Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting and Program JMTA Meeting - March 14, 2012 9:15 A.M. – Meet & Greet 9:30 A.M. – Business Meeting 10:30 A.M. Program: Mary Lou Krosnick The Home of Aaron and Mary Lou Krosnick The March 14 meeting will be held at the home of Mary Lou and Aaron Krosnick in Queen’s Harbor. In order to be admitted into the gated community, please email them by the day before at abkmlk(at)hotmail(dot)com. If you decide at the last minute you are coming, you can still be admitted, but this makes it easier. If you have not been to their home before, ask Aaron for specific directions. The program will be given by Mary Lou. She will discuss piano technique, specially in the area of articulation. One of her students will be demonstrating and performing. It is always a delight to be in their home. Please join us for this meeting. From the President’s Pen **Coming Soon** Check website version of High Notes. February General Minutes JMTA GENERAL MEETING – February 8, 2012 Keyboard Connection Members Present: (18) Beth Martelli, Paulette Kilts, Betty Atkinson, Lynn Freeman, Lindsay Johnson, Susan Figlietti, Tara Mock, Sandra Stewart, Lorraine Eaton, Sue Holder, Mary Wingfield, Liz Kiebler, Jeannie Blazs, Sandra Roberts, Cheryl Cafrelli, Heather Schaeffer, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Denise Homsley President Beth Martelli called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. The minutes were read and approved. Paulette Kilts gave the Treasurer’s Report. Liz Kiebler, District IV President, announced Betty Atkinson will be serving as Interim District Treasurer. Ansel Audain, a UNF student, was introduced as a guest. He will be conducting interviews regarding transfer students, and asked for contact information for any teachers wishing to participate. Committee Reports: Altruistic: Mary Wingfield sent a note to Catherine Aday, and reported her baby is doing well following recent heart surgery. Mary will send a note to Lydia Sanchez, whose mother is seriously ill. Certification: Liz Kiebler would like to conduct an anonymous survey regarding interest in certification. Community Service: In Maureen Rhodes absence, Beth reminded everyone the Community Service Awards are for students in ninth and twelfth grades. It was recommended students keep journals of their music activities. Concerto Competition: Mary Wingfield reported Concerto Competition is March 17 and encouraged applications are sent soon. Finance: Paulette Kilts reported Martha McKie has begun paperwork for our 501c3 status, and hopefully it will be filed within a month. High Notes: Tara Mock reminded everyone the next High Notes deadline is February 20 for the March issue. Historian: Lorraine Eaton announced there is a JMTA group room on the Walgreens website. She will be sending another invitation to join the group soon. Membership: Lorraine distributed directories and by-laws to those who had not yet received them. She asked everyone to check their individual directory information for accuracy. Lorraine also reported there are 5-6 new collegiate members. Pianothon: Sandra Stewart suggested we change the name of this event. Dr. Stewart also announced the date of the recital at the Proton Therapy Institute as April 17, 2012, 6:00-7:30 pm. She encouraged members to consider students to participate. Please send her the students’ names, titles and length of pieces. Programs: Lindsay Johnson encouraged everyone to attend today’s program “Teaching Jazz Piano” by Lynne Ariale. She announced the March JMTA meeting will be at Mary Lou Krosnick’s. Mary Lou will be giving the program. Provisional: Lorraine Eaton currently has three provisional members. Publicity: Anyone wishing to send information out to the membership should send an email to Laura Fitts. Please include your email address. Scholarship: Beth Martelli announced the Scholarship competition will be held March 10, 2012. This competition is available for high school seniors who plan to pursue a degree in music. Student Day: Denise Homsley thanked everyone who helped with District Student Day on January 28, 2012. Sixty-seven students participated, and forty students received State Honors. She asked for suggestions to improve District Student Day, and received several recommendations. Sandra Stewart reported on the Student Day Honors Recital, held February 5, 2012 at Peace Presbyterian Church. She thanked everyone for helping to make this event a success. Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart announced the next Student Recital will be held March 11, 2012, at Jacksonville University. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise Homsley JMTA Recording Secretary JMTA Student Recitals JMTA STUDENT RECITALS Student recitals will be held at 3 p.m. on the following dates:
The following guidelines will help teachers to prepare:
PRINT Student Name Age Level: Beginner Intermediate Advanced Phone Teacher Name Complete Title of Composition Composer Length of piece Membership/Historian News Our organization has so many ways to keep up with all the things we do! We have monthly meetings, several events throughout the year, a website, this newsletter, a Facebook page and a scrapbook. Did you know we also have a photo sharing room on ? As Historian, I post pictures from as many events as I can in the Walgreens Group Room. Only a select few photos make it into the scrapbook. Have you checked out either lately? You may see a picture of yourself or a student! Having the pictures uploaded to makes it easy for you to order prints of any photos you would like for your personal studio scrapbook. This group room is accessible by invite only, to maintain the privacy of our students. If you would like to receive an invitation to join this room, just let me know by sending a message to jaxpeach1(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thank you! ~Lorraine Eaton, V.P of Membership and Historian Chair All current members’ contact information, including those listed above, can be found on the website directory. Please note that there is an updated membership directory on the website effective February 1, 2012. Concerto Competition We are looking forward to a phenomenal competition at Jacksonville University on March 17th. Any questions about food (or deadlines) call Mary Wingfield at 744-7873. -Ileana and Mary 2012 District IV Student Day District IV Student Day was held on January 28, 2012 at Florida State College at Jacksonville, South Campus. Ileana Fernandez served as our liaison in planning this event. Thank you, Ileana! Sixty-seven students participated in Student Day. Forty students received State Honors: receiving Honors in their Performance Audition and either Honors or Achievement on their Written and Aural Theory exams. These forty students also qualified to perform in the Honors Recital held on February 5, 2012 at Peace Presbyterian Church. Many thanks are extended to Susan Figlietti, Jo Plunkett, Al Plunkett, Aida Mechetti, Paulette Kilts, Dan Kilts, Gavin Taylor, Lisa Smith, Tara Mock, Betty Atkinson, Sandra Stewart, Lorraine Eaton, Beth Martelli, Martha McKie, Heather Schaeffer, and Lynne Radcliffe for all their assistance toward making District IV Student Day a big success! A special “thank you” is extended to Lydia Sanchez for providing the lunch. It was delicious! Thank you, too, to Joan Cordell, Sue Holder, and Michael Mastronicola for serving as adjudicators. We appreciate your expertise and helpful comments! -Denise Homsley JMTA Community Recital ANNOUNCING A JMTA COMMUNITY RECITAL TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2012 - 6:00-7:30 p.m. PROTON THERAPY INSTITUTE 2015 N. JEFFERSON STREET JACKSONVILLE
This was a wonderful opportunity for JTMA last year to offer a recital out in the community. We had a full audience who was respectful and appreciative. Please encourage your eligible students to participate. Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! March 10, 2012 9:00 am Riverside Presbyterian Church March 11, 2012 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Jacksonville University March 14, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Mary Lou Krosnick Mary Lou Krosnick’s Home March 17, 2012 TBA District IV Competitive Concerto Jacksonville University April 11, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto Competition Winners Riverside Presbyterian Church April 17, 2012 6:00 pm JMTA Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute May 9, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Scholarship Winner Home of Aida Rebeiro Submissions for the March Newsletter are due on March 20, 2012. Please send submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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