JMTA High Notes
March 2022—Vol. 25, no. 6 General Meeting and Program (over ZOOM): March 9, 2022: 9:30am – General meeting 10:30am – Program: Fun with Rhythm _____________________________________________________________________________ From the President’s Pen: After all those good intentions in our New Year’s Resolutions, let’s take stock in what actually may help. Let’s Move! The February-March AMT magazine has a good Wellness article- “Tailoring Your Fitness Routine” by Regina Campbell. Check out her suggestions for strengthening the core and stretching. A little care of the body each day goes a long way to supporting our mental and emotional fitness. Let’s Breathe! Lisa Barwell has led JMTA in several breathing exercises that are simple and cleanse the mind. It only takes a few seconds to do these and feel refreshed. Take some deep breaths in between lessons or during a lesson when the things get frustrating. The students also need to breathe. Let’s Read! What an amazing array of books and articles on every topic is at our fingertips. We enrich our lessons and lives by learning something new each day. We also provide a good example for our students. I often ask them what they are reading in school and what they are reading for pleasure. Let’s Applaud! JMTA has so many talented members. Dr. Erin Bennett is one of the two nominees for Director of the Southern Division of MTNA. We know what a vital role Erin holds in our association and in the University of North Florida. She will be an excellent leader to represent Southern Division at the national level. If you have not already voted, please go to and vote. The deadline if March 1st. Let’s Spread Kindness! At the close of some of the news broadcasts, there are segments about folks who are doing good work in their communities, people who sacrifice to give opportunities to others, people who put others first. I find these stories inspirational. We can all do something to help others. There are so many ways to volunteer through community groups, churches, schools, etc…Smaller acts of kindness such as thanking the folks who pick up our trash, smiling at the cashier in the grocery store, letting someone in line ahead of you or checking on a neighbor all add up to a better world. Let’s Practice! Playing our instrument or singing is part of who we are. Even if our practice on some days is limited to a technical warmup of 20-30 minutes, we need to do it. It keeps us connected to our instrument and also helps prevent injury. Nelita True once told me when I was complaining about not having hour-long blocks of time to practice that she had become the greatest 20- minute practicer. She could grab 20 minutes several times a day and accomplish more than in her longer sessions because she was more focused and had several new beginnings. Let’s Teach! Anita Dr. Anita Boyle Renfroe, NCTM JMTA President [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 9:30am, Zoom Present: Paulette Kilts, Stefanie Batson-Martin, Erin Bennett, Mary McKee, Anita Renfroe, Lisa Barwell, Sandra Stewart, Denise Homsley; Grace Lewis, Joan Cordell, JohnWillard Utuk, Kama Rasmussen-Li, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Lynn Freeman, Sandra Roberts, Michael Mastronicola Call to Order: 9:35 (Anita Renfroe) Parliamentarian: (Lynn Freeman) •Nothing to report Secretary Minutes: (Stefanie Batson-Martin) •We caught up on District minutes from the January meeting, Kama moved, Paulette seconded district meeting minutes (2021) •November minutes were read Treasurer’s Report: (Stefanie and Damon Martin) •$20,980.61 in account, waiting on two checks for $40 each to go through Vice-President/Membership: (JohnWillard Utuk) •Two new members: •Eunice Paliy, UNF Masters student, collegiate member •Peggy Edwards who is reinstating her membership COMMITTEE REPORTS: Altruistic: (Sandra Roberts) •Sent sympathy card to Kathy Brown, received a response from Kathy Communications/Internet Media: (Angie Holt) •Nothing to report, let her know of any website or newsletter updates from the membership Community Service: (Joan Cordell) •Checks were sent for two students to apply Ethics: (Betty Atkinson) •Not present Historian: (Lynn Roberts) •Not present Programs: (Lisa Barwell) •If anybody else wants to take over Programs Chair, talk to Anita •Lisa needs help with the rhythm program, so please send any rhythm ideas you use with your students to Lisa to compile for the March presentation Scholarships: (Kamila Shahtakhtinski) •All the information is on the high notes, application and video due by March 20 •Deadline for Summer Music Camp Scholarship is March 27 Social: (Angie Holt and Stefanie Batson-Martin) •Nothing to report Student Recitals: (Sandra Stewart and Gavin Taylor) •Did have Recital in December at Gavin Taylor’s church, they were very strict on rules which we followed •Hoping to do the same thing on March 27, at Michael Mastronicola’s church, he needs help to move the piano, 15 minute time limit per teacher •Proton Center Recital: April 26, Tuesday evening at 6pm, upper-intermediate or advanced students only, let Sandy Stewart know if you want to have a student participate Student Day Report: (Angie Holt) •April 30 has been canceled, offered April 2 but Angie is looking at another venue to keep the later date Wellness Liaison: (Lisa Barwell) •1, 2, 3 clap exercise from “Breathe Like a Bear” Old Business: •MTNA Conference is virtual, look at magazine or online for schedule, $145 extended to March 15, collegiate before March 15 is $45 •Need a new Program Chairperson •We should stay virtual for March, not sure about April New Business: •Erin is running to represent us for the Southeastern Division Director Elect, votes are due by end of February •Sonata and Sonatina Festival •Application deadline is February 21, online application, easy to fill out •Two applications have been received so far •Event is Saturday, March 12, likely start time of 2pm •$15 to participate (members), $25 for non-members •A waiver needs to be filled out by participants •Students please bring original copies of work, any movement from a Sonatina or Sonata, one movement, repeats optional, can be by pedagogical composer, does not have to be Sonata form •Volunteers welcome to help out •Concerto Competition •Only one student has applied so far •Competition is March 19 •Application deadline is February 28 •Anne Falik is chair of state competitive events, those are live and in-person in Gainesville, May 21 Adjourned: 10:29am (Anita Renfroe) - Submitted by Stefanie Batson-Martin, Recording Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasury Report ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA MONTHLY PROGRAMS March – 3/9 at 10:30am over Zoom (after the 9:30 meeting) “Fun with Rhythm – engaging ways to present and teach rhythm to our students.” March 9 - Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 920 3959 7902 Passcode: 839395 ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA WEBSITE UPDATE On the Find-A-Teacher page of the JMTA website (, some teachers listed have moved out of the area or are no longer with JMTA. In addition, many current members are not listed. When I receive requests sent to the website looking for a piano teacher, this is the page I refer them to. If your name and information is not listed, please consider having it added. Also, if you know of any who have left the area or are no longer JMTA members, please let me know, so that we can have the most up-to-date information listed. Thank you. Please send information (plus any other website updates) to me at [email protected]. - Angie Holt ________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT RECITALS JMTA MARCH STUDENT RECITAL On Sunday, March 27 there will be a student recital held at All Saints Episcopal Church, 4171 Hendricks Avenue, at 3 p.m. Participants are encouraged to wear masks; however, students do not need to wear a mask while performing. Teachers who would like to enter students should send the information to Sandy Stewart, 904-333-9280, one week in advance. Under current conditions, there will be no reception following the recital. Michael Mastronicola requests that 2-3 men or high school boys help with moving the piano. This will need to be done 30 minutes before the recital begins. If you have someone who can help with this, please include that with your student information. In addition to name, title and composer, please give the age of the student and the length of the piece to be performed. STUDENT COMMUNITY RECITAL On Tuesday, April 26 the Community recital will be held at the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson St., at 6 pm. This recital is for late-intermediate to advanced students only to perform for patients and families at the Proton Therapy Institute. Students who perform receive community service hours. Contact Sandy Stewart, 904-333-9280 if you have a qualified student who would like to participate. Under current conditions, there will be no reception following the recital. - Dr. Sandra Stewart, Recitals Chair ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Scholarships (go to for applications) JMTA High School Senior Scholarship The JMTA High School Senior Scholarship Competition will be held online. The deadline for application is Sunday, March 20, 2022. Auditions will be open only to students who have studied for six or more months with a JMTA member in good standing and who state their intention to pursue a college degree in Music. Students seeking a dual major in Music and another field of study are eligible to apply. Three letters of recommendation, the applicant’s repertoire list of three pieces from different time periods with duration no longer than 30 minutes, unedited recording via YouTube link along with the PDFs of the scores must be submitted along with signed application form and the fee of $25. Repertoire must be memorized. The winner of the Scholarship Competition is required to perform at a future JMTA function, TBA. JMTA Summer Music Camp Scholarship The JMTA Summer music camp scholarship is awarded annually only to pre-college students of JMTA members. The deadline for application is March 27, 2022. The scholarship may be awarded in full or partially. Students who receive scholarships may attend the summer camp of their choice. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need. Only one scholarship per family may be awarded. Students who receive money for summer camps from other organizations are not eligible to receive assistance from the JMTA. Teachers must submit a short outline of their students’ qualification for scholarship along with their name(s) to the JMTA Scholarship Committee for consideration by the JMTA board. - Kamila Shahtakhtinski, NCTM, Chair of JMTA Scholarship Committee. ________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV NEWS District IV Sonatina & Sonata Festival This year’s District 4 Sonatina & Sonata Festival will take place live at UNF: When: Saturday, March 12, 2022 Where: UNF Fine Arts Center Recital Hall (room 1200) Building 45; free parking in the adjacent Lot 44 District IV Concerto Competition * venue change * This year’s District 4 Concerto Competition will take place live at Keyboard Connection: When: Saturday, March 19, 2022 Where: Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 COVID-19 Protocols:
- Dr. Erin Bennett, Chair District IV Student Day Saturday, April 30, live at Mandarin Baptist Church, 11244 San Jose Blvd., 32223 (application deadline: Saturday, March 19) Student Day is a comprehensive yearly evaluation in 1. repertoire and keyboard skills, 2. written theory, and 3. aural theory, in levels primary through level 12, for piano, instrumental or voice, and held in districts throughout Florida, usually in the spring. Many students that have gone on to take music in college say their college music courses are easier after having been in Student Day. 1. AUDITION BEFORE JUDGE For the "repertoire and keyboard skills" audition, the student performs three memorized pieces before a judge (two pieces if primary level). The pieces must be in original form (no arrangements or traditional pieces) and from different composers, from any musical period. Once the student is in level 5, the pieces must each be from different musical periods. The judge audition is also where the keyboard skills are evaluated. Students will be assigned a time and room for this audition. Go to (see information below) for repertoire guidelines and what keyboard skills the student will be evaluated on. 2. WRITTEN THEORY Students take a written theory test based on their level. They can go to the Written Theory room at any time within the prescribed hours to take their test. Go to (see information below) on what will be tested at their level. 3. AURAL THEORY Students are assigned a time to meet, with others in their level, with a teacher who will play various intervals, chords, scales, etc. (appropriate to their level) on the piano and students each choose the correct answers on their tests. Go to (see information below) on what will be tested at their level. 4. RECITAL Each student is also assigned a recital to perform in that day. The recital is not a graded segment, but is a wonderful opportunity to perform in front of other students. FMTA.ORG Go to the Florida State Music Teachers Assoc website (, click on the "Student Activities" drop-down, and click on "FSMTA Non-Competitive Events". Under Student Day, click on "Members of FSMTA Only" with the password of Mozart (since you're a JMTA/FSMTA member). This will take you to the Student Day page: - Written and Aural Theory Guidelines are in the first column, for each level. This will tell you what they will be tested on in both written and aural theory, along with practice tests. - Piano Guidelines are in the second column, for each level. This houses the repertoire guidelines for the "repertoire audition" (you don't have to choose from these pieces, but you can and it is a helpful guide), as well as what the judge will test them on for "keyboard skills". Print the MELODIES FOR HARMONIZATION AND TRANSPOSITION page (except for primary level), as the student needs to choose a melody ahead of time and practice it, so that they can play it for the judge. - Piano Interactive Examination Sheets are in the third column, for each level. Download the correct level and fill out the interactive areas for the student (Student name, and whether they are being evaluated for Achievement or Progress, and the Titles of the pieces, as well as Composer name and Time of piece). Or you can just fill out by hand. One sheet must be filled out for each student. (Don't bother with the Fully-Interactive Examination Sheets in the fourth column, that's for when Student Day is held virtually, and it is in-person this year.) NOTE: You can also email Music Masters at [email protected], or call them at (954) 752-2856, to purchase a practice packet for the student's level that covers all the written theory, aural theory, and keyboard skills they will need to know, with practice sheets. This is helpful, but of course not required. The Student Day Handbook is also available on-line at the top of the Student Day page for your perusal. STUDENT DAY REGISTRATION FORM For the Student Day registration, please use the form on the JMTA website (, as you choose whether the student prefers a morning or afternoon block of time, and put the student's choice of Student Day pieces for the recital piece. Here is a link to it here (it is also on the website under Special Events, and District 4 Student Day): To register for Student Day, please mail to me: 1.) one completed registration form of your students (from the link above) 2.) a completed Piano Interactive Examination Sheet for each student (from 3.) a check made out to FSMTA District IV (each student is $30, plus $15 for the teacher's continental lunch), by Saturday, March 19 (or at least email me by that time that you will be sending it), to me: Angie Holt 408 Bridgeview Terrace Saint Johns, Florida 32259 Please don't hesitate to let me know of any questions you may have. - Angie Holt, Chair ([email protected]) ________________________________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . This month we getting to know a newer participant in our music teacher association. Damon Martin is our new Treasurer this year, and is married to Stefanie Batson-Martin, our Recording Secretary. Welcome to Damon, and thank you for sharing your experiences with us! DAMON MARTIN Damon Martin was born and raised in Bradenton, Florida. He began piano lessons at age 5 as his sister started the year prior and he found a piano in the house interesting. He studied mostly with Geri Zandstra of MCMTA. He played baritone/euphonium throughout middle school and high school in the wind ensemble and marching band. He received his first guitar at 14 and then his first bass guitar at 15, which became his primary instrument. After high school, Damon was bassist and manager of a punk band which released a few albums that are thankfully unavailable. During this time, he worked for his family’s concrete business, later working in lawn maintenance, appliance hauling/appliance warehouse management, and even working one summer in a cemetery. Damon began studying music in college at 26. He attended Manatee Community College, studying bass under John Miller, principal bassist of the Sarasota Orchestra, who convinced him to play the upright bass. While there he took class piano with Dr. Charles Turon. He was also bassist and manager of a jazz combo. He graduated from MCC with an Associate of Arts degree. Damon moved to Jacksonville, transferring to the University of North Florida’s jazz program. He studied jazz bass with Dennis Marks, classical bass with Dr. Jason Lindsay, and composition with Dr. Gary Smart. He graduated from UNF with a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. Damon has played four dozen musical theatre productions throughout Florida including at the Golden Apple Dinner Theatre in Sarasota, Florida. Most local performances outside theatre have been contract work. Damon fell into tutoring math just before starting his music program at MCC and actually considered pursuing a math degree over a music degree. He worked as a peer math tutor at both MCC and UNF. While pursuing his jazz degree he took several math courses. As of Fall 2021 he has returned to UNF to complete the remaining courses of a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics degree. Upon completion of this degree he intends to pursue grad school. He is married to Stefanie Batson-Martin. They met while studying music at UNF. He has collaborated with her on many theatre shows; they both teach music at Music and Arts. They have two cats, Jiji and Lily. In his spare time Damon restores antique furniture, brews beer, and is writing a family cookbook. His favorite pastime is napping. ________________________________________________________________________ 2022 MTNA National Conference The 2022 MTNA National Conference has been changed to a virtual-only event. It will be held on March 26–30, 2022. From the MTNA website: “While we were looking forward to a return to a live and in-person conference, for the health and safety of everyone involved, the in-person conference has been cancelled, and we have pivoted to a virtual-only format. The virtual conference will still be the most inclusive conference program ever, now delivered to you in the comfort of your own home or studio. In addition to experiencing well over 100 sessions, master classes, keynote addresses and recitals, you will also have multiple opportunities for live interactions with presenters and colleagues from around the nation and the world.” ________________________________________________________________________ Did you know? Residents of Duval county, if they have a Jacksonville Library card, can use the many electronic resources from the Getting a library card is free. All that's needed is your driver's license and sign up in person at any of the 21 branches. The card allows the use of Kanopy - which has free streaming movies, documentaries, educational resources [older teens/adults]. I saw a documentary "Making the Grade" which profiled Irish students and piano teachers whose students are preparing to take the Irish Royal Academy of Music Examinations. It was funny, moving, informative, and relatable, especially seeing snippets of the teacher's lessons in action and how the students feel about piano and their teachers overall. I highly recommend members watch it (and explore the other resources available from JPL)! - JohnWillard Utuk, Vice President of Membership ________________________________________________________________________ AREA CONCERTS AND RECITALS Community Hospice Performances If you would be interested in performing a recital at the Community Hospice and Pallative Care on Sunbeam Road, they sponsor a monthly performance titled First Friday Recital Series, with performances starting at 11:30 a.m. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Sandy Stewart at 904-333-9280. “The Ten Tenors Concert” Singing favorite romantic tunes Date: Sunday, March 6, 7:00pm Location: Florida Theater Jacksonville Cost: $35-$55 Click on link for tickets and for details: “International Women’s Day Violin Recital” Presented by Dr. Simon Shiao and UNF violin students. Music by Amy Beach, Julia Wolfe, Jennifer Higdon and Reena Esmail. Date: Tuesday, March 8, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “The French Impressionists” Symphony in 60 series. Music of Debussy, Chabrier, Fauré, and Ravel. Gonzalo Farias, Associate Conductor. Date: Thursday, March 10, 6:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall Cost: $25 Click on link for tickets and for details: “Jazz Combo Night”Lynne Arriale, Director Date: Thursday, March 10, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra” Date: Friday, March 11, 8:00pm Location: VyStar Veterans Arena Cost: Various Click on link for tickets and for details: “That Motown Band” Date: Wednesday, March 23, 7:30pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts - Terry Theater Cost: Various Click on link for tickets and for details: UNF Opera Theater presents: “Purcell's Dido and Aeneas” Daniel Wiley, Conductor Dr. John Daugherty, Stage Director Dates: Friday, March 25 at 7:30pm and Sunday, March 27 at 3:00pm Location: Andrew A Robinson Theater at UNF Cost: $20 Adults/Free for UNF faculty and students with I.D. Click on link for tickets and for details: The Cummer Family Foundation Chamber Music Series presents: “Richard Cox, tenor, with Denise Wright, piano” Dr. James Hall, Artistic Director Date: Thursday, March 31, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission. Please register to confirm your attendance. Click on link for tickets and for details: “Solo Organ Recital with Greg Zelek, Artist-in-Residence” Concert Organ Series Date: Sunday, April 3, 3:00pm Location: Times Union Center for the Performing Arts – Jacoby Symphony Hall Cost: Various Click on link for tickets and for details: ________________________________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, please take a moment to check out your information on our Find a Teacher page of the JMTA website ( If you would like to edit, add, or delete your information, please email our Internet Media chair Angie Holt at [email protected]. ________________________________________________________________________ Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Jacksonville School of Music & First Coast School of Music, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. His direction phone number is 904-248-1848. ________________________________________________________________________ Music Exchange (Will be on again once meetings are in-person) Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Let's have a music exchange! Bring your unwanted music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. ________________________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! ________________________________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: March 9 9:30 – meeting 10:30 – program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: Fun with Rhythm Zoom March 12 As Scheduled District IV Sonatina & Sonata Festival UNF Recital Hall March 19 As Scheduled District IV Concerto Competition Keyboard Connection, 9912 San Jose Blvd., 32257 March 26-30 As Scheduled MTNA Nat’l Conference Held Virtually March 27 3:00pm JMTA Student Recital All Saints Episcopal Church, 4171 Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville April 13 9:30 – meeting 10:30 – program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: TBA Zoom April 26 6:00pm Student Community Recital UF Health Proton Therapy Institute, 2015 N. Jefferson April 30 As Scheduled District IV Student Day Mandarin Baptist Church, 11244 San Jose Blvd., 32223 Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the first of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected] Comments are closed.
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