General Meeting and Program - May 14, 2014
We will meet on Wednesday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m. For this event you’ll have to RSVP as well as bring a dish. To RSVP contact Sandra Stewart. ________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen I was heartened to see many faces I hadn’t seen in a while at several of this year’s meetings. Wrapping up my first year in office, I was encouraged by meeting attendance numbers, but still disappointed by most members’ lack of service and participation in JMTA. JMTA cannot continue to thrive without your help. There are so many ways you can help; some that take a little time, some that take a little more time, all that are vital to the association’s success. There are several committees you can head up or assist with, Executive Board positions that are imperative to running the business of the association, you can enter your students in recitals and other events, or just volunteer to help out at an event if you don’t have any students that are ready to participate. Take some time this summer to reflect on what your particular talents are. Then give me a call or send me an email and tell me about them. Even if you aren’t sure how you might best help, if you tell me what you’re good at, I will find the perfect job for you. Call me before I call you! Last, I’d like to give a big THANK YOU t o all the members who served JTMA this past year by doing any of the things mentioned above. Keep up the good work! ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES APRIL 9, 2014 RIVERSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Members present: (9) Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Sandra Stewart, Mary Wingfield, Lydia Sanchez, Lindsay Johnson, Martha McKie, Ansel Audain, Kamila Shahtahktinski Guests: (1) Drina Galloni Meeting called to order by President Lorraine Eaton at 9:35 a.m. In the absence of Recording Secretary Lisa Smith Paulette Kilts agreed to record minutes for this meeting. Minutes from General Meeting March 12, 2014 were read by President Lorraine Eaton. Corrections and additions that were approved were: Correct Concerto entrants to 2 Elementary level, 1 Junior level and 1 Intermediate level and Add Denise Homsley will serve as Treasurer for the 2015 Piano Festival event. Treasurer’s report: Paulette Kilts reported that as of March 31, 2014 the organization has total assets of $ 22,074.15. She requested that committee chairs submit bills for the 2013-2014 fiscal year to her by the May JMTA meeting. Membership report: Lorraine reported that to date the position was open. She reminded members that when they renew online or by postal mail that they update personal contact information including address, phone, and email. District 4: Watch for an email blast from Denise Homsley when Student Day certificates and medals are available for teachers. Altruistic: Mary Wingfield reported that she presented Heather Schaeffer with a $100 gift card (from donations taken at the March mtg). A letter of thanks was written to the NE Florida Conservatory which hosted the Senior Scholarship audition. Communications: Ansel Audain has filled this position. Contact him at [email protected] Constitution and Bylaws: Committee to review and update present documents will meet Wed, April 16. Lorraine encouraged all members to review these documents which can be found on the website under downloads. Historian: Martha McKie brought some items for members to view. She will be bringing photos to future meetings to see if members present can help identify persons in the photos. Programs: Today’s program will included performances from the Elementary, Junior and Intermediate Concerto winners following the meeting. The Senior Scholarship winner will also perform. Next program at home of the Krosnick’s on May 14 including a potluck luncheon. Please email Betty Atkinson at [email protected] if you have not signed up to bring an item to share. RSVP to Sandra Stewart [email protected] to procure gate admission to the Krosnick’s. subdivision for the meeting/luncheon. Scholarship: Kamila Shahtahkitinski announced 2014 Senior Scholarship winner is Natalie Vlach who will be performing during today’s program. Kamila will present Natalie with her check for $1,000 from the JMTA Scholarship fund during today’s program. Piano Festival: Paulette Kilts reported speaking with Erin Bennett about using UNF Lazarra Hall as a venue for 2015. She will send a follow-up email for more information. It was determined that Saturday, November 21, 2015 would be selected as the date for the event. Robinson Theatre on the UNF campus was also named as a possible venue. Paulette will also contact Ileana Fernandez about the possibility of the Wilson Center as a venue and begin conversations with Jack Melvin at Keyboard Connection and Robert Kelly at Kelly’s Piano and Organs about instruments for the event and rehearsal locations. Recitals: Sandra Stewart encouraged all teachers to enter advanced students in the Proton Therapy Community Service recital. At this time the number of students registered is small. She reminded members that our student recitals are a way to promote music study to the community and our best advertising as an organization. Unfinished Business: Member to member contact program will be completed for the year. Its goal was to encourage member participation and invite members to meetings. Membership Rally Meeting will be held in St. Augustine on Wed, May 28 at 10 a.m. at the St. Augustine School of the Performing Arts (see complete address on website). This will be a time to invite potential members. Hearing no New Business the meeting was adjourned to the sanctuary for the program of student performances. Program Mary Lou Krosnick introduced her students who were winners of the District 4 Concerto event and accompanied them on their concerto repertoire. They were and performed:
Respectfully submitted, Paulette Kilts ________________________________________________________________________ REMINDER: COMMITTEE REPORTS All Committee Chairpersons are expected to submit a report to the President by the May meeting. Your report should include all the activities done within your committee from last September until now. If you will not be in attendance at the May meeting, please email your reports to Lorraine no later than May 13th. Thank you. ________________________________________________________________________ Event Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as more details. May 14, 2014 9:30a General Meeting Home of Mary Lou and Aaron Krosnick May 28, 2014 10:00a Membership Rally Meeting St. Augustine Community School of Performing Arts June 18th 9:30a Board Meeting Music & Arts, San Jose Blvd August 13 9:30a Board Meeting Music & Arts, San Jose Boulevard High Notes is distributed on the 1st of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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