We will meet on Wednesday, March 12, 9:30 AM at Keyboard Connection. The program will be “Teaching Tips for Today’s Students” presented by Sandra Stewart. She will discuss various ideas that have worked in her studio, including musicianship classes. Please join us for an informative meeting. We hope everyone can attend. See you there! LATE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I truly apologize, the delay in this announcement is completely the fault of the communications committee, i.e. Heather Schaeffer. In lieu of my wedding and move in two weeks I was not able to keep up with the communications as was expected. The job will be turned over to Lorraine Eaton hereafter. I hope the best for you all and all of your students. Attached is the application for our High School senior scholarship is March 7,2014. Please, encourage your HS Seniors mail in their applications ASAP. The JMTA scholarship auditions will be held Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., at the Northeast Florida Conservatory /11363 San Jose Blvd.-Bldg. 200/. This year’s winner will perform at a future JMTA function. An entrance fee of $25 must accompany the application form. The participants should turn in three letters of recommendation and their repertoire list of three pieces from differing periods with a duration of no longer than 30 minutes. Please mail the application below and the application fee to Kamila Shahtakhtinski at 7990 Baymeadows Rd. E unit 202, Jacksonville, FL, 32256. Make check payable to JMTA. Deadline is March 7, 2014. If you have any questions, please email or call me. Sincerely, Kamila Shahtakhtinski _______________________________________________________________________ PRESIDENT’S PEN Our year is beginning to wind down, but there is still a lot more for you to be a part of! Business meetings, programs, and recitals, oh my! At every event or meeting I attend I learn something new. I hope you continue to learn and grow in your music career. Being present at as many events or meetings as you can will certainly present you with information to inspire your teaching. We are always taking suggestions too. If you think you have a great idea for a program, or a recital space, or anything else, please send your ideas to our email address and they will certainly be considered! Thank you. ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President Positions Open: The following committee positions are in immediate need of a chairperson. Please send us an email or call Lorraine if you are interested or want more information. Historian- Responsible for collecting programs from recitals, conference booklets, etc. Take pictures at as many events as possible. Collect these pictures and other paraphernalia into a simple or elaborate scrapbook for viewing by the membership. Communications- Answer and/or pass on any incoming emails. Send out email blasts as necessary. Prepare and send out the monthly High Notes. ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING FEB. 14TH, 2014 HOLIDAY HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Members present: (6) Lorraine Eaton, Denise Homsley, Lydia Sanchez, Sandra Stewart, Betty Atkinson, and Lisa Smith. Guests present: (1) Ansel Audain. President Lorraine Eaton Meeting the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. Lisa Smith read the minutes from the January meeting; they were approved as read. Treasurer’s report: Lorraine reported for Paulette Kilts. – We purchased a new CD in Jan. that will mature in four years. – Paulette prepared figures of membership to transfer $5 from dues to the District IV account. 65 members @ $5 = $325. This will be paid from the Free Checking to District IV in February. A $300 donation is being given by Riverside Presbyterian to JMTA for being part of their recital series. Denise proposed that we transfer the $300 from JMTA to District IV account because it was a district event. Lydia Sanchez moved that we make this transfer. Sandra Stewart seconded the motion. Approved unanimously. Membership: Lorraine reported for Beth Martelli. Prospective member Ansel Audain just graduated from UNF with a Music Performance degree in piano. He will be joining JMTA in the immediate future. Debbie Young is another prospective member. Student Day: Denise Homsley thanked all who participated and helped out. 97 students and 18 teachers participated this year. This was a record high as long as Denise has been in charge of the event. Reminders needed for next year’s Student Day event: – When you enter students in SD you must fill out the applications before sending them. – We need to keep a quiet atmosphere during testing. – Students can play audition pieces one level below, one level above, or at the level entered. Denise proposed giving a program on Student Day for teachers next year. Sandy proposed doing a program on recitals/ recital etiquette as well. Concerto: Illeana Fernandez is the chairman. It will be held at UNF Recital Hall March 15th. Application deadline is Feb. 28th. Committee Reports: Altruistic: Lorraine is going to have Mary Wingfield send a thank you note to Pastor Albert Byrd for allowing us to use Holiday Hill Baptist Church today. Communications: Heather is getting married and moving to NY, so a new chairperson is needed. Ansel Audain has volunteered to be our new Communications chair (pending his JMTA membership approval). Community Service Award: Lorraine reported for Martha McKie. Because everything concerning this award is done through state and is on the state website, we may not need a local chair for this. We may delete this committee when we revise our Bylaws. Bylaws: Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Lindsay Hardee, and Lisa Smith will be on the committee to revise and update the Bylaws. Historian: We need a new chairperson. Internet Media: (Website and Facebook) Our website is: Our Facebook is: If you see any problems, please contact Lorraine immediately. Programs: Sandra Stewart will present the next program “Teaching Tips for Today’s Students” at the Mar. 12th meeting. At the April meeting we will have a program showcasing the Concerto winners and Scholarship winners. The May meeting will be at the Krosnick’s house and they will perform for us. Provisional: Lorraine reported for Michael Mastronicola that we have no new members. Scholarship: Lorraine has uploaded all information for both scholarships online. High School Application is due Mar. 7th; Competition is Mar. 22nd. Summer Music Camp Scholarship deadline is Mar. 25th. Social: Betty Atkinson We need someone to bring refreshments for the next meeting. The May luncheon is potluck; a sign up sheet will be created by Betty in time for the March meeting. She will also get with Mary Lou Krosnick to find out what she is planning in terms of program and food. Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart The next student recital is Mar. 9th at Deermeadows Baptist. The April 15th recital will be at the Proton Therapy Institute and is open only for intermediate/ advanced student participants. Please put your students in; it is good exposure for JMTA and the audience is very appreciative. Let Sandy know a week before if you have students who would like to perform. Students can play one or two selections. Community service certificates are awarded to all students who participate (hour and a half worth). Unfinished business: Lorraine asked members who signed up to contact other members if they accomplished this. She then asked for more volunteers to contact specific people. New Business: New Website link: Violettes by Becky Becky makes really cool bags in the shape of musical instruments. Becky met the criteria for adding outside links we approved last month, so the link was added. Paulette would like to have piano festival next fall 2015 (Nov.). She needs a co-chair. Sandra suggested Lindsay. Announcements: The next meeting is March 12th at Keyboard Connection. Please view AMT magazine for voting on Division Candidates. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Smith _______________________________________________________________________ 2014 DISTRICT STUDENT DAY 2014 District Student Day was held Saturday, February 1, on the campus of Florida State College of Jacksonville, South Campus. We had an increased enrollment again this year! Eighteen teachers and 97 students participated in this annual event! We were honored to have Joan Cordell, Dr. Michael Mastronicola, Lisa Smith, and Dr. Sandra Stewart serve as adjudicators. Many, many thanks! Many thanks, as well, to Betty Atkinson, Lorraine Eaton, Lindsay Hardee, Michelle Huang, Paulette Kilts, Beth Martelli, Aida Mechetti, Laura Peden, Jo Plunkett, Jeannie Rose, Gavin Taylor, XiaoMin Tu. and Mary Wingfield for all your assistance with administering Student Day activities. Spouses Al Plunkett, Dan Kilts, and Mark Homsley were also a tremendous help at Student Day. Thank you! A very special “Thank you” is extended to Ileana Fernandez for serving as our liaison with Florida State College. A great time was had by all as attendees heard wonderful music featured at the recitals and students and parents reconnected between events. Now our students are excitedly awaiting their certificates and medals! If you did not participate this year, please consider participating in 2015. District Student Day is a great experience for our students! Please contact Denise Homsley for further information _______________________________________________________________________ 2014 DISTRICT STUDENT DAY HONORS RECITAL The 2014 District Student Day Honors Recital was held on Sunday, February 9, at Riverside Presbyterian Church. A large number of students qualified to participate by receiving Honors on their audition, and Honors or Achievement on their aural and written theory tests. Forty-four students performed in this year’s Honors Recital! At the conclusion of the recital each student received a certificate and a Valentine treat bag. Special thanks to Betty Atkinson for preparing the cookie bags for the students. Many thanks to Lois Gurney for serving as our liaison with Riverside Presbyterian. JMTA/District Student Day was privileged to be invited by Ms. Gurney to be a part of the Riverside Presbyterian Recital Series this year. We are honored, and it was great to hold this special recital in this beautiful church! Denise Homsley, Mus.M., NCTM Chair, District IV Student Activities ________________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING EVENTS March 12th at 9:30 am (Wednesday) Teaching Tips for Today’s Students presented by Sandra Stewart Keyboard Connection April 9th at 9:30 am (Wednesday) Concerto Winners and Scholarship Winner Riverside Presbyterian Church April 15th at 6:00 pm (Tuesday) Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute 2015 N. Jefferson Street Downtown Jacksonville May 14th at 9:30 am (Wednesday) JMTA Meeting & Performance by Krosnicks Potluck Luncheon Krosnick’s home HIGH NOTES DEADLINE All submissions for the April High Notes must be sent to [email protected] no later than Tuesday, March 20th. Any submissions sent after that date will be sent out as an email blast after the High Notes is sent on April 1st. Thank you for your timely submissions thus far. Comments are closed.
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