JMTA FEBRUARY MEETING Please join us for our February meeting on FRIDAY, February the 14th. We will meet at the regular time, 9:30 am, at Holiday Hill Baptist Church, 730 Mandalay Road. The following is a description of the program: Although music abounds for Christmastime teaching, and even Halloween, sometimes it is hard to find a variety of music for some of the lesser holidays. These might include Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, 4th of July, Chinese New Year, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Cinco de Mayo and Valentine’s Day. Please join us at our special Valentine’s Day meeting. Be sure to wear red and there will also be some fun games! In addition to celebrating Valentine’s Day, we are also going to delve into some of these other holidays. Please bring along whatever music you teach from that includes these holidays. If you don’t have the actual music, write down the title and composer to share. It is my hope that by the end of the program, we each have a great list to choose from when a student asks to learn a piece for the upcoming holiday. ________________________________________________________________________ PRESIDENT’S PEN We have another great Student Day event upon us! I hope you have had the opportunity to participate in Student Day at some point. If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?! It’s a great venue for our students to listen to feedback from other qualified teachers, and it’s helpful for us teachers too by giving us a laid out progression with which to teach our students technique and theory. My students always love getting their certificates and medals. And with the recent addition of the Honors Recital, we have another way to inspire and motivate our hardworking students. If you’re not sure what it’s all about, a great way to learn the inside process is to volunteer! There are plenty of jobs to be done, and they all are important to make it a successful event. Be thinking about this as you gear up for teaching this fall! -Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MINUTES JMTA General Meeting – January 8, 2014 Keyboard Connection Members Present: (11) Lorraine Eaton, Denise Homsley, Paulette Kilts, Betty Atkinson, Lydia Sanchez, Lindsay Hardee, Mary Wingfield, Lisa Smith, Kamila Shahtahktinski, Vera Watson, Nikki Groff. President Lorraine Eaton called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. Minutes from the October meeting were read by Lisa Smith and approved. Paulette Kilts gave the Treasurer’s Report. She announced that she will be transferring the $5/member dues increase to the District IV account. $2400 will be transferred back into the Warren Fund. We received a $5000 donation from FSMTA conference to scholarship fund. Mary Wingfield moved that we put $6560.24 into a 48 month CD. Denise seconded the motion. Approved unanimously. Membership: Paulette reported we have 65 members. Student Day: Denise reported we are still trying to obtain the contract from FSCJ South. Some teachers owe more money for their student entries and others need to submit their students’ recital literature. She confirmed teacher assignments for Student Day and announced the briefing and breakfast will be at 8:15 a.m. We will be raising the judges’ fees this year. Student Day is February 1st. The Honors Recital will be Feb. 9th at Riverside Presbyterian Church at 2pm. Committee Reports: Altruistic: Mary Wingfield read a thank you note from Mary Lou Krosnick for the fruit basket JMTA sent to her in December when she was sick with pneumonia. Communications (High Notes and Email Blasts): Lorraine reminded membership that the deadline for submitting items to be published in High Notes is the 20th of the month. Please send all items for High Notes and Email Blasts to Heather Schaeffer at [email protected]. Community Service Award: The deadline has been moved up. Applications are on the state website. Constitution and Bylaws: Lorraine asked for volunteers to revise the bylaws. Paulette and Lisa will work with Lorraine to revise the bylaws. Lorraine would like to have one more volunteer. There was a brief discussion of FTC issue with MTNA’s Code of Ethics. Paulette is currently serving on a state ad hoc committee concerning this. Historian: A new chairperson is needed because Nikki is moving away. Internet Media (Facebook and Website): If anyone has a problem please send an email to [email protected] and Lorraine will deal with it. Lorraine is currently overseeing the website and Facebook page. Programs: Lindsay Hardee announced that the next meeting on February 14th will have a Valentine’s Day theme. Teachers are asked to bring and share literature which promotes the lesser known holidays because that music is not readily available or well-known. Please wear red; fun games! Scholarship: Kamila and Sandra Stewart put together the new Summer Music Camp Scholarship. The guidelines and application will be added to the website. The budgeted amount is $500 to be split amongst qualifying applicants. Applications may be declined if need does not exist. Deadline for application is March 25, 2014. The Scholarship Competition has been renamed to High School Senior Scholarship Competition. New guidelines and application process will be added to the website. Recitals: Lorraine announced the next student recital is Mar. 9th at Deermeadows Baptist. There will also be an intermediate/advanced student recital April 15th at the Proton Therapy Institute. All application forms are on the website and should be sent to Sandra Stewart. Social: Betty needs volunteers to bring food for both March and April meetings. Unfinished Business: Lorraine reported there is still much member-to-member contact needing to occur in our group. Back in September 2013 she passed out a list of members we have not seen at meetings for awhile so we could contact them. Lindsay talked to Jacksonville School of Music teachers. Lorraine encouraged all attending this meeting to reach out to those missing members and passed out the sign up sheet again. Website Links: Lorraine provided a handout with guidelines to add outside links to Paulette made a motion that we approve the guidelines. Mary seconded the motion and they were approved unanimously. New Business: Donation from FSMTA Conference; $5000 to Scholarship fund Announcements: Next meeting is February 14, 2014 (Friday) at Holiday Hill Baptist Church, 9:30 a.m. Lorraine invited members to join her for lunch at Village Bread Cafe, 10111 San Jose Blvd. immediately following today’s program. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Smith ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA SCHOLARSHIPS JMTA High School Senior Scholarship Competition is scheduled for March 22, 2013 at the Northeast Florida Conservatory /11363 San Jose Blvd.-Bldg 200/ starting at 9 a.m. This audition is for high school seniors that will be attending college as a music majors. The repertoire must consist of 3 pieces of different periods (example: Bach Prelude and Fugue, Beethoven Sonata movement, piece by Debussy). Entrance fee is $25, and there will be three judges on the panel. The deadline for entrance to the High School Senior Scholarship Competition is March 7, 2014. Send 3 letters of recommendation for the student, a check with $25 made out to JMTA, and the repertoire list to Kamila Shahtakhtinski, 7990 Baymeadows Rd. E unit 202, Jacksonville, 32256. For more info, email: [email protected] or call Kamila, 904-645-6481. JMTA Summer Music Camp Scholarship will be awarded annually to the students of JMTA teachers to attend summer music camp of their choice. Scholarship will be partial and based on family need. Teachers must submit short outline of their students’ qualification for scholarship along with their name(s) to the JMTA Scholarship Committee for consideration by the JMTA board. Students must show evidence of attendance at a camp. Students who receive money for summer camps from other organizations are not eligible to receive assistance from JMTA. Applications should be submitted by March 25, 2014 by mail or e-mail to JMTA Scholarship Committee Chair Kamila Shahtakhtinski. _______________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV CONCERTO COMPETITION Disctrict IV Concerto Competition will be held on Saturday, March 15 at UNF. Application deadline is Friday, Feb. 28th. Please mail applications to: Ileana Fernandez 3751 Valverde Circle Jacksonville, Fl. [email protected] Thank you. Ileana ________________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING EVENTS February 1st – all day Student Day FSCJ – Buildings M & N February 14th at 9:30 am (Friday) JMTA Meeting & Presenter Lorraine Eaton – Valentine’s Day Holiday Hill Baptist Church March 9th at 3:00 pm (Sunday) Student Recital Deermeadows Baptist Church 9780 Baymeadows Rd March 12th at 9:30 am (Wednesday) JMTA Meeting & Presenter Sandra Stewart – Teaching Tips for Today’s Students Keyboard Connection April 9th at 9:30 am (Wednesday) Concerto Winners and Scholarship Winner Riverside Presbyterian Church April 15th at 6:00 pm (Tuesday) Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute 2015 N. Jefferson Street Downtown Jacksonville May 14th at 9:30 am (Wednesday) JMTA Meeting & Performance by Krosnicks Potluck Luncheon Krosnick’s home ________________________________________________________________________ Email attachments provided for: JMTA High Notes – February 2014 JMTA Recital Registration Form Please see February JMTA High Notes email for these attachments. ________________________________________________________________________ High Notes Deadline All submissions for the March High Notes must be sent to [email protected] no later than Thursday, February 20th. Any submissions sent after that date will be sent out as an email blast after the High Notes is sent on March 1st. Thank you for your timely submissions thus far. Comments are closed.
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