Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting and Program JMTA Meeting - May 9, 2012
Marsh Landing at 112 Bent Pine Court Jacksonville, Florida Our program for the May meeting will be presented by Michale Mastronicola. His topic is “Copland’s Night Thoughts: A Composer’s Crisis of Identity.” The business meeting will begin at 9:30 with Michael’s program following. Our hostess for the meeting is Aida Ribeiro. She lives in Marsh Landing at 112 Bent Pine Court. Please join us! From the President’s Pen Please join us at we see each other one last time before the summer’s restful season. Michael Mastronicola will be sharing with us at Aida Ribeiro’s home on May 9th. I look forward to seeing you all! Beth Martelli April General Minutes JMTA GENERAL MEETING – April 11, 2012 Riverside Presbyterian Church Members Present: (11) Beth Martelli, Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Lydia Sanchez, Lynn Freeman, Susan Figlietti, Sandra Stewart, Mary Wingfield, Martha McKie, Michelle Huang , and Denise Homsley. Guest Present: (1) Lana DeCoto (sister of Paulette Kilts). President Beth Martelli called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. The minutes were read and approved. Paulette Kilts gave the Treasurer’s Report. Paulette Kilts reported that when she was reviewing the annual report for the State of Florida, she noticed the JMTA officer list needs to be updated. She recommended it be done online as soon as possible, especially as we are in the process of renewing the 501c3. Martha McKie discussed the necessary paperwork to be completed for a 501c3. She suggested seeking someone other than herself; who might be more familiar with the paperwork and process required. Paulette Kilts suggested seeking a CPA, and will try to will get an estimate of expense for services from a CPA before the next meeting. It was mentioned with regard to renewing the 501c3 that an article may need to be added to the bylaws stating where the Jacksonville Music Teachers Association monies would be distributed in the event the organization dissolved. Mary Wingfield made a motion that wording for the article be put in process and Paulette seconded the motion. Detailed wording of the motion will be approved at another meeting. The motion passed. Committee Reports: Concerto Competition: Mary Wingfield reported that the Concerto Competition winners will be performing at today’s program. High Notes: The next High Notes deadline is April 20. Tara is scheduled for surgery soon. In light of this, everyone is asked to please give her a two-week lead time for items to be placed on the JMTA website. Historian: Lorraine Eaton showed us the new scrapbook she has recently updated. Membership: Susan Figlietti and Martha McKie are serving as mentors. Lorraine needs forms by the end of the month in order to prepare end of year reports. Lorraine would like to recognize new members at the May meeting. She suggested giving them flowers. Piano Festival: Discussion was held at to when the next Piano Festival might be held; however a date was not determined. Provisional: There are currently two provisional members: Lorie Birmingham and Heather Schaeffer. Programs: The May meeting will be held at the home of Aida Mechetti. Dr. Michael Mastronicola will present the program. It was decided to present Dr. Mastronicola with a restaurant gift card. Scholarship: Scholarship winner, Anna Yu, will perform at today’s program. Student Day: Denise Homsley reported that Student Day medals and certificates will be distributed at the May meeting. Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart reminded everyone of the recital at the Proton Therapy Institute on April 17, 2012, 6:00-7:30 pm. She requested any additional students’ information be given to her that day. The meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise Homsley JMTA Recording Secretary Membership/Historian News All of our new members that have joined this past year are expressly invited to our last meeting of the year, May 9, 2012. All of our “old” members, please come out and meet these newcomers to our organization. Let’s show them how integral a part of our organization they are! Also, you should have received your dues renewal in the mail from MTNA by now. Please send that in right away. A new directory supplement will be printed in the fall, and if your renewal is not in, your name will not be on it! There are also deadlines to renew by to participate in local, district, state, and national events. The updated Historian book was passed around at the last meeting, and enjoyed by all. If you missed it, be sure to check it out at our May meeting! Remember, you can always send me your pictures, newspaper articles, programs, etc. pertaining to any and all JMTA/FSMTA/MTNA events to be included in the Historian archives. I cannot be at all events, so I consider each and every one of you my assistant Historians! ~Lorraine Eaton V.P Membership and Historian Chair All current members’ contact information, including those listed above, can be found on the website directory. Please note that there is an updated membership directory on the website effective April 3, 2012. Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! March 10, 2012 9:00 am Riverside Presbyterian Church March 11, 2012 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Jacksonville University March 14, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Mary Lou Krosnick Mary Lou Krosnick’s Home March 17, 2012 9:30am – 2:00pm District IV Competitive Concerto Jacksonville University April 11, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto Competition Winners Riverside Presbyterian Church April 17, 2012 6:00 pm JMTA Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute May 9, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Michael Mastronicola Home of Aida Rebeiro Submissions for the September Newsletter are due on August 20, 2012. Please send submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting and Program JMTA Meeting - May 9, 2012
Marsh Landing at 112 Bent Pine Court Jacksonville, Florida Our program for the May meeting will be presented by Michale Mastronicola. His topic is “Copland’s Night Thoughts: A Composer’s Crisis of Identity.” The business meeting will begin at 9:30 with Michael’s program following. Our hostess for the meeting is Aida Ribeiro. She lives in Marsh Landing at 112 Bent Pine Court. Please join us! From the President’s Pen Please join us at we see each other one last time before the summer’s restful season. Michael Mastronicola will be sharing with us at Aida Ribeiro’s home on May 9th. I look forward to seeing you all! Beth Martelli April General Minutes JMTA GENERAL MEETING – April 11, 2012 Riverside Presbyterian Church Members Present: (11) Beth Martelli, Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Lydia Sanchez, Lynn Freeman, Susan Figlietti, Sandra Stewart, Mary Wingfield, Martha McKie, Michelle Huang , and Denise Homsley. Guest Present: (1) Lana DeCoto (sister of Paulette Kilts). President Beth Martelli called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. The minutes were read and approved. Paulette Kilts gave the Treasurer’s Report. Paulette Kilts reported that when she was reviewing the annual report for the State of Florida, she noticed the JMTA officer list needs to be updated. She recommended it be done online as soon as possible, especially as we are in the process of renewing the 501c3. Martha McKie discussed the necessary paperwork to be completed for a 501c3. She suggested seeking someone other than herself; who might be more familiar with the paperwork and process required. Paulette Kilts suggested seeking a CPA, and will try to will get an estimate of expense for services from a CPA before the next meeting. It was mentioned with regard to renewing the 501c3 that an article may need to be added to the bylaws stating where the Jacksonville Music Teachers Association monies would be distributed in the event the organization dissolved. Mary Wingfield made a motion that wording for the article be put in process and Paulette seconded the motion. Detailed wording of the motion will be approved at another meeting. The motion passed. Committee Reports: Concerto Competition: Mary Wingfield reported that the Concerto Competition winners will be performing at today’s program. High Notes: The next High Notes deadline is April 20. Tara is scheduled for surgery soon. In light of this, everyone is asked to please give her a two-week lead time for items to be placed on the JMTA website. Historian: Lorraine Eaton showed us the new scrapbook she has recently updated. Membership: Susan Figlietti and Martha McKie are serving as mentors. Lorraine needs forms by the end of the month in order to prepare end of year reports. Lorraine would like to recognize new members at the May meeting. She suggested giving them flowers. Piano Festival: Discussion was held at to when the next Piano Festival might be held; however a date was not determined. Provisional: There are currently two provisional members: Lorie Birmingham and Heather Schaeffer. Programs: The May meeting will be held at the home of Aida Mechetti. Dr. Michael Mastronicola will present the program. It was decided to present Dr. Mastronicola with a restaurant gift card. Scholarship: Scholarship winner, Anna Yu, will perform at today’s program. Student Day: Denise Homsley reported that Student Day medals and certificates will be distributed at the May meeting. Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart reminded everyone of the recital at the Proton Therapy Institute on April 17, 2012, 6:00-7:30 pm. She requested any additional students’ information be given to her that day. The meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise Homsley JMTA Recording Secretary Membership/Historian News All of our new members that have joined this past year are expressly invited to our last meeting of the year, May 9, 2012. All of our “old” members, please come out and meet these newcomers to our organization. Let’s show them how integral a part of our organization they are! Also, you should have received your dues renewal in the mail from MTNA by now. Please send that in right away. A new directory supplement will be printed in the fall, and if your renewal is not in, your name will not be on it! There are also deadlines to renew by to participate in local, district, state, and national events. The updated Historian book was passed around at the last meeting, and enjoyed by all. If you missed it, be sure to check it out at our May meeting! Remember, you can always send me your pictures, newspaper articles, programs, etc. pertaining to any and all JMTA/FSMTA/MTNA events to be included in the Historian archives. I cannot be at all events, so I consider each and every one of you my assistant Historians! ~Lorraine Eaton V.P Membership and Historian Chair All current members’ contact information, including those listed above, can be found on the website directory. Please note that there is an updated membership directory on the website effective April 3, 2012. Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! March 10, 2012 9:00 am Riverside Presbyterian Church March 11, 2012 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Jacksonville University March 14, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Mary Lou Krosnick Mary Lou Krosnick’s Home March 17, 2012 9:30am – 2:00pm District IV Competitive Concerto Jacksonville University April 11, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto Competition Winners Riverside Presbyterian Church April 17, 2012 6:00 pm JMTA Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute May 9, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Michael Mastronicola Home of Aida Rebeiro Submissions for the September Newsletter are due on August 20, 2012. Please send submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. |
High NotesJMTA Newsletter Categories |