JMTA High Notes
February 2022—Vol. 25, no. 5 General Meeting and Program (over ZOOM): February 9, 2022: 9:30am – General meeting 10:30am – Program: UNF Senior Student’s Recital _____________________________________________________________________________ From the President’s Pen: A Place to Thrive JMTA members are providing a valuable service to the greater Jacksonville Metropolitan area. We are providing places for people to thrive. We offer a wide array of types of lessons, different areas of interest and many levels of achievement. Some focus on the classics, some on jazz or Broadway show tunes, others on church music. Some follow specific methods; others use a combination of sources. Some include theory and technique; others focus on music history or composition. I expect many of us incorporate all of the above and teach many levels from children to adults. We provide safe environments for students to learn, experiment and create music. We accept them where they are in terms of preparation, musical ability and desire to excel. We instill good practice habits, foster discipline in setting and meeting goals and encourage sharing their music through a variety of performance opportunities. We offer a musical education while the students develop technique and skills to play an instrument with ease. We also are sounding boards for students who need someone to listen. We share their joys and challenges, rejoice when they excel in school or in a music festival. We develop a rapport so we can stimulate their thinking about composers, titles and settings for works. Playing a piece by Mozart without understanding the time in which he lived and how extraordinary he was as an entrepreneur would be like reading a book by Dickens and knowing nothing about the Industrial Revolution. We are analysts who must make quick assessments of mood and attitude when a student walks in the door. We sometimes chuck the lesson plan and do what seems to fit the situation – a game off the bench, deep breathing exercises to lower anxiety levels or sightreading duets. Self-analysis is vital to us as we prepare lessons. Taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits enables us to pass on the knowledge and interact with others. The resources musicians have for Wellness is abundant and readily available. Inspiration is also a much-needed component for our teaching. In February, Grace Scarborough, a graduate piano student at UNF will present her recital as our program. Please see her bio and exciting program repertoire listed in this newsletter. Grace is one of our new members and we are so glad she will share her program. I look forward to seeing each of you on Zoom in February. Anita Dr. Anita Boyle Renfroe, NCTM JMTA President [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________ District IV Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 9:30am, Zoom Present: Erin Bennett, Stefanie Batson-Martin, Joan Cordell, Paulette Kilts, Lynn Freeman, Angie Holt, Anita Renfroe, Kama Rasmussen-Li, Lisa Barwell, JohnWillard Utuk, Sandra Roberts Call to Order: 9:33am (Erin Bennett) Vice-President: (Sarah Hartley) Secretary Minutes: (Stefanie Batson-Martin) •Reading of minutes was postponed to February Meeting Treasurer’s Report: (Denise Homsley) •There was $6,281.72 in the account as of July 1, 2021, we had one deposit, which was a post dated District Concerto check for $40 •There is $5,741.82 in the Savings Account COMMITTEE REPORTS: Student Day: (Angie Holt) •Still planning on holding it in person •Asked the three judges to judge in person Concerto Competition: (Temporarily Erin Bennett) •Erin shared the results:
•The 2022 FSMTA State Concerto Competition is May (Date TBA) in Gainesville, FL •Grace Scarborough (new student member) will be Co-Concerto Chair with Erin Bennett Sonatina and Sonata Festival 2021: (Erin Bennett) •Postponed because Erin had to learn new ropes on setting events up at UNF •Was scheduled for January 16, postponed for Saturday, March 12 at UNF, application deadline is February 21 •Required background checks for volunteers (around $75 a person) and liability waivers must be signed by all participants •MTNA provides the university with proof of liability insurance, but additional Health/Accident Insurance must also be purchased (nominal fee - maybe $0.09 per participant) Certification: (Kamila Shahtakhtinski) •Couldn’t be at meeting, but no news Community Service Awards: •Applications due January 17 Altruistic: •Fred Brown passed on New Year’s Eve, Sandra Roberts will send a sympathy card to his wife Student Recitals:
Old Business: •Sonatina Festival rescheduled to Saturday, March 12, 2022 at UNF •One movement of a Sonatina or Sonata from any composer/stylistic period •Audience will be required to be masked; performers TBD based on county Covid stats closer to the event New Business: •Election of new District Officers, unanimously voted in: •President: Kama Rasmussen-Li •Vice President: Erin Bennett •Secretary: Stefanie Batson-Martin •Treasurer: Denise Homsley •Competition date: Saturday, March 19 at UNF •Application deadline: February 28, 2022 •applications are now open on the state website for competitive events Adjourned: 10:17am (Erin Bennett) Program: Building a Diverse Music Studio (MTNA Webinar)
- Submitted by Stefanie Batson-Martin, Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasury Report ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA MONTHLY PROGRAMS February – 2/9 at 10:30am over Zoom (after the 9:30 meeting) Grace Scarborough, UNF Senior, will be performing the following program on the piano: Italian Concerto - J. S. Bach I. Allegro II. Andante III. Presto Sonata in C Major K. 330 - Wolfgang Mozart I. Allegro Moderato II. Andante Cantabile III. Allegretto Dance in the Canebrakes - Florence B. Price I. Nimble Feet II. Tropical Noon III. Silk Hat and Walking Cane Pour Le Piano - Claude Debussy I. Prelude II. Sarabande III. Toccata Grace Scarborough has been studying and performing piano since she was 5 years old. Music has become a passion and lifelong friend for Grace. She is currently a piano pedagogy major at the University of North Florida, studying with Dr. Gary Smart. Grace has made several musical accomplishments during her time at UNF such as winning the Avalonia Inspirational Film award, winning first place in the Piano Playoff Fall 2019, and winning first place in the Music Technology Composition contest 2021. She also teaches her own students in her music studio “Amazing Grace Studio”. In April 2020, she married her best friend Ryan Scarborough and together they are using their gifts to bring glory to God. February 9 - Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 989 2661 1130 Passcode: 019285 March – 3/9 at 10:30am over Zoom (after the 9:30 meeting) Fun with Rhythm – engaging ways to present and teach rhythm to our students. March 9 - Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 920 3959 7902 Passcode: 839395 ________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT RECITALS JMTA MARCH STUDENT RECITAL On Sunday, March 27 there will be a student recital held at All Saints Episcopal Church, 4171 Hendricks Avenue, at 3 p.m. Participants are encouraged to wear masks; however, students do not need to wear a mask while performing. Teachers who would like to enter students should send the information to Sandy Stewart, 904-333-9280, one week in advance. Under current conditions, there will be no reception following the recital. Michael Mastronicola requests that 2-3 men or high school boys help with moving the piano. This will need to be done 30 minutes before the recital begins. If you have someone who can help with this, please include that with your student information. In addition to name, title and composer, please give the age of the student and the length of the piece to be performed. STUDENT COMMUNITY RECITAL On Tuesday, April 26 the Community recital will be held at the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson St., at 6 pm. This recital is for late-intermediate to advanced students to perform for patients and families at the Proton Therapy Institute. Students who perform receive community service hours. Contact Sandy Stewart, 904-333-9280 if you have a qualified student who would like to participate. Under current conditions, there will be no reception following the recital. - Dr. Sandra Stewart, Recitals Chair ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Scholarships (go to for applications) JMTA High School Senior Scholarship The JMTA High School Senior Scholarship Competition will be held online. The deadline for application is Sunday, March 20, 2022. Auditions will be open only to students who have studied for six or more months with a JMTA member in good standing and who state their intention to pursue a college degree in Music. Students seeking a dual major in Music and another field of study are eligible to apply. Three letters of recommendation, the applicant’s repertoire list of three pieces from different time periods with duration no longer than 30 minutes, unedited recording via YouTube link along with the PDFs of the scores must be submitted along with signed application form and the fee of $25. Repertoire must be memorized. The winner of the Scholarship Competition is required to perform at a future JMTA function, TBA. JMTA Summer Music Camp Scholarship The JMTA Summer music camp scholarship is awarded annually only to pre-college students of JMTA members. The deadline for application is March 27, 2022. The scholarship may be awarded in full or partially. Students who receive scholarships may attend the summer camp of their choice. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need. Only one scholarship per family may be awarded. Students who receive money for summer camps from other organizations are not eligible to receive assistance from the JMTA. Teachers must submit a short outline of their students’ qualification for scholarship along with their name(s) to the JMTA Scholarship Committee for consideration by the JMTA board. - Kamila Shahtakhtinski, NCTM, Chair of JMTA Scholarship Committee. ________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV NEWS Sonatina & Sonata Festival This year’s District 4 Sonatina & Sonata Festival will take place live at UNF: When: Saturday, March 12, 2022 (finalized start time TBD determined based on number of participants, but likely 2:00 p.m.) Where: UNF Fine Arts Center Recital Hall (room 1200) Building 45 on the following map; free parking in the adjacent Lot 44 Cost: $15 for students of FSMTA members; An additional $10 (or $25 total) is required for students of non- member teachers. Checks should be mailed to: Erin Bennett 12534 Ashglen Dr N Jacksonville, FL 32224 Checks made payable to “FSMTA District 4” and postmarked no later than February 21, 2022 Application: Application is available online here or at Deadline: February 21, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Please note: your application is not complete without a completed UNF Liability Waiver. This form will be provided in the High Notes [see attachment] and hopefully linked on the website and can either be mailed in with your check, emailed to [email protected], or brought with you to the event itself. Additional blank copies will be available to be completed on-site on March 12. No student will be permitted to perform without a signed waiver form on file per UNF policies. - Dr. Erin Bennett, Chair (See attachment for festival rules and Covid-19 protocols. Apply on-line at Concerto Competition This year’s District 4 Concerto Competition will take place live at UNF: When: Saturday, March 19, 2022 Where: UNF Fine Arts Center Recital Hall (room 1200) Building 45 on the following map; free parking in the adjacent Lot 44 Information and application for the Concerto Competition is on-line at COVID-19 Protocols:
Application Addendum:
- Dr. Erin Bennett, Concerto Competition Chair (Liability Waiver is attached.) Student Day The Date and Venue for 2022 Student Day is pending. An email will be sent out as soon as it has been confirmed. The Student Day application deadline is Saturday, March 19, 2022. Please include one check for all fees, payable to FSMTA District IV ($30 per student, plus $15 for teacher’s continental breakfast/lunch). You can help your students prepare for this annual evaluation by choosing and helping them learn the repertoire, and working on their keyboard skills, written theory, and aural theory. The November 2021 High Notes houses detailed information regarding Student Day, as well as the website. In addition, Student Day guidelines may be found on the website. Click on Student Activities at the top of the screen, then on FSMTA Non-Competitive Events. Scroll down to the “Members of FSMTA” and login with the case-sensitive password that was recently emailed to you, for Student Day tests, guidelines, suggested repertoire, and other materials, for each of the levels primary through 12. In addition, the Student Day Handbook may answer more questions that you have; refer to your student’s level in the handbook for specific requirements. You can print all or any portion of the handbook. An independent teacher in Florida has devised a curriculum to help you prepare your students for the technique, aural theory, and written theory portions of Student Day. The guidelines follow the same leveling and guidelines that are provided in your Student Activities Handbook. These materials will assist students in mastering the FSMTA guidelines for Student Day. Contact information is as follows: Music Master, 4111 NW 79 Ave., Coral Springs, FL 33065; 954-752-2856 (teacher Sue Colvert); email address is [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding Student Day at [email protected]. - Angie Holt, Student Day Chair ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA WEBSITE UPDATE On the Find-A-Teacher page of the JMTA website (, some teachers listed have moved out of the area or are no longer with JMTA. In addition, many current members are not listed. When I receive requests sent to the website looking for a piano teacher, this is the page I refer them to. If your name and information is not listed, please consider having it added. Also, if you know of any who have left the area or are no longer JMTA members, please let me know, so that we can have the most up-to-date information listed. Thank you. Please send information (plus any other website updates) to me at [email protected]. - Angie Holt ________________________________________________________________________ 2022 MTNA National Conference The 2022 MTNA National Conference has been changed to a virtual-only event. It will be held on March 26–30, 2022. From the MTNA website: “While we were looking forward to a return to a live and in-person conference, for the health and safety of everyone involved, the in-person conference has been cancelled, and we have pivoted to a virtual-only format. The virtual conference will still be the most inclusive conference program ever, now delivered to you in the comfort of your own home or studio. In addition to experiencing well over 100 sessions, master classes, keynote addresses and recitals, you will also have multiple opportunities for live interactions with presenters and colleagues from around the nation and the world.” ________________________________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . This month we have a special guest we are getting to know. Grace Scarborough is a senior at UNF and performing for our February JMTA program. She is also a JMTA member and has a piano studio. Welcome to Grace and thank you for sharing your experiences with us! GRACE SCARBOROUGH Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Hi, I am Grace Scarborough and I am currently a piano pedagogy major at the University of North Florida, studying with Dr. Gary Smart. I am also getting a certificate in music technology at UNF and I am working to get MTNA certified. I have made several musical accomplishments during my time at UNF such as winning the Avalonia Inspirational Film award, winning first place in the Piano Playoff Fall 2019, and winning first place in the Music Technology Composition contest 2021. I teach students in my music studio “Amazing Grace Studio”. In April 2020, I married my best friend Ryan Scarborough and together we are using our gifts to bring glory to God. What made you want to begin piano lessons as a child? It was one moment in time that began my desire for piano lessons. I was 5 years old in the car with my parents and they played a piece by Yanni “One Man’s Dream”. I remember the way it made me feel and it created a dream in me to learn the piano. After the song finished, I told my parents I wanted to take piano lessons and the rest is history. Who was your favorite music teacher growing up and why? My favorite music teacher is Mrs. Aida Mechetti. Within the first year of lessons, I experienced a radical change in my skill and understanding of the piano. I came from a background of piano method books and I was never taught technique or classical repertoire. Mrs. Aida pushed me and by the end of my first year, I could play all my major scales 4 octaves (in the beginning of the year I did not even know what a scale was!). I began playing large pieces that challenged me and helped me exceed to new levels in piano. Mrs. Aida helped me understand the art that could be achieved on the piano. There is a world of musical color that can be created when you understand the technique and put in the practice. I was fortunate to have 3 years with her and I flourished. I went from a level of intermediate playing to advanced difficult. I participated in musical competitions and one of which I won 1st place. At the end of my time with Mrs. Aida, I was a different pianist. Piano had become my lifelong friend and it became more than just hobby; it became a passion. Tell us about some things you have been/are involved in musically. Since music is a passion, I have been exploring different opportunities. One of which, is a passion project on the life and music of Florence B. Price. A few years ago, a family found an abandoned home in the woods filled with music, it was the music of Florence Price. She was the first African American woman to be recognized as a symphonic composer and her story is one the world needs to her. I discovered her in my junior year upon listening to a playlist of women composers (created by Dr. Bennett). When I stumbled upon one of her pieces, it filled me with such nostalgia, I was determined to learn the piece and learn more about her. I am learning her music to bring recognition to her life and legacy. I am also researching how I may go about exposing and teaching students her music. Do you have a story of something that happened during one of your performances and how you handled it? When I was 9 years old, I had to perform two long pieces by memory. I was terrified. I remember sitting and waiting with such anxiety that I was convinced I had forgotten my pieces altogether. When it was my turn, I sat down on the bench and indeed my worst fear had come true. I couldn’t remember where to place my hands nor could I remember the music. I gulped and reached out my hands to play, then suddenly the bench completely collapsed under me. Before I knew it I was on the floor and the whole audience was horrified. The bench apparently was super old, but the big surprise was I managed to be its downfall (considering there were people way heavier than me that had just performed on it). However, the bench collapsing was the best thing that could have happened to me because the second I fell down I could remember all my music!! I was brought a new chair and I played a perfect performance of my pieces. To this day, I think that was one of my best childhood performances. What advice would you give to help focus before a performance and curb nerves? My faith in God is the source of my peace, especially before performances. When I set my mind to play for God alone, I am filled with focus and filled with joy at the chance to worship. J. S. Bach said it best “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.” My advice to any performer is to pray to the Lord God who created music and to whom all music should be played. The Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise and all glory. He is the one who can calm your nerves and give you a successful performance. What is one of the most interesting places you've visited, and why. Cumberland Island is by far one of the most interesting places I have visited. The island is a barrier island off of Georgia and you can only get to it by ferry. The history of the land is also fascinating. It was a beach getaway for the Carnegie family. It was also the place that John F. Kennedy Jr was married. One of the mansions was struck by lightning and burned down into beautiful ruins. Wild horses roam the island and so do sea turtles! I was able to stay in the Greyfield Inn, which had the best bread I have ever tasted. All the food is made on the island. The best part was I was able to play a grand piano that was over 100 years old. What do you find to be a challenge in teaching piano and how do you suggest meeting that challenge? One of the biggest challenges I have faced in teaching piano is keeping students consistent in practice and in taking lessons. I find many of them practice well their first year, but by year two they struggle in consistency. I also have seen students stop lessons for a year and then come back or just quit altogether. I have seen several students choose sports instead of piano. For one, I believe sports offers a lot of community and success. Students work in teams and work to win games. To compete, I believe piano lessons need to have the same benefits. Group piano lessons could be a great way to give students weekly community and fun games to win. Students could learn from one another and grow. After I graduate, I want to explore the possibilities of teaching group piano. I think some students benefit privately, but not all students do. I want to offer private lessons and group lessons to accommodate. ________________________________________________________________________ Did you know? Residents of Duval county, if they have a Jacksonville Library card, can use the many electronic resources from the Getting a library card is free. All that's needed is your driver's license and sign up in person at any of the 21 branches. The card allows the use of Kanopy - which has free streaming movies, documentaries, educational resources [older teens/adults]. I saw a documentary "Making the Grade" which profiled Irish students and piano teachers whose students are preparing to take the Irish Royal Academy of Music Examinations. It was funny, moving, informative, and relatable, especially seeing snippets of the teacher's lessons in action and how the students feel about piano and their teachers overall. I highly recommend members watch it (and explore the other resources available from JPL)! - JohnWillard Utuk, Vice President of Membership ________________________________________________________________________ AREA CONCERTS AND RECITALS Community Hospice Performances Community Hospice and Pallative Care on Sunbeam Road sponsors a monthly performance titled First Friday Recital Series. In the coming months, two of our member performers will be giving piano recitals for staff and patient families. February 4 was Dr. Anita Renfroe (classical works and spirituals) and on March 4 JohnWillard Utuk will perform. All performances are at 11:30 a.m. If you would like to attend, please be advised that you must wear masks. Anyone else who would be interested in performing, please contact Sandy Stewart, 904-333-9280. – Dr. Sandra Stewart March 4 – JohnWillard Utuk “It will be recorded and be on their facebook page afterwards. I'll be featuring a classical-pop arrangement (Debussy/Legend), my original 3 movement work (The Etherea Suite), Scarlatti, and some Chick Corea Children's Songs. The first movement of the Suite "Vayriel's Theme" is available on for purchase (great for sightreading, or expression, phrasing, and pedaling practice)!” – JohnWillard Utuk “Lawson Ensemble” with Siyu Zhang, violin Featuring works by Mendelssohn and more. Date: Sunday, February 20, 3:00pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: UNF Orchestra presents the: “11th Annual Concerto Showcase Concert” Winners of the annual UNF Orchestra Concerto Competition (TBD) perform with the UNF Orchestra. Dr. Simon Shiao, conductor Date: Tuesday, February 22, 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall at UNF Cost: Adults $10 / Students free with ID Click on link for tickets and for details: The Cummer Family Foundation Chamber Music Series presents: “Krzysztof Biernacki, baritone with Denise Wright, piano” Dr. James Hall, Artistic Director Date: Tuesday, February 22, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “Sing into Spring: Singing Ospreys in Concert” Dr. Cara Tasher, Director of Choral Activities Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “Rhythm Reflections” Dr. Andrea Venet, Director Date: Wednesday, March 2, 6:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall at UNF Cost: Adults $10 / Students free with ID Click on link for tickets and for details: 34th Annual Great American Jazz Series in Collaboration with the Beaches Fine Arts Series Presents: “Drummer and Vocalist, Jamison Ross and Saxophonist, Bob Reynolds” J.B. Scott, Artistic Director Date: Thursday, March 3, 7:30pm Location: Andrew A. Robinson, Jr. Theater at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “International Women’s Day Violin Recital” Presented by Dr. Simon Shiao and UNF violin students. Music by Amy Beach, Julia Wolfe, Jennifer Higdon and Reena Esmail. Date: Tuesday, March 8, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: ________________________________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, please take a moment to check out your information on our Find a Teacher page of the JMTA website ( If you would like to edit, add, or delete your information, please email our Internet Media chair Angie Holt at [email protected]. ________________________________________________________________________ Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Jacksonville School of Music & First Coast School of Music, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. His direction phone number is 904-248-1848. Thank you JohnWillard Utuk for the update! ________________________________________________________________________ Music Exchange (Will be on again once meetings are in-person) Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Let's have a music exchange! Bring your unwanted music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. ________________________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! ________________________________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: February 9 9:30 – meeting 10:30 – program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: UNF Senior Student Recital Zoom March 9 9:30 – meeting 10:30 – program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: Fun with Rhyth Zoom March 12 As Scheduled District IV Sonatina & Sonata Festival UNF Recital Hall March 19 As Scheduled District IV Concerto Competition UNF Recital Hall March 26-30 As Scheduled MTNA Nat’l Conference Held Virtually March 27 3:00pm JMTA Student Recital All Saints Episcopal Church, 4171 Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville April 13 9:30 – meeting 10:30 – program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: TBA Zoom April 26 6:00pm Student Community Recital UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson TBA As Scheduled District IV Student Day TBA Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the first of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Comments are closed.
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