JMTA General Meeting
President’s Pen Dear Music Colleagues, A Happy Easter to you all! Spring is a time of new beginnings. A time to reward our students for their progress throughout the school year. Also a time to begin to plan that much-needed vacation and/or workshop to stimulate our own creativity for the next year. Speaking of creativity; our March program “Measure Your Treasure” by Sandra Palmer was full of new idea-gems to motivate and encourage our students. I can just picture Dr. Palmer’s studio being a fun place to learn music. We appreciate her presentation. Our next meeting will be at Keyboard Connection on Wednesday, April 11th at 9:30. Come early to meet and greet. At our business meeting, we will address the confusion about the amount to pay outside presenters and the use of the Warren Fund. Be sure to attend to make your voice heard. Our program will be the much-anticipated review of the selections for the November Multi-Piano Festival. This is one of the premier programs of JMTA. I encourage every teacher to enroll their studio in the Festival. It is a unique experience – a piano “orchestra.” My students look forward to it. They are already asking about music for the Multi-Piano Program. Another student performance opportunity is the JMTA Proton Therapy Community Recital, featuring intermediate and advanced students on Tuesday, April 10th at 6:00. The audience is always so appreciative and the Therapy Center provides refreshments. What a wonderful chance to let others enjoy our students’ music! Even if you don’t have participants, come and support the performers. Check the calendar for more student opportunities. Let me leave you with a refreshing thought from The Song of Solomon 2:11-12: Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. the flowers appear on the earth. the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Blessings, Dr. Sandra Roberts JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasurer Transaction Report February 1-28, 2018
________________________________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 14, 2018 Keyboard Connection Members present: Lorraine Eaton Sandra Roberts
Minutes from general meeting February 2018 were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was submitted. Committee Reports:
– submitted by Lorraine Eaton ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Proton Therapy Recital
District IV Concerto Competition
Erin K. Bennett and Sarah Hartley, D4 Concerto Chairs ________________________________________________________________________ “Works by Bach and Torelli” Concert Opportunity On Thursday, April 12, there will be a Lawson Ensemble Concert at 7:30pm in the Recital Hall at UNF. The Lawson Ensemble consists of Dr. Nick Curry, cello, Clinton Dewing, violin and viola, and Aurica Duca, violin. Special guest performers will be Erin Bennett, piano, and Randy Tinnin, trumpet. Free admission. Comments are closed.
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