Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting - October 12, 2011
9912 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, Florida 32257 From the President’s Pen The Multi-Piano Festival is around the corner, keep encouraging thoughtful and musical practice. Thank you to all of the teachers that work hard to make this organization run! Keep those fingers playing and inspiring great musical moments. Beth Martelli JMTA September General Minutes JMTA GENERAL MEETING – September 14, 2011 Keyboard Connection Members Present: (17) Beth Martelli, Lisa Smith, Betty Atkinson, Lynn Freeman, Denise Homsley, Paulette Kilts, Martha McKie, Heather Schaefer, Lindsay Johnson, Susan Figlietti, Tara Mock, Jeannie Blazs, Sandra Roberts, Lorraine Eaton, Lydia Sanchez, Sue Holder, Maureen Rhodes The meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m. by President Beth Martelli. The minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Paulette Kilts. She reported the JMTA Tax Exempt certificate is in the renewal process, and asked everyone not to use the certificate until it is renewed. Committee Reports: Finance: After asking for questions, Paulette Kilts made a motion that the proposed budget for the new term be accepted. Denise Homsley seconded the motion. The motion carried. High Notes: The next High Notes deadline is September 20. Membership: Lorraine Eaton reported there are two new members: Heather Schaeffer and Sue Covert. Both new members are provisional. Lorraine announced she needs mentors for new members. Lindsay Johnson, Martha McKie, and Lisa Smith volunteered to be mentors. Lorraine also announced the JMTA Tuition and Performing Fees survey has recently been emailed to JMTA members. She requested that all surveys be returned by October 15 and results will be published in November. Piano Festival: Paulette Kilts announced that teachers are needed to sign in students at the rehearsals. The following teachers volunteered: Susan Figlietti – Monday, Lorraine Eaton – Tuesday, Lindsay Johnson – Wednesday. Martha McKie volunteered to purchase and deliver to UNF Boston ferns to be used as decorations the evening of the Piano Festival. Teachers wishing to perform in the Teachers group should contact Maureen Rhodes. The Duet team application is due September 30, and the auditions will be held October 15. The student program design contest application deadline is also September 30. Revised conductor’s notes for the Monday evening rehearsal are available on the JTMA website. Paulette Kilts, Sue Holder, and Susan Figlietti are meeting with the printer to discuss printing of the Festival tickets. Sandra Stewart has prepared narrations for students to read at the Piano Festival. Teachers were encouraged to think of students which might be selected to read the narrations. After discussion, it was determined to have a minimum of four pianos registered for each category. Sue Holder encouraged teachers to ask their students again to participate in the Piano Festival. Programs: Lindsay Johnson announced the May JMTA meeting will be held at Aida Mechetti’s home. Provisional: Mary Ellen Potter is the new Provisional Committee Chair. Publicity: Beth Martelli reported a change of her email address. Her new email address is: [email protected] Student Recitals: Beth Martelli reminded everyone there will not be an October recital, due to the Piano Festival being in November. Taxation: Paulette Kilts requested a volunteer to help with preparations for the 501c3 filing. Martha McKie volunteered to help. Yearbook: Lorraine Eaton reported the Yearbook is being prepared and will be available at the October meeting. In the meantime, contact information is available on the MTNA website. New Business: Paulette Kilts encouraged everyone to attend the FSMTA State Conference and FSMTF Gala, being held November 3-6, 2011 in Daytona Beach. Denise Homsley invited everyone to attend the Florida MTNA Competitions on November 5 at Daytona State College, Daytona Beach. Beth Martelli encouraged everyone to stay for the program on Facebook, presented by Tara Mock and Lorraine Eaton. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise Homsley JMTA Student Recitals JMTA STUDENT RECITALS Student recitals will be held at 3 p.m. on the following dates: 1. December 11 – Christian Family Chapel, 10365 St. Augustine Road. 2. March 11 – Jacksonville University. (TENTATIVE) Each student must pay a $5.00 participation fee. Please make copies of the form below for each student entered. The following guidelines will help teachers to prepare:
Information must be submitted ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE to ensure that student names will be included on the program. Please adhere to this deadline by sending the form below and a check for the total amount (made to JMTA) to Sandra Stewart, 4782 Harpers Ferry Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32257. ************************************************************ PRINT Student Name Age Level: Beginner Intermediate Advanced Phone Teacher Name Complete Title of Composition Composer Length of piece Membership News Welcome to our new member, Simon Shiao! Simon is an orchestra and string quartet teacher at UNF. He has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook. Lorraine Eaton, Membership Chair Membership Survey Below is a quick and easy link to take a fee survey online. This survey should only take a few minutes of your time. The purpose of the survey is to establish a “going rate” for Music Teacher services in the JMTA area. The results are for informational purposes only and will be collectively published at a later date. Results through this online link are submitted anonymously. Including your fee information on this survey can help new teachers to the area decide what to charge and can help you decide if your fees are adequate and reasonable for your area. Please take the time to click on this link now to help your organization and fellow teachers. Alternatively, you may click here to download a copy of the survey, fill it out, and mail back to Lorraine Eaton at 2717 Ilene Dr. 32216, or fill it out in your word processing program, re-save, and email it to me at [email protected]. Use only one of these options (online link, postal mail, or email) to return your survey. Please submit your responses by Oct. 15, 2011. Thank you. If the above link does not appear clickable, please copy and paste it into your browser address bar. Thank you, Lorraine Eaton, Membership Chair Piano for Sale Baldwin Acrosonic early American style 992 Asking $800.00 REDUCED: $600 OR BEST OFFER! Contact Dr. Sandra Roberts at 904-284-5699, 904-923-2923 or [email protected] 2011 Multi Piano Festival Note: This update was current as of September 14, 2011. The registration deadline of September 30 has already passed. Any questions should be directed to Paulette Kilts. It was exciting to hear about the many students registered for the Piano Festival at today’s JMTA meeting. Note to those teachers who have not yet completed registration: Remember, starting tomorrow before mailing student registration to Lynn Freeman, please phone her to see about availability of positions in groups you have chosen for your students. Pianos are filling up quickly for student rehearsals at Keyboard Connection on Monday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 8. At this time registration is very low for student rehearsals at Kelly’s Piano and Organ on Thursday, November 10. A decision was made at today’s meeting that unless a group rehearsing at Kelly’s has 4 pianos filled by students that those groups would be eliminated from the concert. Today there is only 1 piano filled for Level 1 including The Moldau/Hallelujah Chorus – no students registered for Level 1 On Wings of Song – so I recommend that if you want to place Level 1 students please place them in the Moldau/Halllelugah Chorus group first, There is only 1 piano filled for Level 2 Surprise Symphony/Pomp and Circumstance and only 1 Primo student registered for the Level 4 group of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik/Canon in D. Please add your students at this location if at all possible so we can include this wonderful repertoire on the concert! Student registration deadline is September 30th – also teacher registration deadline is September 30th (contact Maureen Rhodes to register with her for teacher performances). Deadline for program cover design contest is September 30th and deadline for application for featured duet team audition is September 30. Please note you will find online revised conductor’s notes from Dr. Mastronicola for the Monday rehearsals on the website. Four mature students will have the opportunity to read brief narrations describing the four musical style periods represented by the concert repertoire. If you have students who might be interested please contact Sue Holder at [email protected] with their names. They will be given the brief narrations in advance and have an opportunity to rehearse at the podium the day of dress rehearsals. What an exciting time to hear all of the “music by the masters” in our studios this fall! Store rehearsal assistants who volunteered today were: Monday, Keyboard Connection – Susan Figlietti; Tuesday, Lorraine Eaton; and Thursday, Lindsay Johnson. Martha McKie volunteered to purchase, deliver and sell to teachers the 10 Boston ferns used to decorate the stage for the Festival concert. Thank you to all teachers for their careful preparation and the volunteer positions they are holding to make this another great Multi-Piano Festival! Co-chair – Paulette Kilts Please check the JaxMTA website for links to all the necessary forms and information here: JMTA Member Directory At the October 12 business meeting, JMTA Member Directories will be distributed to attending members. These directories will be a much simpler version of the yearbooks that have been published in the past. All information previously included in these yearbooks is now available online on our website at . To those not attending the meeting, you can access that directory on the Downloads section of the JMTA website, but you will have to enter a password that will be emailed to you separately in order for privacy to be maintained for our members. Please DO NOT give out that password to anyone outside of JMTA membership. Keep in mind that all current JMTA and FSMTA membership information can be accessed anytime at our state website at . Click on “Member Database”, enter your last name and your MTNA member ID, and then search (by hitting Control or Command and “F” at the same time on your computer then typing “District 4” or whatever search term you need) to see all of our district’s membership. -Lorraine Eaton and Tara Mock, Yearbook Co-Chairs Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! Oct. 12, 2011 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Teacher Rehearsal Keyboard Connection Nov. 7, 2011 6 – 9 pm Multi-piano Festival Student Rehearsal Keyboard Connection Nov. 8, 2011 6 – 9:15 pm Multi-piano Festival Student Rehearsal Keyboard Connection Nov. 9, 2011 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Teacher Rehearsal Kelly’s Piano Nov. 10, 2011 6 – 8:10 pm Multi-piano Festival Student Rehearsal Kelly’s Piano Nov. 19, 2011 all day Multi-piano Dress Rehearsal 9am to 3pm Multi-piano Performance – 7:30 pm, Lazarra Hall, UNF December 11, 2011 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Christian Family Chapel Jan. 10, 2011 9:30 am JMTA Meeting District IV Meeting Location and Program TBA Jan. 2012 (TBA) all day District IV Student Day, FCCJ South Campus Feb. 5, 2012 3:00 pm Student Day Honors Recital (TENTATIVE) Deermeadows Baptist Church Feb. 8, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Lynne Ariale, “Teaching Jazz Piano” Keyboard Connection March 14, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Mary Lou Krosnick Mary Lou Krosnick’s Home March 2012 (TBA) TBA District IV Concerto Competition TBA March 11, 2012 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital (TENTATIVE) Jacksonville University April 11, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto Competition Winners TBA May 9, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Scholarship Winner TBA Submissions for the October Newsletter are due on October 20, 2011. Please send submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. |
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