General Meeting and Program
October 8, 2014 at Keyboard Connection 9:15 am- Meet and Greet. Refreshments provided. 9:30 am- General Business Meeting 10:30 am- Program: JMTA members will hold a discussion panel to give you information on various District and State events that are available to your students. Topics include: Community Service Award, Student Day, Concerto Competition, High School Senior Scholarship, and Music Camp Scholarship. *Keyboard Connection: 9912 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL ________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen This month the FSMTA State Conference will be held in Tallahassee, October 23- 26. Although you have missed the Early Bird Registration Deadline, it is not too late to participate. View the FSMTA website for information on registration, hotel, and conference schedule. Once again we had a great turnout for our first meeting of the year! Let’s keep the momentum going. We have lots of exciting events planned for you this year. Take time to be a part of them! You can always see what’s going on by checking the calendar on our website, , or view the calendar at the end of each High Notes. I look forward to seeing you. ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ New Communication Chairperson We would like to welcome new member Sarah Blazs as our new Communications Chairperson! She will be handling all email correspondence and High Notes. You may keep sending your submissions and any other inquires to our general email address at [email protected]. ______________________________________________________________________ FSMTA Annual Conference Greetings from Tallahassee !! Florida State Music Teachers 2014 Conference October23rd-26th Doubletree Hotel Tallahassee, Florida. We are looking forward to seeing our members at the celebration of our 80th anniversary in Tallahassee. Our information is located at FMTA.ORG There is a complete schedule of events, plus registration and banquet forms. Our conference artist will be Boris Berman; keynote speaker will be Brian Chung. The sessions on Friday and Saturday will include topics of interest to all teachers: several sessions on improvisation, study and practice techniques, new repertoire, technology both for teachers and for their students, ensemble performance, and playing in competitions. There will be several off-site visits, including a recital on a special church organ, a guided visit to the FSU piano workshop, and a “gala” visit to our own galaxy of stars and comets. Two special concerts will be held at Opperman Music Hall, our Senior competition winners will perform their winning compositions with an ensemble from the college of Music, and Boris Berman will give us a wonderful piano performance on Saturday night. He will follow up with a master class on sunday. Brian Chung, our keynote speaker at the banquet, has successfully combined business, teaching, and being an advocate for music. lf you have not seen the conference site on, get someone to download a copy or call me: Norma Mastrogiacomo: Tel: 850-386-8730. Hope you can come! ________________________________________________________________________ The Warren Fund As some of you may know, JMTA holds a fund that was donated in Memory of past member Joy Warren. This fund is dedicated toward purchasing materials that may be shared with the JMTA membership for the purpose of continuing education. Some years back VHS tapes of the Taubman method were purchased at a MTNA conference, and viewed by some members. The fund has not been used for some time, and has about $2000 in it. If you have ideas on materials that might be purchased, or are in attendance at a conference and see something interesting, please let us know! You may send your ideas to [email protected] _______________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES KEYBOARD CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 Members in attendance: (18) Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Sue Holder, Susan Figlietti, Denise Homsley, Sandra Stewart, Sandra Roberts, Lynn Freeman, Betty Atkinson, Kamila Shahtahktinski, Maureen Rhodes, Sarah Blazs, Pam Searcy, Lindsay Hardee, Anne Marie Giffin, Cheryl Cafrelli, John Willard Utuk, Lisa Smith. Guest present: (1) Annie Rueff. Meeting Called to Order by JMTA President, Lorraine Eaton at 9:33am. Minutes read by Lisa Smith. Approved as read. Treasurer’s report given by Paulette Kilts.
Budget: Was approved by the executive board in August. Paulette made a motion to amend the proposed budget to include a $25 gift card for Al Plunkett as legal expense. Motion to approve the amended proposed budget. Denise Homsley seconded. Motion passed. Membership: Susan Figlietti reported we have 51 active members. 2 new members: Sarah Blazs and Lori Burningham. John Willard Utuk is a transferring member from Ft. Myers who is pursuing a masters degree in Performance at UNF. District IV Student Day: Denise Homsley is working with Ileana Fernandez to solidify a date. She informed us that we may have to pay more for the facility this year. Denise will be giving a workshop on Student Day at the next general meeting; all are welcome and encouraged to attend. District IV Concerto: Date is confirmed March 7, 2015 at UNF. Applications should be sent to Ileana Fernandez. Committee Reports Altruistic – Pam Searcy reported she sent condolences to Susan Figlietti regarding the recent loss of her mother. She also sent a thank you note to Music and Arts manager, Mike Vandiver for allowing us to use the Music and Arts facility for our recent meetings. Certification – Sue Holder reported that no one applied last year but anyone interested should contact her. Communications – Chairperson still needed. Community Service Award – Chairperson needed. Constitution and Bylaws – Sandra Stewart moved we approve the revised Constitution and Bylaws. Lindsay Hardee seconded. Motion passed. Historian – Chairperson needed. Internet Media – Lorraine requested approval for adding a link to the website for Ultimate Music Theory. Handout was passed out for members’ perusal. Discussion. Denise made a motion to approve the Ultimate Music Theory link addition. Several members seconded simultaneously. Motion passed. Link to FSMTA Directory; we are no longer publishing the JMTA Directory on our website. Piano Festival – Paulette Kilts announced the confirmed date of November 21, 2015.
Scholarships – Kamila Shahtahktinski said the venue for the high school scholarship will be Northeast Florida Conservatory; tentative date is Mar. 14, 2015. The summer music camp scholarship will be updated so it reflects that only pre-college students can apply. Social – Betty Atkinson passed out a sign up sheet for people to bring refreshments for meetings. Student Recitals –
Respectfully submitted, Lisa Smith ___________________________________________________________________ High Notes is distributed on the 1st of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected] |
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