JMTA High Notes
October 2022—Vol. 26, no. 2 General Meeting (at Keyboard Connection, also available on Zoom): October 12, 2022: 9:30am - General meeting 10:30am – Program: What I Wish I’d Known (Nancy Breth) _____________________________________________________________________ From the President’s Pen: While pondering what to share for this article, it occurred to me that it may be useful this year or in the future to have a list of pieces for Halloween. I spent part of the summer looking for appropriate selections for my students in elementary and middle school and below is the result. I also encourage the students to improvise on minor pentascales with a “special” note thrown in for fun. Ex. In R. H. Play C minor pentascale omitting the “F” on the way up (C,D,Eb,G, F#- stay here for a while - then quickly down on G, F, Eb, D, C). Add a low C alternating with G for the LH and you’ve got a nice start. Halloween pieces in collections that I teach: “Haunted House Rock”- David Kraehenbuehl, Frances Clark Supplementary Solos, Level 2 I’m Not Scared – Nancy Telfair Frederick Harris Music, Intermediate (10 solos) “Spells Trouble” – Elissa Milne Little Peppers, Faber Music, Late Elementary “A Witch’s Cat” – William Gillock Lyric Preludes in Romantic Style, Intermediate-Late Int. “The Haunted Mansion” – Martin Kutnowski, Echoes, Pictures, Riddles and Tales for Piano Solo FJH Music Co., Elementary-Intermediate “Phantasietanz, Op. 124, #5 – Robert Schumann, Schott Music, Romantic Piano Anthology, Vol. 3, Late Intermediate-Advanced “Ballade Op. 100, No. 15” – F. Burgmuller, Focus on Melody, Vol I, Suzanne Guy & Victoria McArthur, FJH Music Co., Intermediate “Scaredy Cat” – Bela Bartok Contemporary Piano Literature Lev. 5 (Glover-Belwin Mills) -Int. “Scary!” -Joyce Grill Musical Scenes, Bk. 1, Alfred Pub. Co., Late Elementary-Early Intermediate “Halloween Night” – Linda Niamath Celebration Series, Piano Repertoire, Bk. 1, Frederick Harris “Spooks” – Clifford Poole Music, Elementary Some of these are in many different collections. I pulled these from my current teaching shelf and hope these suggestions will make good additions to the solos you already use. Please see the article about programs for info regarding October & November. Enjoy! See you in October, Anita Dr. Anita Boyle Renfroe, NCTM JMTA President [email protected] _______________________________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 9:30am Keyboard Connection/Zoom Present Zoom: Angie Holt, Lynn Freeman, Mary McKee, Paulette Kilts, Kama Rasmussen-Li Present In-Person: Anita Renfroe, Lorraine Sears, Sandra Roberts, Sandra Stewart, Joan Cordell, Lisa Barwell, Stefanie Batson-Martin Call to Order: 9:38am (Anita Renfroe) Parliamentarian: (Lynn Freeman) •Nothing to report Secretary Minutes: (Stefanie Batson-Martin) •Read Treasurer’s Report: (Stefanie and Damon Martin) •Went over the proposed budget •Joan Cordell motioned to approve the budget, Sandra Roberts seconded •Current Checking: $10,705.82 •Business account: $1,844.28 •Business money market: $7,940.03 Vice-President/Membership: (JohnWillard Utuk) •Not present, sent Anita that we have 43 current active members •5 new members COMMITTEE REPORTS: Altruistic: (Sandra Roberts) •Please send anybody who needs a card to Sandra Roberts, an address would be appreciated as well •A card will be sent to Mary Lou Krosnick to let her know we are thinking about her •Margo Porter and Sarah Park never received a congratulations card for community service, this will be sent Communications/Internet Media: (Angie Holt) •Nothing to report Community Service: (Joan Cordell) •Two students sent in applications for the past school year, Sarah Park won, Margo Porter was a district (inaudible) •Students should keep track of any musical events, ex. Band or choir in school, retirement homes, church performances, recitals… Ethics: (Betty Atkinson) •Not present Historian: (Lynn Roberts) •Not present Programs: (Open position) •Anita chose five conference programs for us to vote on to watch for our fall programs Scholarships: (Kamila Shahtakhtinski) •Not present Social: (Angie Holt and Stefanie Batson-Martin) •Potluck will follow after the meeting (in-person) •Thank you to Angie for arranging this Student Recitals: (Lorraine Sears and Gavin Taylor) •Angie will look into Fruit Cove Baptist as a venue for October along with another church •The church where Piano Guild is held may be an option, Duane Carter would be a contact for that location •If anybody has a venue for October, please let Lorraine know •Two venues: •December: Arlington United Methodist, we chose December 4th in the meeting as the date •March: All Saints Episcopal, March 26th is available, Michael Mastronicola hinted that we should give a donation to continue to use their facility •Lorraine would like to go back to holding receptions after recitals, everybody seemed to agree we should be okay to resume this •We will look into donating money to the church from the budget Student Day Report: (Angie Holt) •Looking into the Greater Jax Festival to make sure Student Day is not on the same day as that event Wellness Liaison: (Lisa Barwell) •We did an exercise from “Breathe Like a Bear”, today’s was listening like an elephant Old Business: •Only elected positions (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) must be non-student members, but any other positions (like Programs Chair) could be a collegiate member or member(s) with supervision from Anita New Business:
Adjourned: 10:40am (Anita Renfroe) -Submitted by Stefanie Batson-Martin, Recording Secretary ______________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasury Report August 2022 _________________________________________________________________ JMTA MONTHLY PROGRAMS OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER Wednesday, October 12th, and Wednesday, November 9th at Keyboard Connection and over Zoom (to start after the 9:30 general meetings, generally at 10:30am). All members are welcome to the general meetings and to the programs! Zoom links will be forthcoming soon. Programs for October and November Thank you for giving feedback on the program options for October & November. The selection for October received the most votes and the November choice was second. We will be watching two wonderful videos from the 2022 MTNA Conference. October’s selection is “What I Wish I’d Known” featuring Nancy Breth. She reflects on her years of teaching and valuable lessons she’s learned. It’s an informative and humorous session on technique, repertoire and running a studio business. November’s selection is “Asian Piano Music for Intermediate Learners.” Charissa Baldoria introduces music from China, Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines. We become acquainted with appealing music to capture the imagination of teens or adults. We need a new PROGRAM DIRECTOR! If you have an interest in doing this, please contact me - [email protected]. We’re set for the Fall but need someone to organize programs for February, March and April. - Dr. Anita Renfroe, president _________________________________________________________________ JMTA Student Recital Our next student recital will be held on Sunday, December 4, 2022, at Arlington United Methodist Church, 1400 University Blvd. N. Recital begins at 3:00p. Students should be checked in by 2:45p. Guests are welcome to attend. Photos and videos are permitted, however be sure devices don't make sound. Performances are welcome from any instrument and level. View the website for more detailed information on applications and participation guidelines. - Lorraine Sears, Student Recitals Co-Chair ([email protected]) _______________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV NEWS District IV Sonata / Sonatina Festival More information coming soon about the Sonata / Sonatina Festival. 2023 District IV Student Day District IV Student Day is being planned for a Saturday in the spring of 2023, TBA.. To start preparing your students, you can go to or use this link: You’ll need the FMTA password of Mozart. Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you may have at [email protected]. If you would like curriculum for your students that matches the Student Day requirements, an independent teacher in Florida has created a curriculum to help you prepare your students for the keyboard skills, written, and aural theory testing (for the Primary level there is no aural theory). I use the curriculum with my students and find it has been very helpful. To order, contact Sue Colvert (Music Masters) at [email protected] with your name and address and the levels you would like, and she will mail them to you with the invoice. (Music Masters, 954-752-2856, 4111 NW 79 Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33065) - Angie Holt, Student Day Chair ([email protected]) ________________________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . This month we are interviewing a newer member of the JMTA, Dr. Michael Bovenzi, who is an Associate Professor of Music and Woodwind and Brass Area Coordinator at UNF. Welcome Dr. Bovenzi, thank you for sharing your experiences with us! DR. MICHAEL BOVENZI Q. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. A. I was born in Rochester, NY and grew up in South Florida, Coral Springs. I am a product of the Broward County school system, Kindergarten thru 12th grade. I took three years of piano lessons before starting clarinet in the 5th grade, because of an afterschool program at my elementary school that gave students the opportunity to learn flute, clarinet, trumpet, or trombone. In 6th grade I began playing saxophone, and my background in piano and clarinet gave me a strong foundation for the middle school band. After investing so much time in high school music (marching band, concert, jazz, MPA), it felt natural to continue in music and get the answers to the musical questions I always had. What a relief it was to study music in college and get those answers and find a path for expression. Q. What instilled in you a desire to begin music lessons? A. My parents both played instruments in high school and we owned an old player-piano so it was a natural fit to have me study piano. I was 8 years old and not very interested in music yet, so the lessons didn’t take, but learning to read both clefs and a basic understanding of rhythm really paved the way for making music seem “easy”. We gravitate toward things that we display aptitude toward, and my early music training made music fun and something I felt confident in. Q. Tell us about some things you have been/are involved in musically. A. I think my favorite music endeavors have been collaborating with composers. Commissioning new works for my instrument, often times with composers who haven’t written for saxophone, provides a really wonderful experience to share my playing and the possibilities that can be written. These collaborations always result in challenging pieces that both highlight what I like to do on the saxophone and stretch my abilities to learn new techniques. Q. Do you have a story of something that happened during one of your performances and how you handled it? A. I can’t think of anything significant. I tend to over-prepare and plan out all the small details to avoid any surprises. Q. What advice would you give to help focus before a performance and curb nerves? A. Keep it simple. I’ve heard of performers taking medications to calm nerves and having less than ideal outcomes. I’ve heard that the potassium in bananas is supposed to have a calming effect. I told this to a student once and he ate ‘many’ bananas before a concert and felt awful. My advice is to keep the daily routine the same. Keep the warm-up the same. Try to reproduce the same environment that we rehearse and practice in. Making too many changes for the performance can create new obstacles. Q. What is one of the most interesting places you've visited, and why? A. Bangkok, Thailand was an eye-opener. To see the way that people live on the other side of the world and how fortunate we are to be able to make music daily and the modern conveniences at our fingertips. Any time a trip makes you appreciate what you have, there is opportunity to grow. Q. What do you find to be a challenge in teaching music and what do you find that helps? A. Each student is so unique in their learning style and their perception that it can be very challenging to teach some of the fundamental concepts on my instrument. I can teach the same technique to five different students and receive five different responses and levels of success. This has led to develop multiple approaches to teaching many of the cornerstone techniques, to help me find the exercise or example that ‘fits’ each student and achieves improvement more quickly. Q. Who is one of your favorite music composers? A. I really enjoy the music of Astor Piazzolla. I believe the Argentinian Tango music has a special place in concert programming. Our recital programs should not be limited to European and American composers, but should try to include as many cultures and styles as possible. ______________________________________________________________ 2022 FSMTA Conference The following is from the FMTA website: 2022 Florida MTNA Performance Competitions _________________________________________________________________ AREA CONCERTS AND RECITALS Community Hospice Performances If you would be interested in performing a recital at the Community Hospice and Pallative Care on Sunbeam Road, they sponsor a monthly performance titled First Friday Recital Series, with performances starting at 11:30 a.m. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Sandra Stewart at 904-333-9280. Cummer Family Foundation Chamber Music Series presents: “John Daugherty, Baritone, and Geoffrey Loff, Piano” Dr. James Hall, Art Director Date: Friday, October 7 at 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “Organ Chamber Music” Joshua Stafford, Organ Date: Saturday, October 8 at 7:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: Starting at $25 Click on link for tickets and for details: “Dia de los Muertos” Family Concert Latin American Melodies Date: Sunday, October 9 at 3:00pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: Adult - $10, Child - $8 Click on link for tickets and for details: “UNF Orchestra in Concert” Featuring works by Handel and Mozart Dr. Simon Shiao, Conductor Date: Tuesday, October 11 at 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for tickets and for details: UNF Wind Symphony and Concert Band presents: “Emblems” Performing music by Aaron Copland and Nubia Jamie Donjuan Dr. Erin Bodnar, conductor Date: Wednesday, October 12 at 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for details: UNF Percussion Ensemble presents: “Edge of a Tide” Dr. Andrea Venet, Director Date: Friday, October 14 at 6:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for tickets and for details: “Cirque de la Symphonie: Spooktacular!” Pops Series“Cirque de la Symphonie returns to Jacoby Symphony Hall with a spooky twist” Date: Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15 at 7:30 Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: $27 and up Click on link for tickets and for details: “Piano Recital Featuring Spencer McKee” Spencer is the son of JMTA member Dr. Mary McKee Date: Sunday, October 16 at 5:00pm Location: St. Johns Cathedral, 256 E. Church St., Jacksonville, 32202 Cost: Free Admission Click on link for details: Jacksonville University Department of Music presents: “Honors Recital” Outstanding Music Majors in Performance Date: Thursday, October 20 at 7:30pm Location: Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville 32211 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: “Bach, Beethoven and Brahms” Florida Blue Classical Series Alessio Bax, Pianist Courtney Lewis, Conductor Dates: Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22, at 7:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: $27.00 and up Click on link for tickets and for details: Friday Musicale presents: “Gainesville Brass Quintet” Date: Sunday, October 23 at 3:00pm Location: 645 Oak St., Jacksonville Cost: See link below for information on prices Click on link for tickets and for details: “Civic Orchestra of Jacksonville” Performing Mussorgsky, Saint Saens, J.S. Bach, and Grieg. Marguerite Richardson, Conductor Date: Sunday, October 23 at 5:00pm Location: St. John’s Cathedral, 256 East Church Street, Jacksonville, 32202 Cost: Free Admission, but register first. Click on link for tickets and for details: Jacksonville University presents: “Jessica Welsh, Guest Artist Pianist” Creative Arts Series Date: Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30pm Location: Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville 32211 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: University of North Florida School of Music presents: “Faculty Recital: Hello, Mr. Clarke! The Music of Herbert L. Clarke” Dr. Marc Dickman, trombone, euphonium; Dr. Randy Timm, cornet, trumpet; Dr. Gary Smart, piano Date: Wednesday, October 26 at 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Center, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission Click on link for details: “At the Ballet” Symphony in 60 Series Roberto Forteo, Artistic Director and The Florida Ballet Music by Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake Kevin Fitzgerald, Conductor Date: Thursday, October 27 at 6:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: $25 Click on link for tickets and for details: 35th Annual Great American Jazz Series presents: “Saxophonist Joel Frahm and Douglas Anderson SOTA JE1” J.B. Scott, Artistic Director Date: Thursday, October 27 at 7:30pm Location: Andrew A. Robinson Theater, 1 UNF Drive, Unit 14A, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for tickets and for details: Jacksonville University/Aegis Consulting presents: “Guest Artist Anastasiya Petryshak, Violin” Creative Arts Series Date: Thursday, October 27 at 7:30pm Location: Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville 32211 Cost: Free Admission, but must have ticket Click on link for tickets and for details: University of North Florida School of Music presents: “Fall Choral Showcase” Dr. Cara Tasher, conductor Date: Sunday, October 30 at 4:30pm Location: Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Center, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, 32224 Cost: Free Admission; Suggested Donation: $10 Click on link for tickets and for details: Jacksonville University presents: “Halloween Spooktacular” “Join the Jacksonville University Orchestra as it explores the spookier side of orchestral music! Put on that costume and get ready to hear music by Mussorgsky, Dukas, John Williams, and more!” Date: Monday, October 31 at 7:30pm Location: Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville 32211 Cost: Free Click on link for more details: “Haydn and Tchaikovsky” The Florida Chamber Music Project 2022-2023 Concert Season String Quartet Op 76 No 6 – Haydn; String Quartet No 1 in D Major, Op 11 – Tchaikovsky Date: Sunday, November 20 at 3:00pm Location: Beaches Museum Chapel, 505 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville Beach, 32250 Cost: $27 Click on link for tickets and for details: “Rocky in Concert” “Enter the boxing ring and take a jab at the World Heavyweight Championship with the original Rocky. Watch as the boxer goes from rags to riches in an empowering and musical story of the American Dream. As the Symphony performs Bill Conti’s legendary score, you’ll feel inspired, motivated, and ready to overcome any obstacles.” Date: Friday, November 18 at 7:00pm and Saturday, November 19 at 7:0pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 Water St., Suite 200 Cost: $34 and up Click on link for tickets and for details: ______________________________________________________________ Did you know? Residents of Duval county, if they have a Jacksonville Library card, can use the many electronic resources from the Getting a library card is free. All that's needed is your driver's license and sign up in person at any of the 21 branches. The card allows the use of Kanopy - which has free streaming movies, documentaries, educational resources [older teens/adults]. I saw a documentary "Making the Grade" which profiled Irish students and piano teachers whose students are preparing to take the Irish Royal Academy of Music Examinations. It was funny, moving, informative, and relatable, especially seeing snippets of the teacher's lessons in action and how the students feel about piano and their teachers overall. I highly recommend members watch it (and explore the other resources available from JPL)! - JohnWillard Utuk, Vice President of Membership ___________________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, please take a moment to check out your information on our Find a Teacher page of the JMTA website ( If you would like to edit, add, or delete any information, please email our Internet Media chair Angie Holt at [email protected]. ____________________________________________________________ Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Jacksonville School of Music & First Coast School of Music, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. His direction phone number is 904-248-1848. ___________________________________________________________ Music Exchange Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Bring your unneeded music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. _____________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! _____________________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: October 12 9:30am – Meeting After - Program JMTA General Meeting and Program: Nancy Breth “What I Wish I’d Known” Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 and over Zoom October 20-23 As Scheduled 2022 FSMTA Conference Hotel Venezia, Venice, Florida October 29-30 As Scheduled 2022 Florida MTNA Performance Competitions State College of Florida, Bradenton November 9 9:30am – Meeting After - Program JMTA General Meeting and Program: Charissa Baldoria “Asian Piano Music” Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 and over Zoom December 4 3:00pm JMTA Student Recital Arlington UMC, 1400 University Blvd. N., 32211 Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the first of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected] |
High NotesJMTA Newsletter Categories |