JMTA General Meeting
________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen This year is flying by, I can’t believe Spring is here already. Only a few more months of school left, and then we are into Summer! I hope everyone had a relaxing and rejuvenating Spring Break. Mine was spent with my daughter in Pensacola visiting my mother and aunt. Grandma was thrilled to see her granddaughter and vice versa. I am also spending time preparing my students for their Spring Recital in May and our upcoming Proton Therapy Recital this coming week. It will be my first time enrolling students in the Proton Therapy Recital and attending it, so I am excited. Thankfully, we have a full slate of officers to vote on for April, so please prepare to cast a vote at the meeting, or remotely. Additionally, a hearty congratulations to our Concerto Competition winners and competitors and their teachers. I look forward to hearing them perform at our April 12th meeting at JU’s Terry Concert Hall. Many thanks to Dr. Scott Watkins at JU for being able to host us for our April meeting, as Riverside Presbyterian was not able to accommodate us this year. Also, a big thanks to Dr. Erin Bennett for all her hard work on the Concerto Competition. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” – Aristotle Lindsay Hardee, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ Announcement The proposed Executive Board for Fall 2017 is as follows:
JMTA Treasurer Transaction Report February 1-28, 2017 Premier Business Checking February 1, 2016 $7037.40
________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Meeting Minutes March 8, 2016
Reading of minutes (Lindsay Hardee)
Treasurer Report (Lorraine)
Copy to Lindsay to approve and then send to Angie for High Notes. ________________________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JaxMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! ________________________________________________________________________ District 4 News
Community Recital
Open Positions in JMTA! Exciting opportunities to serve!
Want to become Nationally Certified? Are you a National Certified Teacher of Music? Check out the Process: Certification candidates are required to complete five projects:
Other helpful materials are available at the MTNA Certification website. (see American Music Teacher, August/September 2016, pp. 32, 33) – Sue H. Holder, District Certification Chair Comments are closed.
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