JMTA General Meeting and Luncheon
President’s Pen As we come to a close for this school year, it is time for me to write my last ‘President’s Pen’. I want to thank you all for putting your faith in me to lead this fine association. I am excited and honored to continue on as the Vice President for the next term. There are big changes coming for me personally in the next few months. I will trim down my studio considerably in my quest to find a teaching position with Duval county. In my heart, I know that is what is best for myself and my daughter. May will be my Spring recital and I am excited to see all my students perform their pieces that I know they have worked hard on. It saddens me to say that it will also be my last recital with the Jacksonville School of Music. I have loved my time spent there over the past 6 years. I will be taking some much needed time off in July to travel and visit my parents and other family, as well as move and prepare for a new job. Don’t forget, our final meeting is coming up Wednesday, May 10th at Keyboard Connection directly followed by our annual luncheon, this time at Outback Steakhouse. I look forward to seeing you all there! Lastly, it is with great sadness that I learned one of my oldest teachers, mentors, and friends lost her husband. Please keep Sandy Stewart in your thoughts and prayers during this tough time and let us help her in any way we can. She has always been there for me personally, as well as JMTA, now it is our time to return the favor. Lindsay Hardee, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Dr. Sandra Stewart in the loss of her beloved husband, Bill. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Stewart at this difficult time. ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasurer Transaction Report March 1-31, 2017 Premier Business Checking March 1, 2017 $6685.93
– submitted by Lorraine Eaton ________________________________________________________________________ April JMTA General Meeting Minutes April 12, 2017
Treasurer Report (Lorraine) – Budget to be discussed at Summer meeting and adjusted. Dues checks went out. We also received a few dues. We budgeted $150 and we made $185 for the recitals. March 5th recital – 6 teachers contributed. We netted $50. We did not pay scholarships this year as there weren’t any. Sandra will make a phone call to make sure the community service award check is cashed. Student Day: Lindsay will send a thank you card to the head of the department and the person in charge. Service Awards (Sandra Roberts:) Betty Atkinson’s student, Amanda Edmond won the St. John’s county and the state community service awards. A plaque from St. John’s JMTA and the state will be presented to her at our next meeting. Sandra will check with Joanna about the plaque. Sandra will send information to Angie for High Notes. 2018 is Gainesville Conference – September 7-10 in Coral Gables – (Lindsay) Gainesville does not need our help. Student Recitals: Proton Therapy recital went well. It was a wonderful venue. Lindsay will send the venue a thank you card. VOTING ON OFFICERS FOR JMTA Proposed slate of officers for 2017-2018:
Pam is stepping down as altruistic chair, social and co-chair for internet media. Lindsay will contact all current chairs to see if they’ll stay on. Term of office is 2 years and they will be installed at the next meeting. Meeting temporarily adjourned at 10:10 to listen to Concerto Winners of Mary Krosnick. Internet Media: (Lorraine) – Lorraine is looking for someone to take over the FB page. They would need to post about upcoming meetings, events, items for sale. Piano Festival: Lindsay will schedule a meeting in June for the piano festival board. The theme is music from around the world – folk music from different countries. Lindsay will send out an email. Federation Discussion – Mary Lou Krosnick encourages teachers to enter students at Friday Musicale. DISTRICT: Student Day: Certificate and medals will be handed out next month and Denise Helmsley will no longer be over social. Lorraine will be going to the district meeting this summer. We will be voting on a new board. We will come up with names over the summer. New JMTA president will come up with meeting date and coordinate with the District meeting. May Meeting: Will be on the 10th at 9:30. Lunch will be at 11 at Outback off of San Jose. Meeting adjourned at 11:30. – submitted by Lorie Burningham ________________________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JaxMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! ________________________________________________________________________ District 4 News District 4 is seeking nominations for a new Executive Board. The current board will meet during the summer to name potential candidates. The nominees will be voted on and installed at the next D4 General Meeting (tentatively January 2018). Please consider serving your organization by being a board member. D4 events and meetings generally take place less often than JMTA events and meetings, so this is a good way to be involved with less of a time commitment. If you are interested in serving in a position, or would like to know more, please contact D4 President Lorraine Eaton. District 4 Executive Board positions to be filled:
District IV Concerto Competition Winners The District IV Concerto Competition was held on March 25, 2017 in the UNF Recital Hall. Our three winners all came from Mary Lou Krosnick’s studio:
– Dr. Erin Bennett ________________________________________________________________________ Want to become Nationally Certified? Are you a National Certified Teacher of Music? Check out the Process: Certification candidates are required to complete five projects:
Other helpful materials are available at the MTNA Certification website. (see American Music Teacher, August/September 2016, pp. 32, 33) – Sue H. Holder, District Certification Chair Comments are closed.
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