JMTA High Notes
April 2021—Vol. 24, no. 7 JMTA General Meeting (using ZOOM): April 14, 2020: 9:30am - General meeting 10:30am - Program: Marc Sabatella, Founder & Director of the Mastering MuseScore School ________________________________________________________________________ From the President’s Pen: Happy Spring! The MTNA National Conference was filled with sessions promoting Mindfulness, Positive Thinking and Healthy Habits. I have watched 13 sessions so far and there is much to be gleaned from each one! Mindfulness calls on us to be aware of where we are and what we are doing. Breathing deeply and staying focused on the student/task before us will help achieve that. Practice self-compassion. Celebrate what we do well and let go of negative thoughts. One of my favorite sessions was Pete Jutras’s workshop on “Healthy Practices.” (Dr. Jutras is Dean of the Music School at University of Georgia.) He presented a very candid picture of his life with personal wellness challenges and what he has observed in the past year in the time of COVID. Some of his challenges included: * Wearing multiple hats all the time or work/life balance * Dealing with hand pain issues from the computer while playing piano * Headaches * Performance anxiety * No escape He kept a journal and made charts of his daily progress or lack of progress. His plan for coping included: Good nutrition (making himself eat at least 4 veggies a day) Exercise (walking the dog daily and running 3 x a week) Sleep Keep learning, add something new Stay social Play the piano for fun- not just practicing something to perform Let go of negative people & influences Think positive thoughts Care for chronic illness He concluded with the following regarding what he learned this past year: Wellness needs to be a habit Pursue choices that lead to a healthy lifestyle There is value in slowing down We can be flexible Respect the healing role of music There is a need to keep going When we go back to “Normal”- let’s do it in a healthy way. These words of wisdom apply to each of us. Let’s enjoy the process of seeking healthier lifestyles as we teach and share the joy of music. See you at our April Zoom meeting! Anita Dr. Anita Boyle Renfroe, NCTM JMTA President __________________________________________________ Monthly Meetings April 14, 2021 - JMTA General Meeting / Program Marc Sabatella, Founder and Director of the Master MuseScore School After the general meeting at 9:30am on Wednesday, April 14, you won’t want to miss the exciting program at 10:30am with Marc Sabatella. “My name is Marc Sabatella, founder and director of the Mastering MuseScore School. I am one of the developers and chief ambassadors for MuseScore, and I have been teaching music online for over 25 years. Here at the Mastering MuseScore School, I focus on helping you create the best music you can. “MuseScore is the world’s most popular music notation program, and it is revolutionizing the way people create music. It does virtually everything the expensive commercial notation packages do, and it does it all for free.” - The link to the meeting and program is as follows: April 14 Meeting: Meeting ID: 999 9386 1273 Passcode: 369717 Dr Michael Mastronicola, JMTA Programs Chair __________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 10, 2021, Zoom Present: Paulette Kilts, Stefanie Batson-Martin, Anita Renfroe, Sandra Stewart, Kama Rasmussen-Li, Lisa Barwell, Lynn, Erin Bennett, Denise Homsley, Sandra Roberts, Angie Holt, Lorie Burningham, Lorraine Sears, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Cheryl Dubberly, Michael Mastronicola, Maureen Rhodes Call to Order: 9:32am (Anita Renfroe) Parliamentarian: (Lynn Freeman) Nothing to report Secretary Minutes: (Stefanie Batson-Martin) Kama Rasmussen-Li motioned to approve, Sandra Stewart seconded Unanimously approved Treasurer’s Report: (Lorie Burningham) Nothing new to report $9,154 in checking Total of $20, 315 in bank account A letter with a check from Benevity for $194 went to Lorie, Lorie will reach out to FSMTA State Treasurer for guidance Vice-President/Membership: (Sandra Stewart) 52 members total, nothing to report We met Cheryl Dubberly today in the meeting COMMITTEE REPORTS: Altruistic: (Sandra Roberts) Sent a card to Mr. Frankabandiero’s family Kamila had five students in the Charleston Classical Music Competition Communications: (Angie Holt) Nothing to report Community Service: (Joan Cordell) Not present Ethics: (Maureen Rhodes) Not present Historian: (Lynn Roberts) Not present Internet Media: (Angie Holt) Nothing to report Programs: (Michael Mastronicola) Today is the Student Day program April 14 program is Marc Sabatella who developed Muse score May is the Concerto program Scholarships: (Kamila Shahtakhtinski) No applications were received by the deadline Social: (Angie Holt) Nothing to report Student Recitals: (Angie Holt) Sunday, April 18, after 2pm Students can come at their assigned time with their family at All Saints Episcopal Church Recital will be prerecorded and can be viewed after the recording event Waiting to see who the point person is Student Day: (Angie Holt) Saturday, April 24, program to follow with details Theory committee decided not to do the theory portion fully online Wellness Liaison: (Joan Cordell and Stefanie Batson-Martin) MTNA National Conference has some interesting wellness programs Old Business: Venmo/Paypal options New Business: FSMTA District Updates Concerto Competition - March 20 deadline for video submissions Phyllis Lake - secretary for Northwest Symphony JMTA Officers for the next two years Adjourned: 10:13am (Anita Renfroe) -Submitted by Stefanie Batson-Martin _________________________________________________ JMTA Student Recital Sunday, May 2 - All Saints Episcopal Church The JMTA Student Recital has been moved to Sunday, May 2nd, for church availability. This will be a hybrid recital where students will perform in scheduled increments before a camera (without an audience) and it will be recorded and put into a recital. They will be assigned a time between 2pm and 5pm. If you have some students who would like to be in the recital: Send an email to Angie Holt at [email protected] by Sunday, April 18th with the following information: Name of student(s) Age Level Teacher name and phone number Complete title of composition (one piece allowed, must be memorized; duets may use music) Composer Approximate time of piece A fee of $5 is due per student. You may Venmo me at @Angie-Holt-7 (be sure to label what it is for), or you may mail a check to me made out to JMTA (my mailing address is on the website). Students (and anyone accompanying them) should arrive 5 minutes prior to their assigned time. Please wear masks and there will be hand sanitizer for the student to use upon entering the building. The student can remove the mask for the recording. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you. __________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV NEWS 2021 District IV Student Day The 2021 District IV Student Day is being held virtually on Saturday, April 24. Student Day applications have been received from 10 teachers, with a total of 38 students registered. The events for which the student will receive a grade are: Written Theory, Aural Theory, and Audition (repertoire and keyboard skills). There is normally a fourth ungraded event, a Recital performance; however, due to the circumstances of being held virtually this year, the recital will not be held. The live auditions before a judge, going over the repertoire and keyboard skills, are being held over Zoom. The aural theory testing will also be held over Zoom at a separate time. The written theory tests will be sent to teachers to distribute. The deadline to return the written tests will also be April 24. For those who receive scores rendering them eligible to participate in an Honors Recital, recordings made of their chosen Student Day piece can be uploaded to YouTube upon further instruction. Please contact me by email ([email protected]) with any questions you may have. Further emails will also be sent to participating teachers. We are looking forward to a great 2021 District Student Day! - Angie Holt, District IV Student Day Chair __________________________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . This month we are getting to know Stefanie Batson-Martin, who is our Secretary and is on several committees within JMTA. Thank you, Stefanie, for taking the time to share your experiences with us! STEFANIE BATSON-MARTIN My name is Stefanie Batson-Martin, I am from Orlando, Florida and moved to Jacksonville, Florida to attend the University of North Florida. I am a flute and piano instructor for Music and Arts, the Lead Musician at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, and I teach swim lessons and aqua fitness classes at the Brooks Family YMCA. My mother signed me up for piano when I was around six-years-old because I enjoyed watching my grandmother play. I picked up flute in the 6th grade band and piccolo in high school. I studied flute with Rhonda Cassano, and piano with JMTA member Dr. Erin Bennett at UNF. I got into playing for community theatres around North Florida through my husband (who plays bass), and one of the most challenging shows was my first show as Music Director, “One Man, Two Guvnors”. I was expecting to have to learn the piano book and teach the actors their vocal lines. After receiving the music, I found out the pit band was modeled after a skiffle band, and they actually did most of the playing and singing. The show was a British comedy and featured an actress portraying a woman disguised as her brother for most of the show, so we ended up disguising me as a man as well since the lyrics would not have made sense for me to sing as a woman. It was definitely one of the most memorable and hilarious shows I got to be a part of. The corona virus actually taught me a really valuable lesson about how many students are living their lives in this time. Most of the time I would get complaints every week in lessons pre-covid that my students were rushed around from activity to activity and that they had no time to practice. This changed dramatically after the store I work at made us all go virtual in April 2020. Most of my students started progressing much faster than they did in-person. They were taking on more songs each week, and complaining less about homework and other activities since those were canceled and they were home all day. I was able to hold Zoom recitals every few months because I felt the students were actually prepared to do those that often, and I think the social aspects of seeing and interacting with other students while at home were much more exciting after constantly being around mostly family for so long. I’m sure many students still don’t practice because of the lack of interest, but I definitely feel stress, time and lack of being bored contribute to how much students practice that are interested in music. ___________________________________________________________________ Area Concert At the Friday Musicale: UNF Opera Department - Opera Scenes The Friday Musicale presents “UNF Opera Department - Opera Scenes” as part of its concert season. Thursday, April 8, 2021 Concert: 7:00pm Doors Open: 6:30pm Location: 645 Oak St., downtown Jacksonville Concert is FREE and open to the public; donations appreciated. Complimentary on-site parking. Call 904-355-7584 for more information. ___________________________________________________________________ Accompanist Available Dr. Sandra Roberts is available to play for Sunday morning church services if anyone has a need. Her email is [email protected], or you can text or call her at 904-607-9068. _________________________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, Please take a moment to check out your information on our Find a Teacher page. If you would like to edit, add, or delete your information, please send whatever you would like changed to our Internet Media chairperson Angie Holt at [email protected]. ______________________________________________________________ Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Great Scott Music School, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. ______________________________________________________________ Music Exchange (Will be on again once meetings are in-person) Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Let's have a music exchange! Bring your unwanted music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. ________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JaxMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! _____________________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the first of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. |
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