General Meeting and Program
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at Riverside Presbyterian Church at 9:30 am The April 13 meeting will be held at Riverside Presbyterian Church in Riverside. We will have possibly five students performing for us, the scholarship winner and the concerto winners. These are students of Mary Lou Krosnick, Kamila Shahtakhtinski and Vickie Stake. Please join us for this special program featuring our talented students. Thanks, Sandy Stewart, Program Chair ________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen Can it be possible there are only two more JMTA gatherings during this school year for meetings and presentations? How time flies. I look forward to seeing you on Wed, April 13 at Riverside Presbyterian Church for our next event. The meeting will include hearing a report from the nominating committee, election of officers for the 2016-2017 term, report on the Community Service recital and other committee volunteers who serve you and your students. The program is very special in that we have the chance to hear our student winners for this year perform. Find a complete list of these students in this issue of the High Notes. Hearing and meeting the Senior Scholarship, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Piano Concerto winners is always a treat. If you have never attended the FSMTA Competitive events day, schedule it now on your calendar for Saturday, May 14. This year the event which travels around the state will be held on the campus of Jacksonville University making it easy for you to attend. Not only will our District Piano Concerto winners be competing that day but you can hear the competitions of 1st or 2nd year collegiate pianists in the Gray Perry Collegiate piano competition, piano duo or duet entries in both the Byrd Pre-college and College Piano Ensemble competition, Pre-College Chamber music, Guitar students (pre-college and college) and other instruments in the State Concerto competition. One other reminder, shortly you should receive a notice regarding renewal of your MTNA/FSMTA/JMTA membership. Please plan to complete this renewal as soon as possible as the end of the fiscal year is June 30. You don’t want to let all of the special benefits you receive as a member lapse even for one day. If you know of a teacher who might be interested in joining the organization, it is now possible for them to begin the process to do so online at See you soon. Paulette Kilts, JMTA President _____________________________________________________________________ JMTA MEETING MINUTES March 9, 2016 All Saint’s Episcopal Church Members Present: Denise Homsley, Lorraine Eaton, Lisa Smith, Sandra Stewart, Sandra Roberts, Michael Mastronicola, Lynn Freeman, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Sarah Blazs, Paulette Kilts, Lindsay Hardee (11 members) Meeting began: 9:35 Meeting Minutes from March- Corrections will be made at the request of President Paulette Kilts. Motion to accept minutes: Lindsay Hardee and Sandra Stewart seconded. Treasurer’s Report: Lorraine Eaton JMTA Treasurer Transaction Report February 1-29, 2016
Submitted by Lorraine Eaton Vice-President of Membership: Lindsay Hardee
Adjourned at: 10:12 am Respectfully submitted, Sarah Blazs Recording Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV CONCERTO COMPETITION WINNERS Junior Division (Piano)
Winners will advance to the state competition, which this year will be held locally at Jacksonville University on May 13-14 with the other state competitive events. Thanks so much! Dr. Erin Bennett ________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV MEMBER’S RECITAL
Proton Therapy Recital It’s April, so the student recital at the Proton Therapy Institute is coming soon! The date is Tuesday, April 12 at 6:00-7:30 p.m. Please have your Intermediate and advanced level students perform. The Institute is located at 2015 N. Jefferson Street in downtown Jacksonville. We perform as part of their music series. They have a wonderful grand piano and a beautiful setting for our performance. We perform for the patients and the staff. Please send the following information to Sandy Stewart, [email protected] by April 8: student name, age and level, title and composer, and the timing of the piece(s). Each student may perform one or two pieces of their choice. Comments are closed.
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