General Meeting and Program
Location: St. Paul’s Catholic Church, 2609 Park Street in Riverside (two blocks from the Church of Good Shepard)
________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen I can’t believe my term of office is almost up! First it seemed like I had all the time in the world, now it seems like there are so many things I want to finish up before I hand over the office to the next President! Check out the calendar for the rest of this year, as we are jam-packed with many exciting activities. In March we will present to you the new slate of officers chosen by the Nominating Committee. I want to thank all of the officers and committee chairpersons that have served during my term of Presidency. We can’t run the organization without you! Although the new board will be installed in May, the new President still has to fill all those committee chairs. When you are asked to help with something, it is because we have every confidence that you are capable of doing the job. I’ve especially worked this year on having a Manual of Procedures completed for every office and chair, so that you won’t feel like you are thrown into any job blindly. If you are somewhat new to JMTA and are ready to “get your feet wet,” or maybe a long-time member whom life has taken in a different direction for a while, but you are ready to return, we have a place for you here. Everyone’s individual talents and strengths are what makes JMTA such a great association! ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ Student Recitals The March 8 student recital will be held at Deermeadows Baptist Church on Baymeadows Roadat 3 p.m. Students will each perform one piece. The church has a wonderful grand piano and is a beautiful setting for performance. Please send your information to Sandy Stewart one week before the event. There will be reception held in the Founder’s Hall after the performances. Teachers should bring a plate of cookies. The JMTA Community Recital will again be held at the Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson Street. Intermediate and advanced students are invited to perform for the patients, their families and the staff. The program will begin at 6 p.m. and will finish before 7:30. The Institute provides food before the event. Please send your student’s information to Sandy Stewart. Teachers are not required to attend since this event occurs during prime teaching time. ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES HOLIDAY HILL BAPTIST CHURCH FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Members in attendance (11): Lorraine Eaton, Betty Atkinson, Paulette Kilts, Lynn Freeman, Denise Homsley, Sarah Blazs, Sandra Stewart, Lindsay Hardee, Sandra Roberts, Lisa Smith, Kamila Shahtahktinski. Meeting called to order by JMTA President, Lorraine Eaton at 9:40am. Minutes read by Lisa Smith. Correction to last minutes: Add date of December 31, 2014 to treasurer’s report in terms of the sheet Paulette passed out concerning balances, expenses, and all deposits. Corrected minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Paulette Kilts
District IV Concerto: No new information to report. Application deadline Feb. 23rd and event will be Mar. 7th at UNF. Non-member teacher fee: $40 Committee Reports Altruistic: No report. Certification: No report. Communications: Sarah Blazs asked that all High Notes submissions be sent to her. Community Service Awards: Sandra Roberts is our new Chairperson for this. Discussion concerning money and requirements followed. Historian: Annie Rueff is our new Historian. Please send any archival materials to her. Internet Media: Lorraine found a new theme for our website and will have her son update it. Nominating Committee: Committee will meet Feb. 16th. A slate will be presented in March to be voted on in April. Please send any board suggestions to Lorraine. Piano Festival: Paulette Kilts said the contract is still in process with UNF. There will be a committee planning meeting on Feb. 25th 10am @ Keyboard Connection. Lindsay Hardee announced that she discussed and confirmed with Jack Melvin and Bob Kelly all the rehearsal dates. Bob Kelly will donate 5 pianos for the event. We will still have to arrange for piano moving, timing, and logistics. It is very likely we will have to pay for transport of pianos for Jack. Programs: Sandra promoted next month’s presentation by music therapist, Stephen Choate at St. Paul’s Catholic and a presentation of piano festival music at the April meeting. Scholarships: Kamila Shahtahktinski
Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart invited teachers to put students in the March 8th recital at Deermeadows Baptist and the community recital at the Proton Therapy Institute April 14th from 6-7:30pm. Unfinished Business: None. New Business: Sandra asked on behalf of Vera Watson if Liz Kiebler was still chairman of Pre-College Chamber music competition for FSMTA.
Lunch following today’s program is at Mikey’s Pizza. Meeting Adjourned: 10:12am Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Smith |
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