Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting and Program JMTA Meeting - April 10, 2013
849 Park St. Jacksonville, Florida On March 13, our program will be provided by our 2013 Scholarship and Concerto Competition Winners. Please join us for these wonderful performances! From the President’s Pen Coming Soon… Beth Martelli JMTA General Minutes JMTA General Meeting – March 13, 2013 Keyboard Connection Members Present: Beth Martelli, Paulette Kilts, Martha McKie, Lorraine Eaton, Nikki Groff, Mary Wingfield, Tara Mock, Cheryl Cafrelli, Susan Figlietti, Lydia Sanchez, and one guest (Lydia Sanchez’s sister). President Beth Martelli called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. Minutes read by Tara Mock in the absence of Denise Homsley. Read and approved. Paulette Kilts gave the treasurer’s report. Committee Reports: Membership: There was one membership inquiry for a collegiate member. There was a second inquiry from someone who has previously taught lessons. Altruistic: Beth requested a note be sent to Riverside Presbyterian for the use of their facilities for the Scholarship competition and the next meeting. Concerto Competition: There are some applicants. Begins at 8:30am at Terry Hall at JU. High Notes: Next deadline is March 20. Nominating: Vera has contacted all the new officers and they will be announced at the next meeting. Program: Today’s program is Dr. Lynne Ariale about jazz piano. Scholarship: There was one applicant this year. Andrew Callahan. He will perform at the next meeting. The $1,000.00 was awarded to Mr. Callahan. There was some discussion regarding the number of judges versus the number of applicants. Social: Thanks was extended to Lydia for her wonderful treats. Student Recital: The next one is March 17 at JU. Old Business: We are in charge of the next FSMTA Conference. It is November 6-9, 2013 here in Jacksonville at the OMNI Hotel. A conference committee meeting will be April 5 at Keyboard Connection. Everyone will be given a job. New Business: District Conference. Liz and Scott worked to set up a district conference. The schedule is now as follows: Concerto Competitions at 8:30am in Terry Hall. Saturday at 3pm is Jeffrey Jacobs: George Crumbs Makrocosmos 2. On Sunday, there will be a Student Recital at Terry Hall at 3pm. The next meeting is the Scholarship Winner and Concerto Competition Winner at Riverside Presbyterian. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Tara Mock (in Denise Homsley’s absence) High Notes and Website Chairperson DISTRICT IV CONCERTO COMPETITION WINNERS
Ileana Fernandez PROTON THERAPY INSTITUTE RECITAL The community recital at the Proton Therapy Institute is open to those students who are at the upper-intermediate and advanced levels of performance. This recital is given for the patients and staff at the Institute and is a showcase of JMTA’s talent. Students may choose to play one or two pieces: however, due to a time limit, it is possible that only one piece will be allowed. Please send the complete information to Sandy Stewart on week in advance of the April 16 performance. The recital begins at 6 p.m. Each performer will receive a letter for their school authorizing one and a half hours of community service. -Sandy Stewart Apologies for the formatting in the Calendar. Technical difficulties with the website. Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! Feb. 10, 2013 3 pm Student Day Honors Recital Peace Presbyterian Church Feb. 13, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Scott Watkins, China Trip JU Terry Hall Lobby March 13, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Lynne Arriale, Jazz Piano Keyboard Connection March 16, 2013 TBA District IV Concerto Competition TBA March 17, 2013 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Jacksonville University April 10, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto and Scholarship Competition Winners Riverside Presbyterian Church May 8, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Installation of Officers and Luncheon Holiday Hill Baptist Church Submissions for the May Newsletter are due on April 20, 2013. Please submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. |
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