General Meeting and Program
January 14, 2015
*Keyboard Connection: 9912 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL _________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen I hope you had an enjoyable and refreshing holiday! With the start of the New Year, we start to wind down our JMTA business year, but we still have lots more on our calendar! This month make sure to check out our program after the meeting to learn about apps and software that can enhance your studio. You’ll also be hearing a lot more about the upcoming Multi Piano Festival, slated to be held in November at UNF. That may seem far away now, but it takes a lot of preparation to pull off such a wonderful event! Be sure to attend the monthly meetings if you can to get information about music selection, theme, and rehearsals. If you’re unable to attend the meetings, you can also get information by reading your monthly High Notes, checking the website, and following us on Facebook. This is also an election year, so we’ll be presenting a slate of nominees soon to be voted on in May. There are lots of ways you can help your Association, so see what may work for your schedule when you get a call or email to help with upcoming events. Or perhaps you’d like to serve on the Board? It’s a great way to learn more about how everything works, not just at the local level, but also at the district, state, and national levels. See you in the New Year! ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ District Student Day Application District IV Student Day is January 31, 2015 at FSCJ – South Campus. Just a reminder that the deadline for District Student Day applications is January 3, 2015. Application forms may be accessed on the website. The fee is $30.00 per student. Please also include $15.00 for the teacher’s continental breakfast and lunch. Please mail to my current address. ________________________________________________________________________ Nominees for District IV Board At the recent District IV meeting, the board voted on and approved the following candidates for the next District IV Board:
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