Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting and Program JMTA Meeting - November 9, 2011 9:15 A.M. – Meet and Greet 9:30 A.M. – Business Meeting 10:30 A.M. – Program: Teacher Rehearsal Kelly’s Piano 1716 University Blvd. N. Jacksonville, Florida 32211 From the President’s Pen The Multi-Piano Festival is around the corner, keep encouraging thoughtful and musical practice. Thank you to all of the teachers that work hard to make this organization run! Keep those fingers playing and inspiring great musical moments. Beth Martelli JMTA October General Minutes JMTA GENERAL MEETING – October 12, 2011 Keyboard Connection Members Present: (15) Beth Martelli, Betty Atkinson, Lynn Freeman, Martha McKie, Lindsay Johnson, Susan Figlietti, Tara Mock, Sandra Roberts, Lorraine Eaton, Lydia Sanchez, Sue Holder, Maureen Rhodes, Mary Wingfield, Erin Bennett, Denise Homsley The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Beth Martelli. The minutes were read and approved. In Paulette Kilts’ absence, the Treasurer’s Report was given by Denise Homsley. Committee Reports: Altruistic: Mary Wingfield reported Paulette Kilts’ mother is terminally ill and a card was passed for everyone to sign. High Notes: Tara Mock reminded everyone that the password recently emailed to all members must not be shared outside JMTA. The next High Notes deadline is October 20. Historian: Lorraine reported the scrapbooks are available for viewing. Membership: Lorraine Eaton reminded everyone that the information in the new membership directory comes from membership renewal information. She reported she has received 30 % of the survey responses. A link to respond to the survey may also be found on the JMTA Facebook page. Lorraine introduced a visitor, Michelle Huang, originally from Tallahassee, but currently teaching at Edward Waters College. Lorraine also reported regarding two new members: Lorie Burningham and Pamela Searcy. Piano Festival: Sue Holder read Paulette Kilts’ report on the Festival. Lynn Freeman read the list of music stores and filled pianos. Upon Paulette’s recommendation for a discussion, it was determined to leave the rehearsal times intact at Kelly’s and the extra time afforded by the one group cancellation will be filled with extra practice time for the other groups. She also reported that a revised contract with UNF now includes the sales tax. Paulette also thanked committee members for their work thus far. Maureen Rhodes announced that the duet team selection has been moved to October 17, 2011. Sandra Roberts suggested teachers place ads in the program book; however, due to time constraints this may be implemented in future Piano Festival programs. A motion was made by Beth Martelli, and seconded, to have an invocation of a general nature at the Piano Festival. After discussion, the motion carried. Sue Holder announced that three students are needed to read narrations at the Piano Festival. Programs: Lindsay Johnson announced the November JMTA meeting will be a teachers’ rehearsal at Kelly’s Piano & Organ. Scholarship: Beth Martelli announced this program is available for high school seniors who plan to major in music. Social: Beth Martelli thanked Lydia Sanchez for all the delicious refreshments. Student Day: Denise Homsley reported that she has submitted a request to FSCJ to hold Student Day on their campus on January 28, 2012. Recitals: Beth Martelli announced the next Student Recital will be held December 11, 2011. Yearbook: Lorraine Eaton distributed the new 2011-2012 member directories. New Business: Erin Bennett announced she has been in discussion with personnel at The Achievement Program to hold a teacher information session in Jacksonville on December 3, 2011. She asked for a show of hands for all who may be interested in attending the session. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise Homsley JMTA Recording Secretary JMTA Student Recitals JMTA STUDENT RECITALS Student recitals will be held at 3 p.m. on the following dates:
The following guidelines will help teachers to prepare:
PRINT Student Name Age _____ Level: Beginner Intermediate Advanced Phone ______________ Teacher Name Complete Title of Composition Composer Length of piece Membership News New 2011-2012 directories are now available. See Lorraine Eaton to get your copy. The directory is also available on our website, . The online directory will be updated periodically to include changes and new members. Member email change: Please change your email for Betty Atkinson to bsharpkeys (at) comcast (dot) net. Please review your information in the current directory and let me know if there are any changes. It is important to also carefully read your MTNA renewal form each year, and make any necessary changes in information before submitting it. Thank you, Lorraine Eaton, Membership Chair 2011 Multi Piano Festival 2011 JMTA Multi-Piano Festival “Meet the Masters” will be held at the University of North Florida, Lazarra Hall on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. At the close of registration, 174 students had registered to participate in the event. There is one store rehearsal schedule change listed below. Teachers please make sure that your students are aware of this adjustment. Thursday, November 10 – Kelly’s Piano and Organs, Arlington Level 1 “The Moldau/Hallelujah Chorus” at 6:00-6:35 p.m. Level 2 “Surprise Symphony/Pomp and Circumstance” at 6:35-7:10 p.m. Level 4 “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik/Canon in D” at 7:10-8:00 p.m. I look forward to seeing you at rehearsals in November. Paulette Kilts, co-chair Co-chair – Paulette Kilts Please check the JaxMTA website for links to all the necessary forms and information here: Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! Nov. 7, 2011 6 – 9 pm Multi-piano Festival Student Rehearsal Keyboard Connection Nov. 8, 2011 6 – 9:15 pm Multi-piano Festival Student Rehearsal Keyboard Connection Nov. 9, 2011 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Teacher Rehearsal Kelly’s Piano Nov. 10, 2011 6 – 8:10 pm Multi-piano Festival Student Rehearsal Kelly’s Piano Nov. 19, 2011 all day Multi-piano Dress Rehearsal 9am to 3pm Multi-piano Performance – 7:30 pm, Lazarra Hall, UNF December 11, 2011 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Christian Family Chapel Jan. 10, 2011 9:30 am JMTA Meeting District IV Meeting Location and Program TBA Jan. 2012 (TBA) all day District IV Student Day, FCCJ South Campus Feb. 5, 2012 3:00 pm Student Day Honors Recital Peace Presbyterian Church 2300 Southside Blvd. Feb. 8, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Lynne Ariale, “Teaching Jazz Piano” Keyboard Connection March 14, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Mary Lou Krosnick Mary Lou Krosnick’s Home March 11, 2012 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Jacksonville University March 17, 2012 TBA District IV Competitive Concerto Jacksonville University April 11, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto Competition Winners Riverside Presbyterian Church May 9, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Scholarship Winner Home of Aida Rebeiro Submissions for the October Newsletter are due on December 20, 2011. Please send submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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