General Meeting and Program
Location: Riverside Presbyterian Church, 849 Park St, Jacksonville, FL, United States
________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen Thank you to all the members of JMTA that trusted me to uphold the tenets of our valuable organization during my two year term as President. I hope I have served you well. I look very forward to passing on the torch to the very capable hands of Paulette Kilts. As she looks to fill Committee Chairperson slots, please either consider continuing in your role as current chairperson, or take on a new committee! Remember, it takes all of us to keep JMTA up to the high standard our predecessors set for us. There are many jobs, big and small, available for you to help keep everything running smoothly. Look for more information on summer board meetings, where you can get involved in the planning process for next year’s activities! I sincerely thank you, Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ Committee Reports Due If you hold office or are a committee chairperson for either District IV or JMTA, your committee report is due to Lorraine Eaton by May 12th. This report should outline any activities your committee has done in the past year. Please email your reports to Lorraine at [email protected]. Please also be prepared to present this report at the May 13th meeting. ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Multi-Piano Festival “The World is a Stage” It was great to see so many of you at the April JMTA meeting where Betty Atkinson and Dr. Sandra Stewart performed all of the Piano Festival student and teacher repertoire. Schedules and forms were made available to teachers during the program. Repertoire may be available to purchase or order from Keyboard Connection and Music & Arts at this time. By Wed, May 13, 2015 you will be able to access all information and forms online at You can find these by using the tab Special Events and then choosing Multi-Piano Festival. There you will find links to these documents in the Download section of the website. Read carefully the “Rules for Teachers” and “Overview Brochure” as you begin. Start planning now for your special students who will perform in concert on Saturday, November 21, 2015 after attending the one store rehearsal and then the dress rehearsal the day of the event. Thanks to all teachers who will have students participating and will play a role in completing preparations for another successful Multi-Piano Festival sponsored by JMTA. Paulette Kilts and Lindsay Hardee, co-chairs ________________________________________________________________________ From your JMTA Treasurer, Paulette Kilts TO – JMTA committee chairmen or officers: Please bring to our Wed, May 13 meeting any receipts pertaining to purchases you may have made on behalf of JMTA during this fiscal year. Payment will be available at that meeting. Please process checks you receive at that time by the end of May to assist with fiscal end of year reporting. ________________________________________________________________________ America Protégé International Concerto Competition Winners Cassia Wang student of Kamila Shahtakhtinski is among 3rd place winners in “Age 13-18” Category of the “American Protégé” International Concerto Competition featuring on-line contestants from many countries who excel in performance on piano and other instruments as well as ensemble players. She will perform in Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York City on July 3 , 2015. CONGRATULATIONS! ________________________________________________________________________ Conductor’s Notes for the Upcoming Multi-Piano Festival Please read the attached pdf documents for the Conductors’ notes for the Multi-Piano Festival. This is going to be such a fun event for students! ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES KEYBOARD CONNECTION APRIL 8, 2015 Members in attendance (17): Lorraine Eaton, Sandra Roberts, Sarah Blazs, Lynn Freeman, Sandra Stewart, Betty Atkinson, Susan Figlietti, Denise Homsley, Lindsay Hardee, Paulette Kilts, Lydia Sanchez, Anne Marie Giffin, Lisa Smith, Maureen Rhodes, Kamila Shahtahktinski, Pam Searcy, Cheryl Cafrelli. Meeting called to order by JMTA President, Lorraine Eaton at 9:38am Minutes read by Lisa Smith. Correction to last minutes: Emily Pajic should be spelled Emily Palaj and Anne Rueff should be spelled Annie Rueff. Corrected minutes approved. Treasurer’s report: Paulette Kilts
She reported that the medals not here yet. Expecting certificates later in April and medals in May. Committee Reports: Altruistic: No report. Certification: No report. Communications: No report. Community Service Award: Sandra Roberts
Internet: Please notify the Internet chair if something needs to be amended. Piano Festival: Paulette Kilts We have gained approval for funding and contract is complete for our use of Lazzara Hall at UNF Programs: Sandra Stewart reported that the Senior winner will not be able to come so the alternate who is Vickie’s student is being asked to perform. Sandra thinks she will probably have to ask all the alternates to perform due to school testing conflicts. Scholarships: Kamila Shahtahktinski reported we have one winner/recipient to go overseas for Music Camp Scholarship. Social: Betty Atkinson
Unfinished Business: None. New Business: Lorraine Eaton Year end reports are due at the next meeting; if you are in a board position or a chairmanship you are required to submit your activities during your sentence. Either email them or bring them to the next meeting. IF you have not done the MOP for your position, that is due by next meeting as well. Election of District IV Officers:
Take office June 1st Election of JMTA Officers: Take office May 13th except for Treasurer who continues until end of fiscal year.
Announcements: Membership renewals are coming due now. Make sure contact information is current Next General Meeting: May 13, 2015 at Riverside Presbyterian Lunch following program is at The Loop Meeting adjourned: 10:10am. Respectfully Submitted, Lisa C. Smith |
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