General Meeting and Program - April 9, 2014
849 Park Street Jacksonville, FL 32204 We will meet on Wednesday, April 9 at Riverside Presbyterian Church at 9:30 a.m. Our program will be the scholarship and concerto winners. The students will be rehearsing in the sanctuary; we will meet downstairs in the choir room for the business meeting. Please join us for an exciting recital by these talented students. ~ Sandra Stewart, Programs Chair ____________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen As the end of our teaching year wraps up, make sure you mark your calendar for all our upcoming events. We still have lots going on! At this month’s meeting, enjoy performances by the Scholarship and Concerto winners. At next month’s meeting, enjoy fellowship and food at the home of the Krosnicks. We also have our upcoming Community Recital at the Proton Therapy Institute. One very important meeting with be on May 28th in St. Augustine. There are a lot of music teachers in the St. Augustine/Palm Coast/Palatka areas. But it is hard for them to be a part of JMTA because it is so far to drive! We will be having an informational meeting on May 28th at 10:00a at the St. Augustine Community School of Performing Arts. It is my hope that eventually this area will start their own Local Association! You are welcome to join us at this meeting to share your experiences with the benefits of membership. Keep up with all we do by checking the calendar on our website,! ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ___________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING MARCH 12, 2014 KEYBOARD CONNECTION Members present: (15) Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Betty Atkinson, Denise Homsley, Sandra Stewart, Mary Wingfield, Lydia Sanchez, Kamila Shahtahktinski, Martha McKie, Anne Marie Giffin, Laura Peden, Susan Figlietti, Pam Searcy, Sandra Roberts, Lisa Smith. Guests: (2) Lana Anderson and Drina Galloni. Meeting called to order by President Lorraine Eaton at 9:35 a.m. Minutes from General Meeting February 14, 2014 were read by Lisa Smith; approved as read. Treasurer’s Report: Paulette Kilts
Student Day: Denise Homsley stated there was nothing to report at this time. Concerto competition: Lorraine reported for Ileana Fernandez that the competitive concerto event will be Mar. 15th at the UNF Recital Hall from 10-11am. We have 2 Junior competitors, 1 Intermediate competitor, and 1 Senior competitor. Committee Reports: Altruistic: Mary Wingfield reported there has been no illness amongst our membership. Also, she sent a correspondence to Holiday Hill Baptist Church thanking them for allowing us the use of their facility for our last meeting. Communications: Lorraine announced we need a new chairperson for this. She gave a description of the job and asked for any recommendations for this position. Constitution and Bylaws: The committee will revise and update our Bylaws in April (Lorraine, Paulette, Lindsay and Lisa). The revision will eventually be put on our website. Historian: Lorraine announced we need a new chairperson for this. Internet Media: (Website and Facebook) Our website is: Our Facebook is: If you see any problems, please contact Lorraine immediately. Programs: Sandra Stewart Next month’s program will feature the concerto/scholarship winners @ Riverside Presbyterian Church. The May program will feature the Krosnicks at their home and there will be a potluck luncheon afterwards. Provisional: No new members. Scholarship: Kamila Shahtahktinski reported we have one applicant, Natalie Vlach, for the High School Senior Scholarship. The audition will take place at the NE Florida Conservatory. The judge will be Jerry Gilmer. Info is on website for both HS Senior and Summer Camp scholarships. The JMTA High School Scholarship Competition is Mar. 22. New guidelines were written for the Summer Music Camp Scholarship; Deadline is Mar. 25th. Social: Betty Atkinson asked for suggestions concerning what items should be asked for on the potluck sign-up list for the May luncheon at the Krosnicks. After some discussion it was decided that JMTA will provide chicken tenders and then a sign up sheet was passed around. She said we will also need someone to bring garbage bags and paper products to the Krosnicks luncheon. Denise volunteered to assist with refreshments for the April meeting but requested additional help. Members are asked to bring their own coffee. Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart reported that the last recital was very small and there were no participants above the age of 12. She asked teachers to please put their intermediate/advanced students in these recitals. April 15th is the Community Recital at the Proton Therapy Institute. This recital is only for intermediate/advanced students. Each student can perform up to two selections. It will commence at 6pm. Community Service: Martha McKie handed out information for both the FSMTA Community Service Award for 12th Graders and the Local Presidents FSMTA Community Service Award. The FSMTA Community Service Award for 12th Graders is given to a 12th grade student in recognition of his/her leadership, achievements, and service to the community in the field of music during the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. The Local Presidents FSMTA Community Service Award is given to a 9th grade student in recognition of his/her leadership, achievements, and service to the community. Deadline is Dec. 31st. Piano Festival: Paulette Kilts announced she thought Lindsay Hardee might be willing to be a co-chair for this event. We need music and theme selection as well as a location. Paulette will look into options for location including UNF. The rehearsal locations are also challenging so she said we need to find out what will be available to us. This event will tentatively occur Nov. 2015. Unfinished Business: Member to Member : Kamila contacted her member. Denise talked to Jeannie Blazs – She said her granddaughter may join in the near future. Lisa has not contacted Julie Hamby yet. Lorraine reported that most people who signed up to contact other members have done so. New Business: Lorraine announced there will be a meeting in St. Augustine May 28th 10am with Annette Danielson Director at the St. Augustine Community School of Performing Arts 214 San Marco Ave. We are trying to reach out to the St. Augustine/Palm Coast/Palatka communities and want to try to get a chapter started in that area. Anyone can come to this meeting. Announcements: Next Meeting: April 9th at Riverside Presbyterian Church, Concerto and Scholarship Winners Lunch following program: Red Elephant 10131 San Jose Blvd. Farewell and good luck to Heather! Meeting adjourned 10:25am. Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Smith __________________________________________________________________ JMTA HSS Scholarship recipient I’m happy to inform you that our 2014 JMTA HSS Scholarship recipient is NATALIE VLACH student of PEGGY EDWARDS She had great audition and now is ready to perform for us on our April 9 meeting. ~Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Scholarship Chairperson ________________________________________________________________________ District IV announces the following winners for the recent Concerto Competition held at UNF on March 15. In the Junior category, Zach Yu and in the Intermediate category we have Alicia Hou. Both are students of Mrs. Mary Lou Wesley Krosnick. They will represent our district in May at Stetson University. ~Ileana Fernandez, Concerto Chairperson ______________________________________________________________________ Community Recital Our community recital will be held on Tuesday, April 15 at the Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson Street in downtown Jacksonville. The program will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be over by7:30. If you have students who are Intermediate or Advanced levels, please sign them up to perform. Each student may play one or two pieces. This has been a very pleasant experience each time we have gone there. The audience consists of patients and staff who are very appreciative and attentive. I would like to have the names and program information by the 11th so I have time to get the programs printed. You may send the info to me by email. The students will receive a one and a half hour community service credit for performing. Thanks. Sandy Stewart ________________________________________________________ Historian News We welcome new Historian Chairperson Martha McKie! If you have any memorabilia, such as photos, programs, booklets, thank you notes, etc., please pass them on to Martha and she will be happy to archive them for you. Also, be sure to view our scrapbook at our General Meetings. _________________________________________________________________________ Membership News Ansel Audain has earned his Bachelor of Music Performance: Piano Pedagogy track at UNF. He likes to read and learn different genre’s outside of classical. Ansel enjoys learning cooking secrets, dancing and roaming the internet. Emily Esposito also just renewed, her married name is Emily Palaj. ~Beth Martelli, VP of Membership __________________________________________________________________________ Event Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as more details. DATE EVENT LOCATION April 9, 2014 9:30a General Meeting Riverside Presbyterian Church April 15, 2014 6:00-7:30p Student Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute May 14, 2014 9:30a General Meeting Home of Mary Lou and Aaron Krosnick May 28, 2014 10:00a Membership Rally Meeting St. Augustine Community School of Performing Arts June TBA Board Meeting TBA High Notes is distributed on the 1st of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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