JMTA High Notes
November 2022—Vol. 26, no. 3 General Meeting (at Keyboard Connection, also available on Zoom) – All welcome! November 9, 2022: 9:30am - General meeting About 10:30 - Program: Asian Piano Music for Intermediate Learners (Charissa Baldoria) ____________________________________________________________________________________ From the President’s Pen: The Autumn issue of Piano Magazine pays tribute to Elvina Truman Pearce, a distinguished teacher, composer, writer and editor who died on July 4, 2022. Todd Van Kekerix comments, “She strove to help her students understand music as a function of life and a beautiful way of expressing one’s feelings and desires.” It seems fitting to share some of her sage advice on teaching and life: “Practice in the lesson so that a student knows what to do for six productive days at home.” “Prevention is far better than correction.” “The route to secure memorization is always based on an understanding of structure and never on just finger memory that results from playing over and over again.” “…where we are right now is but the result of where we come from- of all that we have seen, heard, and experienced about life, music, performance, learning, and teaching. And where we shall be tomorrow and next week and next year will always be but a composite of all the “nows” that make up our past and present. We, as performers, pedagogues, and students, are never static but are always in the process of becoming.” The last quote inspires me to draw a line on a piece of paper and a put a dot on it for today’s lesson to show a student that the music they play today has a history but it also has a future. That future depends on how they engage with it, with what it has to say. It will be different next week. The impact we have on our students may be far greater than we know and affect their lives for years to come. The closing quote below sums up our role. “We shall continue to hear the voices of all the significant teachers from our past as they continue to inspire, to challenge, and to teach us for as long as we continue to listen.” Elvina Truman Pearce Check out the newsletter for upcoming events and information. See you in November! Anita Dr. Anita Boyle Renfroe, NCTM JMTA President [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 9:30am Keyboard Connection/Zoom Present Zoom: Kama Rasmussen-Li; Lynn Freeman; Paula Kilts; Mary McKee; Angie Holt Present In-Person: Anita Renfroe, Sandra Roberts; Lisa Barwell; Joan Cordell; Betty Atkinson Call to Order: 9:36am (Anita Renfroe) Parliamentarian: (Lynn Freeman) • Nothing to report Secretary Minutes: (Stefanie Batson-Martin) • Read • Treasurer’s Report to be approved should be added to last month’s minutes Treasurer’s Report: (Stefanie and Damon Martin) • Checking $10,792.22 • Business Shares $1,844.44 • Money Market $7,943.67 Vice-President/Membership: (JohnWillard Utuk) • No updates to report, he has not received any new emails with new or renewing membership • He is trying to pursue getting in touch with faculty of local universities to bring JMTA to their attention, newest professor he contacted is John Daugherty (new UNF Opera Professor) COMMITTEE REPORTS: Altruistic: (Sandra Roberts) • Sent congratulatory note to Margot (JMTA 9th grade winder) and Sarah (state community service winner) • Sent Mary Lou a card “Thinking of you” • Kama mentioned sending JohnWilliard a “thank you” card for representing the district in the teacher’s recital at the FSMTA Conference on October 21 - (the conference was cancelled during the program) • Spencer McKee (Mary McKee’s son) is playing at the St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral downtown, Sunday, October 16 • Erin Bennett: We miss her, are thinking about her and hope all her performing goes well Communications/Internet Media: (Angie Holt) • One more newsletter before the holiday, get info to her by October 20th or the end of October Community Service: (Joan Cordell) • Nothing to report • If you look on the state website, it’s really detailed with who can do it, who to send it to, everything one needs to know Ethics: (Betty Atkinson) • Nothing to report Historian: (Lynn Roberts) • Not present Programs: (Open position) • Rhonda (new member) may be willing to help Scholarships: (Kamila Shahtakhtinski) • Not present Social: (Angie Holt and Stefanie Batson-Martin) • There is pumpkin bread, fruit and waters at Keyboard Connection • Need a volunteer to bring a snack for November Student Recitals: (Lorraine Sears and Gavin Taylor) • Not present • Correction to the minutes from Lorraine: Michael Mastronicola did not hint All Saints wants donations to continue using the facility, he said the church may question if we • ask to use the church too much, Lorraine asked if a donation to the church from JMTA would alleviate that concern, he said yes • Student Recital Scheduled: December 4 at Arlington Methodist Church. Details are in the October High Notes, info will be posted in the November High Notes, the webpage has been updated with current details • Duane Carter did not respond to an email about Mandarin Baptist • Angie mentioned asking Fruit Cove Church, no news with that • Angie did speak to Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church which seemed open to hosting us. She said she will pass Lorraine’s info for them to contact her, but Lorraine has not heard from them Student Day Report: (Angie Holt) • Nothing to report, waiting to make sure it doesn’t take place the same day as other events • This is a good time to start preparing students Wellness Liaison: (Lisa Barwell) • “Hot chocolate” breathing exercise from “Breathe Like a Bear” • Nature Walk: Saturday was beautiful, they went to the arboretum • November 5 is the next nature walk, Losco Park in Mandarin Old Business: • None New Business: • Online meetings and programs: we need somebody to help with programs for the Spring, we may have access to online conference programs next year • Sonatina and Sonata Festival: No word from Erin who is wearing many hats • Stefanie needs somebody to run the Zoom set-up in-person for November • Paulette has agreed to represent JMTA at the President’s Luncheon (later cancelled) Adjourned: 10:05am (Anita Renfroe) Program: “What I Wish I’d Known” ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasury Report September 2022 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ JMTA MONTHLY PROGRAMS NOVEMBER PROGRAM Wednesday, November 9th at Keyboard Connection and also over Zoom (program starts after the 9:30 general meeting is over, usually by 10:30am). All members are welcome to the general meeting and to the program! We will be watching a wonderful video from the 2022 MTNA Conference. November’s selection is “Asian Piano Music for Intermediate Learners.” Charissa Baldoria introduces music from China, Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines. We will become acquainted with appealing music to capture the imagination of teens or adults. We need a new PROGRAM DIRECTOR! If you have an interest in doing this, please contact me - [email protected]. We’re set for the Fall but need someone to organize programs for February, March and April. - Dr. Anita Renfroe, president If you will be attending by Zoom, following is the link: November Meeting Topic: JMTA November Meeting - 11/9/22 Time: Nov 9, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 924 3739 7703 Passcode: 335624 One tap mobile +13017158592,,92437397703# US (Washington DC) +16699006833,,92437397703# US (San Jose) Join by SIP [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Student Recital Our next student recital will be held on Sunday, December 4, 2022, at Arlington United Methodist Church, 1400 University Blvd. N. Recital begins at 3:00p. Students should be checked in by 2:45p. Guests are welcome to attend. Photos and videos are permitted, however be sure devices don't make sound. Performances are welcome from any instrument and level. View the website for more detailed information on applications and participation guidelines. - Lorraine Sears, Student Recitals Co-Chair ([email protected]) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV NEWS District IV Sonata / Sonatina Festival More information coming soon about the Sonata / Sonatina Festival. District IV Student Day District IV Student Day is tentatively planned for Saturday, March 25, 2023. To start preparing your students, you can go to or use this link: You’ll need the FMTA password of Symphony. Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you may have at [email protected]. If you would like curriculum for your students that matches the Student Day requirements, an independent teacher in Florida has created a curriculum to help you prepare your students for the keyboard skills, written, and aural theory testing (no aural for primary level). I use the curriculum with my students and find it has been very helpful. To order, you can email Sue Colvert (Music Masters) at [email protected] with your name and address and the levels you would like, and she will mail them to you with the invoice. (Music Masters, 954-752-2856, 4111 NW 79 Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33065) - Angie Holt, Student Day Chair ([email protected]) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Matthew Phan, senior, and YoYo Qu, junior. After winning the FSMTA Concerto Competition in May, both representing Jacksonville, they participated in the FSMTA State Competitions in Tampa in October, in the Intermediate and Senior divisions, and won those as well. Not only did they win, but both also took the Chopin Award given to one student from each level! This year there were 18 participants in the Senior level and 11 in the Intermediate, the most they have had in many years. JMTA is proud of Matthew and Yoyo and their accomplishments and wish them the best as they represent not only the FSMTA, but also our Jacksonville organization at the MTNA Southern Division in December. Matthew and YoYo are students of JMTA member Peggy Edwards. Congratulations! ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . This month we are interviewing a new member of the JMTA, Rhonda Danielson, who has been involved in the FSMTA for many years. Welcome Rhonda, and thank you for sharing your experiences with us! RHONDA DANIELSON Q. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. . A. I was born in Greensburg, PA, and raised in a very small town called Corriganville, MD, population 300 (maybe). Q. What inspired you to begin music lessons? A. My Dad played piano and guitar and taught me and my two sisters to sing 3-part harmony when we were 3, 6, and 9 years old. (I'm the middle child.) My dad was the church choir director for a few years so our whole family sang in the choir. At age 12 I started playing the piano for church services and even a few weddings, despite my great performance anxiety. My music teachers in school recognized and always encouraged my singing and piano playing abilities. Q. Did you have a favorite music teacher that made music more enjoyable? A. My music teacher, Miss Miller, in grades 7-12 asked me to accompany the choral groups so that she could concentrate on directing. This resulted in me becoming a very good sight reader, which has been a valuable asset all of my life. We performed many Broadway show tunes, which I love to play and sing to this day. Q. Tell us about some things you have been involved in musically. A. When my husband, Kirt, and I moved to Florida in 1974, I taught music education classes part-time in two private Christian schools, as well as giving piano lessons in my home, and I worked for 32 years as pianist/organist and later a contemporary music director in my church. I have been a member of MTNA and Palm Beach County MTA since 1985 and currently serve as the FSMTA Apprentice Judging Chair. Q. Do you have a story of something that happened during one of your performances? A. I've been entertaining the idea of writing a book about funny and strange things that happen to church musicians. (If you have any stories for the book, please send them to me.) I've had several occasions while I was accompanying a soloist when the air conditioning kicked on and blew my sheet music onto the floor. I had to keep one hand going while the other one groped around the floor for the embarrassing! Once, when I was playing the organ in a church service, I started hearing the pedals wailing sounds that I knew my feet were NOT making! I looked down and there was my 9-month-old baby, crawling happily across the pedals. I frantically whispered "loudly" to my husband, who was supposed to be watching the baby, "Get the kid! Get the kid!"...all the while, keeping the music going and hoping it wouldn't disrupt the worshipful atmosphere too terribly. Q. What advice would you give to help focus before a performance and curb nerves? A. Nerves...such a terrible thing! It only took me about 20 years to get over feeling sick to my stomach every Sunday before playing for church services. Once I struck the first few keys, everything would be fine. Then one day I thought, "Why am I so nervous about something I've done hundreds of times?" Answer: "Because I'm afraid I'll make mistakes and people will think ill of me." It was all my PRIDE...I resolved that I was going to start doing this for the glory of God and not for the glory of Rhonda! From that moment on, the nerves were not a problem. I learned to take a deep breath and whisper, "Lord, this is for You. I'm just the vessel through which Your music flows." Q. What is an interesting place you have visited? A. Kirt and I love to travel and we have gone to Israel two times. There is such a spiritual presence there, if you're able to ignore the tourist commercialism, and concentrate on the history, different cultures, and uniqueness of the land. Q. What do you find to be a challenge in teaching music and what do you find that helps? A. My biggest challenge in teaching piano is finding the unique learning styles and interests of each student. I'm a pretty traditional teacher, but I've learned to allow each student to choose pieces of music that they are interested in. Sometimes they just like the picture on the sheet music, or the title, or the composer, or a particular historical period. My goal is always to introduce many genres and styles so the students have many options. Q. Who is one of your favorite music composers? A. My favorite composer is Beethoven because of his diversity of styles and moods. How often I think of the fun that the "greats" like Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, etc. would have with today's modern instruments and digital devices. Can you imagine the magnificent orchestral pieces they could have created with an instrument that could lay down tracks of woodwinds, percussion, brass, and strings? Just think about that!! ____________________________________________________________________________________ AREA CONCERTS AND RECITALS Dr. Anita Renfroe, JMTA President, is the accompanist for this choral ensemble. Community Hospice Performances If you would be interested in performing a recital at the Community Hospice and Pallative Care on Sunbeam Road, they sponsor a monthly performance titled First Friday Recital Series, with performances starting at 11:30 a.m. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Sandra Stewart at 904-333-9280. “Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem” UNF Chorale and Chamber Singers with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. "Feel the emotional power of each piece as they move you with messages that ring as fresh and wise today as when they were first written" Courtney Lewis, conductor Dates: Friday, November 11 at 7:30pm and Saturday, November 12 at 7:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: $27 and up Click on link for tickets and for details: University of North Florida School of Music presents: “Lawson Ensemble” “Presenting works by Mozart and more.” Date: Sunday, November 13 at 3:00pm Location: Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Center, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for details: UNF Wind Symphony and Concert Band present: “From Dawn to Dusk” With guest soloist, Dr. Sarah Jane Young, Flute. “Performing music by Marie Douglas, David Maslanka, Victoriano Valencia, Luigi Zaninelli and Steven Bryant.” Dr. Erin Bodnar, conductor Date: Wednesday, November 16 at 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for details: Jacksonville University presents: “The Kinne Trio” Creative Arts Series Dr. Marguerite Richardson, violin Dr. Shannon Lockwood, cello Dr. Scott Watkins, piano Music by Brahms and Schumann Date: Wednesday, November 16 at 7:30pm Location: Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville 32211 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: UNF 35th Annual Great American Jazz Series presents: “Swing into the Holidays with the UNF Jazz Ensembles performing Christmas and Holiday Big Band Jazz” J.B. Scott, Artistic Director Date: Thursday, November 17 at 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for details: Friday Musicale presents: “Trillium Chamber Trio” “Trillium, featuring flutist Rhonda Cassano, clarinetist Giovanni Bertoni, and pianist Rose Shlyam Grace, is a new chamber group promoting classical works spanning the oceans and the ages.” Date: Thursday, November 17 at 7:00pm-8:30pm and Friday, November 18 at 12:00pm-1:00pm Location: 645 Oak St., Jacksonville Cost: See link below for information on prices Click on link for tickets and for details: Florida State College of Jacksonville presents: “Jazz Concert” “Under the direction of Mr. John Thomas, this concert will feature toe-tapping musical selections that will please jazz enthusiasts.” Date: Friday, November 18 at 7:30pm-9:00pm Location: South Campus - Nathan H Wilson Center for the Arts, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, 32246 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: “Rocky in Concert” “Enter the boxing ring and take a jab at the World Heavyweight Championship with the original Rocky. Watch as the boxer goes from rags to riches in an empowering and musical story of the American Dream. As the Symphony performs Bill Conti’s legendary score, you’ll feel inspired, motivated, and ready to overcome any obstacles.” Dates: Friday, November 18 at 7:00pm and Saturday, November 19 at 7:00pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: $34 and up Click on link for tickets and for details: UNF Opera Theater Program presents: “W.A. Mozart’s ‘Così fan tutte’” Dr. John Daugherty, Director Curtis Tucker, Conductor Dates: Friday, November 18 at 7:30pm and Sunday, November 20 at 3:00pm Location: Andrew A. Robinson Theater, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for tickets and for details: “Haydn and Tchaikovsky” The Florida Chamber Music Project 2022-2023 Concert Season String Quartet Op 76 No 6 – Haydn; String Quartet No 1 in D Major, Op 11 – Tchaikovsky Date: Sunday, November 20 at 3:00pm Location: Beaches Museum Chapel, 505 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, 32250 Cost: $27 Click on link for tickets and for details: University of North Florida School of Music presents: “Faculty Recital: Dr. Erin Bennett, piano” Date: Monday, November 21 at 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Center, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for details: Florida State College of Jacksonville presents: “Symphonic Band Concert” “Under the direction of Dr. Paul Weikle, the band will perform diverse musical selections that will close out the fall semester.” Date: Thursday, December 1 at 7:30pm-9:00pm Location: South Campus - Nathan H Wilson Center for the Arts, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, 32246 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: Friday Musicale presents: “’Christmas Brass’ with the Florida Brass Quintet” “Join us for a fun holiday performance with audience favorite, the Florida Brass Quintet!” Date: Friday, December 2 at 7:00pm-9:00pm Location: 645 Oak St., Jacksonville Cost: See link below for information on prices Click on link for tickets and for details: Florida State College of Jacksonville presents: “Choral Concert: ‘A Time of Wonder’” “Under the direction of Dr. Tommy Shapard, the Men’s Chorus, Women’s Chorus and The Chorale will present seasonal selections as we head into the holidays.” Date: Friday, December 2 at 7:30pm-9:00pm Location: South Campus - Nathan H Wilson Center for the Arts, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, 32246 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: “Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto” Nathan Aspinall, Conductor Timothy Chooi, Violin “Nathan Aspinall conducts Debussy, Sibelius and Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto Featuring Timothy Chooi.” Dates: Friday, December 2 at 7:30pm and Saturday, December 3 at 7:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: Starting at $27 Click on link for tickets and for details: “Holiday Pops” Timothy Hankewich, Conductor Ryan Silverman, Guest Vocalist Jacksonville Symphony Chorus Dancers from Douglas Anderson School for the Arts “Carol along with your family and friends in this cherished tradition, and experience the joy Jacksonville awaits all year long.” Dates: Thursday, December 8 at 7:30pm, Friday, December 9 at 7:30pm, Saturday, December 10 at 3:00pm and 7:30pm, and Sunday, December 11 at 3:00pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: Starting at $27 Click on link for tickets and for details: “First Coast Nutcracker – 50th Anniversary” Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker Kevin Fitzgerald, Conductor Dates: Friday, December 16 at 8:00pm, Saturday, December 17 at 2:00pm and 8:00pm, and Sunday, December 18 at 2:00pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Moran Theater, 300 Water St. Cost: $25 and up Click on link for tickets and for details: “Handel’s Messiah” Esteli Gomez, Soprano; Jay Carter, Countertenor; Aaron Sheehan, Tenor; Steve Pence, Bass Jacksonville Symphony Chorus Courtney Lewis, Conductor “Star guest soloists, the Jacksonville Symphony, and more than 100 voices from the Jacksonville Symphony Chorus come together on stage to deliver the most powerful and inspirational message of faith this holiday season.” Dates: Saturday, December 17 at 7:30pm and Sunday, December 18 at 3:00pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: Starting at $27 Click on link for tickets and for details: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Did you know? Residents of Duval county, if they have a Jacksonville Library card, can use the many electronic resources from the Getting a library card is free. All that's needed is your driver's license and sign up in person at any of the 21 branches. The card allows the use of Kanopy - which has free streaming movies, documentaries, educational resources [older teens/adults]. I saw a documentary "Making the Grade" which profiled Irish students and piano teachers whose students are preparing to take the Irish Royal Academy of Music Examinations. It was funny, moving, informative, and relatable, especially seeing snippets of the teacher's lessons in action and how the students feel about piano and their teachers overall. I highly recommend members watch it (and explore the other resources available from JPL)! - JohnWillard Utuk, Vice President of Membership _________________________________________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, please take a moment to check out your information on our Find a Teacher page of the JMTA website ( If you would like to edit, add, or delete any information, please email our Internet Media chair Angie Holt at [email protected]. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Jacksonville School of Music & First Coast School of Music, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. His direction phone number is 904-248-1848. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Music Exchange Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Bring your unneeded music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION November 9 9:30am – Meeting After - Program JMTA General Meeting and Program: Charissa Baldoria “Asian Piano Music” Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 And over Zoom December 4 3:00pm JMTA Student Recital Arlington UMC, 1400 University Blvd. N., 32211 January 11 9:30am - Meeting District IV Meeting Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 And over Zoom February 8 9:30 – Meeting After – Program JMTA General Meeting And Program TBA Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 And tentatively over Zoom Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the first of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. |
High NotesJMTA Newsletter Categories |