacher growing up, and why? A: My favorite teacher growing up was Mrs. Yoshimura. She was my second piano teacher and I admired her so much! She introduced me to classical music. She also started me teaching beginners for which she had no room in her schedule. I loved teaching! Mrs. Yoshimura also arranged for me to play for several weddings. Q: Do you have any advice for someone setting up a private music studio in their home? A: Write a solid studio policy and adhere to it closely. Be consistent across the studio with tuition and make up lessons. Many families are acquainted with each other, and it is always best to have equal tuition and make up policies. Q: What do you find to be a challenge in teaching piano and how do you suggest meeting that challenge? A: One of the biggest challenges is make up lessons. If you choose not to have them, that is fine. However, if you do have them, set a limit on the number you will give each quarter, semester, or year and stick with it. Personally, my limit is two per semester. When I am asked for more, I reply that the studio policy states a limit of two per semester. Setting this limit has made my teaching life incredibly better! Q: Do you have a story of something that happened during one of your performances and how you handled it? A: One of my high school girls sat down to perform her recital piece and could not even remember the first note. She got up and went back to her seat. We gave her an encouraging applause. After the recital, she apologized in tears. I assured her that things like that happen sometimes, and we were okay. At her next lesson, she asked if she could perform the same piece in the next recital. She did, and she played it well. Q: What advice would you give to help focus before a performance and curb nerves? A: I encourage my students to perform their recital pieces for family and friends before the recital date. On the day of the recital, I remind them that the audience will enjoy their music. The audience is not there to judge them; in fact, most do not even know how to read all those black dot (notes) on the page! To help them focus, I suggest they take a deep breath before leaving their seat, and once on stage, pretend they are playing in a bubble. Enjoy their music - tell a musical story with their piece! Q: What is one of the most interesting places you have visited or lived in, and why? A: Italy is one of the most interesting places I have visited. Being in the Coliseum and in Pompeii really caused the historical events of those days to be so much more real for me. Very interesting! Q: Is there any advice you might give to a new music teacher starting out? A: Other than writing a solid studio policy, I would encourage new music teachers to take a genuine interest in each student. We, hopefully, have these students for many years. The influence we have on them goes well beyond learning music and music theory. We develop a relationship, and through that relationship, we help them learn to love music for a lifetime. ______________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, Please take a moment to check out your information on the Find a Teacher page of our website. If you would like to edit, add, or delete your information, please send whatever you would like changed to Internet Media Chair Angie Holt at [email protected]. ______________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JaxMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more. ————————————————- Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Great Scott Music School, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. ______________________________________________________ Music Exchange Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Let's have a music exchange! Bring your unwanted music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. ______________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: EVENTS: January 8 9:30am District IV Meeting followed by Program: Sarah Hartley with new and motivating repertoire University of North Florida, 1 UNF Drive, 32224 January 18 As Scheduled Friday Musicale’s Outstanding Young Pianist Competition Friday Musicale, 645 Oak St., 32204 January 24 7pm Friday Musicale’s Winners’ Concert Friday Musicale, 645 Oat St., 32204 February 1 As Scheduled District IV Student Day First Baptist Church downtown, 124 W. Ashley St., 32202 February 12 9:30am JMTA General Meeting followed by Program: Charlotte Mabrey-‘Sharing Good Vibes Through Percussion: Learning, Improvising and Teaching Rhythms.’ Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 March 11 9:30am JMTA General Meeting followed by Program: Dr. Lori Rhodes, Professor of Music, Ball State University: ‘Sightreading Boot Camp’ Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 March 20-25 As Scheduled MTNA National Conference Chicago, IL March 22 3:00pm JMTA Student Recital All Saints Episcopal Church, 4171 Hendricks Ave., 32207 April 7 6:00pm Proton Therapy Student Recital – upper interm. /advanced students UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson St., 32206 April 8 9:30am JMTA General Meeting followed by Program: Concerto Winners will perform Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 May 13 9:30am JMTA General Meeting following by end-of-year luncheon Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the 1stof the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution m. |
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