JMTA General Meeting
Please join us for our next meeting on February 8th! Following the business meeting, Penny Lyle, from Pensacola, will sing with several male vocalists, giving a presentation of American Patriotic music.
President’s Pen I hope everyone has had a positive start to the New Years. I know mine has personally been crazy! I took a long term music substitute job at a middle school, so I have been pulling 12 hour days Monday through Friday and then also teaching my private students Saturday. However, my health has taken a toll due to this, so it has been a rough month. For better or worse, the school decided to hire someone that was not me. I am not yet certified through the State of Florida, so they wanted a teacher who was certified. In the end, I learned a lot and got to know a lot of great kids whom I will miss. On that note, it is time for me to announce that I will not be running for another 2 years as President, however I will happily finish out my Presidency in May. My goal is to get a job with DCPS and have a better work schedule for my daughter and have a job that provides me with health benefits and retirement. I will continue to teach my private piano students, but on a much smaller scale. Needless to say, since I plan on teaching at a school, I would not be able to make Wednesday meetings, therefore making it too difficult to hold the office of President. Student Day went smoothly this year and the facilities at JU proved to be wonderful yet again. I thoroughly enjoyed administering the upper level Aural Theory tests, which was a new experience for me. Many thanks to all the teachers who participated and helped out with Student Day, and to Denise Homsley for once again orchestrating a successful Student Day. Hopefully next year we will have a higher student enrollment. I enjoyed the Honors Recital, held at Keyboard Connection on January 29th. I hope to see many of you at our next meeting on Wednesday, February 8th at Keyboard Connection. Our presenter will be Penny Lyle, who is traveling all the way from Pensacola with her singers to perform for us. Let’s show her a great turn out! Lindsay Hardee, JMTA President _______________________________________________________ District 4 (General) Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 9:30 a.m. Keyboard Connection Members Present: Paulette Kilts, Lorraine Eaton, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Lynn Freeman, Betty Atkinson,JohnWillard Utuk, Denise Homsley, Sarah Blazs, Anita Renfroe, Sandra Roberts President Lorraine: Meeting called to order; Jan. 11, 2016 D4 General meeting minutes were read & approved. Treasurer Report [Denise]:
Minutes Submitted by JohnWillard Utuk ________________________________________________________________________ FSMTA District 4 News Current officers:
Another successful Student Day has come and gone. Certificates and graded tests will be available soon. Medals will be available in May. Contact chairperson Denise Homsley for specific questions about Student Day. Concerto Competition is coming up—the deadline to apply is March 1st! Contact chairperson Erin Bennett with any questions. The event will be held on March 25, 2017, at UNF. Applications and more information about this event can be found at the FSMTA website: ~Lorraine Eaton, D4 President ________________________________________________________________________ 2017 District 4 Student Day Denise Homsley, Mus.M., NCTM, Chair, District IV Student Activities
Thank you everyone for making this year’s Student Day very successful!! We look forward to 2018 District 4 Student Day! Denise Homsley _________________________________________________________________________________ JMTA SPRING RECITAL The JMTA Spring Recital will be held on Sunday, March 5th, with more details to come. Contact Dr. Michael Mastronicola with questions. _______________________________________________________________________ Community Recital The Community Recital will be held on Tuesday, April 4, at the University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson St., Jacksonville, 32216, at 6:00pm. This recital is for intermediate and advanced students. Students can earn community service hours. Contact Dr. Sandra Stewart for further iniquiry. ____________________________________________________________________ Open Positions in JMTA! Exciting opportunities to serve! Archivist The Archivist is responsible for scanning old documents and pics onto our website. This is currently being done by Lorraine Eaton, already District President. Piano Festival This person is responsible for planning the Piano Festival. Lindsay Hardee is co-chair of this committee and will continue to fill the position, but she needs help. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Want to become Nationally Certified? Are you a National Certified Teacher of Music? Check out the Process: Certification candidates are required to complete five projects: explanation of teaching philosophy analysis of teaching pieces video of teaching description of teaching environment discussion of business ethics and studio policies From the MTNA Certification website workbooks are available. They are accompanied by a document titled, “What Will the Evaluators Be Looking For?” that guides candidates as they complete the profile projects. Other helpful materials are available at the MTNA Certification website. (see American Music Teacher, August/September 2016, pp. 32, 33) Sue H. Holder, District Certification Chair Comments are closed.
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