JMTA High Notes
November 2021—Vol. 25, no. 3 JMTA General Meeting and Program (over ZOOM): November 10, 2021: 9:30am - General meeting 10:30am - Program: “Technique without Tears” __________________________________________________________________________ From the President’s Pen: What Can I Do? In the October Zoom meeting, Lisa Barwell suggested a program for the spring on Rhythm. If each JMTA member would think about activities you do in lessons to develop rhythmic acuity and share those, there would be an abundance of fun activities for all. We all “brainstorm” ideas to teach various musical concepts and ways to communicate to different students. How do you teach phrasing, touch, dynamics, form, balance, voicing, pedal, fingering, or rubato? The list is endless and that’s what makes our jobs exciting. How many ways can you teach phrasing? Do you use gestures, drawings, singing or a combination of these? What a joy it is when a student grasps the idea of a shaped phrase with a peak and a taper at the end or simple two-note slurs that seem to gallop across the page. Sometimes it takes five or six ways to present an idea before the student catches it - but, when that occurs, the magic happens, and we feel the juices flowing. That’s the creativity! We all have moments of doubt and wonder if we are providing our students with optimum experiences in lessons. When that happens, we need to find some inspiration. Go to the MTNA website and look at some videos that offer guidance in specific areas. A wealth of resources is available through the Frances Clark Library online, the Wellness website and many others. The JMTA website also provides links with many useful resources. The actress Juliette Binoche in a recent interview in the New York Times was asked, “What is the difference in being busy and being creative?” She replied, “Business is trying to fill up empty space, whereas being creative pushes you up into a space where you feel alive and present, discovering and revealing yourself.” May we all seek to be as creative as possible in lessons, performances and in life! Enjoy “brainstorming” and share some of those ideas with other JMTA members. See you on November 10th on Zoom! Anita Dr. Anita Boyle Renfroe, NCTM JMTA President [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 9:30am, Zoom Present: Erin Bennett, Anita Renfroe, Denise Homsley, JohnWIlliard Utuk, Lisa Barwell, Lorraine Sears, Lynn Freeman, Paulette Kilts, Sandra Stewart, Sandra Roberts, Angie Holt, Kamila Shahtakhtinsky, Stefanie Batson-Martin Call to Order: 9:30am (Anita Renfroe) Parliamentarian: (Lynn Freeman) Nothing to report Secretary Minutes: (Stefanie Batson-Martin) Corrected Grace Lewis’s name in September minutes Treasurer’s Report: (Stefanie and Damon Martin) Tax exempt status is set Monthly Reports have been caught up Budget was discussed for this year Erin Bennett made a motion to accept proposed budget, Sandra Stewart seconded Vice-President/Membership: (John Williard Utuk) Two new members, Dr. Mary McKee, Dr. Michael Bovenzi COMMITTEE REPORTS: Altruistic: (Sandra Roberts) Sent out cards to Mary McKee and Michael Bovenzi Communications/Internet Media: (Angie Holt) Website has been updated with newsletters and dates E-blast was sent out Email this morning about the piano for sale Community Service: (Joan Cordell) Not present, December should be deadline for students to apply, for 9th and 12th graders, includes accomplishments from past three years Ethics: (Betty Atkinson) Not present Historian: (Lynn Roberts) Not present Programs: (Lisa Barwell) Today is Gail Berenson’s presentation November: Watching a webinar “Technique Without Tears” Nancy O’Neill Breth Program for Spring: Rhythm program, will require at least four teachers, Rhythm Cups by Wendy Stevens If anybody wants to be program chair, talk to Lisa Barwell Scholarships: (Kamila Shahtakhtinski) Nothing to report, discussed keeping it online Social: (Angie Holt and Stefanie Batson-Martin) Nothing to report Student Recitals: (Sandra Stewart and Gavin Taylor) December 5th Recital: Strict rules from Arlington United Methodist where Gavin works: Everyone would have to be masked Piano keys would be wiped down after each student performs, teacher could talk about student while keys are wiped No reception or food, they don’t want people to linger afterwards They need to know the size, is it a small or large group? They chose a top number of 25 students, 75 total with families Families could sit together, but everybody needs to social distance One week in advance, they need to know what students are going to perform to figure out numbers, no concertos allowed, 15 minute time limit for each teacher We’ll go ahead and get this information out to members Student Day Report: (Angie Holt) April 30, 2022, tentatively at First Baptist Church downtown, deadline is Saturday, March 19, 2022 to apply, the approval process has changed, cost is same ($500) as two years ago if it’s approved, we can do in-person Wellness Liaison: (Lisa Barwell) Book “Breathe Like a Bear”, sections on breathing, focus, positive mindfulness Lisa led a “Candle Breath” exercise Old Business: Sonatina and Sonata Festival - the University will allow guests on campus, but there are a lot of protocols that need to be followed with plenty of time to get them done before the event due to minors being involved November 14 cannot be done in-person as there is not enough time, so Erin is aiming for in-person in mid-January 2022 New Business: Please attend the state FSMTA virtual mini-conference, Saturday, October 23, 1-4pm Adjourned: 10:25am (Anita Renfroe) -Submitted by Stefanie Batson-Martin, Secretary _______________________________________________________________________ JMTA Treasury Report JMTA Treasurer Transaction Monthly Report | September 1 - September 30, 2021 Debits Credits Expenses 9/17/21 Check #1133 - Website $216.00 9/21/21 Check #1134 - Sunbiz $61.25 Deposits 9/10/21 FSMTA dues $75.00 9/30/21 Deposit Dividend $0.83 Current Checking $5,386.81 Piano Festival Fund (add to Business Shares Acct) $3,337.08 Warren Fund $1,127.73 TOTAL Checking Account $9,851.62 Other Accounts: Business Money Market (Scholarship) $9,020.33 Business Shares (Festival) $1,847.53 TOTAL $10,867.86 TOTAL ASSETS as of September 30, 2021 $20,719.48 Submitted by Stef & Damon Martin 11/03/2021 __________________________________________________________________ JMTA MONTHLY PROGRAMS November - 11/10 at 9:30am (mtg) & 10:30am (program) over Zoom “Technique without Tears” with Nancy O’Neill Breth Learn to establish a path to technical security for piano students of any age or ability, offering enough variety to hold students’ attention, enough fun to keep them going, and enough flexibility to fit any teacher’s philosophy. Nancy also has a YouTube channel with helpful practice videos. November Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 998 2395 1414 Passcode: 445527 - Lisa Barwell, Programs Chair __________________________________________________________________ WELLNESS I was recently reminded by my Functional Medicine Doctor that music meditations are very beneficial for mental health. Of course! I just get so busy that I don’t make an effort to mindfully listen. That’s an area I need to improve on. Are you interested in trying out a music meditation and or simply having a peaceful moment today? Why not try out one of JohnWillard Utuk’s (our very own VP!) meditations on Insight Timer? – Lisa Barwell, Wellness Chair _________________________________________________________________ JMTA DECEMBER STUDENT RECITAL After a long break, we are planning a student recital on Sunday, December 5 at 3 p.m. We are grateful to Gavin Taylor and Arlington United Methodist Church for allowing us to hold the recital there again. Due to the pandemic and new rules for entering the church, we must abide by the following: Everyone, students and guests, must wear face masks. Students will perform with masks on. The keys will be wiped down after each performer or after family members play. There will be no reception or food given out. Families should practice social distancing by sitting together in small groups. Students will sit with family. not in the front pews. Information about performing students must be received by Gavin Taylor at least one week in advance. Send info to There is a limit of 25 performers total in order to limit the number of people in the church. In order to fill time while the keys are cleaned, a microphone will be set up for teachers to give short backgrounds or information about individual students or siblings. Teachers are asked to discuss these requirements fully with parents to avoid any disagreements at the church. Anyone who objects to any of these rules should wait until another recital in the future. - Sandra Stewart, Student Recitals Chair __________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD NEWS The Jacksonville Music Teachers Association participates in the Community Service Awards program. These awards are given to deserving 9th and 12th grade students in recognition of their leadership, achievements, and service to the community in the field of music. The applicants must also be students in good standing with their music instructor, a member of JMTA who recommends them for this award. This award encourages young musicians to use their music talents and skills within their community for the betterment of the community and society as a whole. It also helps them become more responsible and caring citizens as they reach out to others through their music activities. Winning at the county level, the student receives a certificate and a plaque, which is an honor that can be placed on future college or employment applications. The ninth grade state winner receives a plaque and $100, while the twelfth grade state winner also receives a plaque and $500. For more detail, please go to the website. Under competitive events, you will find the application and detailed instructions. You must have all paperwork in to the state chair by December 31st. Please encourage your lower grades to journal all their musical activities and volunteering to make the application process much easier. JMTA Community Service Award Chair, Joan Cordell __________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT IV NEWS Sonata/Sonatina Festival Information coming soon about this exciting program! Student Day 2022 Student Day is planned for Saturday, April 30, 2022, either in-person at First Baptist Church downtown, or held virtually. The Student Day application deadline is Saturday, March 19, 2022. Please include one check for all fees, payable to FSMTA District IV (fee information below). You can help your students prepare for this annual evaluation by choosing and helping them learn the repertoire, and working on their keyboard skills, written theory, and aural theory. What is Student Day? It is an annual evaluation held on a Saturday in one of the spring semester months of the year, and the student can choose whether to attend in the morning or the afternoon. It is comprised of four events, three of which are graded. The written theory test, aural theory test, and audition before the judge (where they play their pieces and keyboard skills) are graded, and the fourth event, the recital performance, is not graded, though it is a chance to perform one of the pieces in front of an audience. How many pieces do they play in the audition before the judge? For the primary level and level one, just two pieces memorized from different composers, and for levels two through twelve, three pieces memorized (from different musical periods beginning with level five). What is the cost to participate in Student Day? Individual student fees are $30 for all levels. If it works out to hold it in-person, please add $15 for your continental breakfast and lunch ($30 for each student, $15 just for your breakfast and lunch). How will I as a teacher be expected to help? If it is held in person, you will be asked ahead of time to assist in a certain way, i.e. passing out written theory tests and/or helping to grade them, giving aural theory tests, assisting with the recitals, etc. There will be instructions for each volunteer position. Each teacher needs to be available to help on the day it is held. If it is held virtually, you may be asked to help grade the written tests, or assist in another way. Student Day guidelines may be found on the website. Click on Student Activities at the top of the screen, then on FSMTA Non-Competitive Events. Scroll down to the “Members of FSMTA” and login with the case-sensitive password that was recently emailed to you, for Student Day tests, guidelines, suggested repertoire, and other materials, for each of the levels primary through 12. In addition, the Student Day Handbook may answer more questions that you have; refer to your student’s level in the handbook for specific requirements. You can print all or any portion of the handbook. An independent teacher in Florida has devised a curriculum to help you prepare your students for the technique, aural theory, and written theory portions of Student Day. The guidelines follow the same leveling and guidelines that are provided in your Student Activities Handbook. These materials will assist students in mastering the revised FSMTA guidelines for Student Day. Contact information is as follows: Music Master, 4111 NW 79 Ave., Coral Springs, FL 33065; 954-752-2856 (teacher Sue Colvert) [email protected]. More information to come! Please contact me ([email protected]) with any questions you may have regarding Student Day. Angie Holt, Student Day Chair __________________________________________________________________ Over Coffee With . . . This month we are chatting with Betty Atkinson, who chairs the Ethics committee. Betty has been involved in the JMTA for many years, as past president and other roles. Thank you, Betty, for taking the time to share your experiences with us! BETTY ATKINSON Growing up in Jacksonville gave me many opportunities in the field of music. We have well qualified education institutions and private teachers to ensure proper training. At the age of seven, I began taking lessons after my dad brought home a new piano. From the many piano teacher influences, Bennie Jean stands out the most. She encouraged me to go to college to pursue my education. I received a BA degree from UNF in piano performance under the direction of Dr. Scott Watkins. He was a patient teacher that emphasized technique. From the very beginning I knew this was God's will for my life. Even as a young child I wanted to be a piano instructor. Teaching students and playing the piano at Southpoint Baptist Church makes me happy. Next year will mark fifty years of service at Southpoint. My husband, a music minister and I have provided music for mission conferences, as well as special musical events as guests at other churches. May we all be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported. May we always encourage every student. ________________________________________________________________________ AREA CONCERTS Listed here are some upcoming concerts in our area that you may be interested in. The concert calendar of Friday Musicale, the oldest musical organization in the state of Florida, lists all concerts for the fall season. More concert offerings from different venues are listed on the following pages. UNF Wind Symphony and Concert Band present: “Musica Electronica” Dr. Erin Bodnar, conductor Mr. Moses Evans, graduate conductor featuring music by Dr. Joshua Tomlinson, Catherine Likhuta, Alfred Reed, and Ted King-Smith Date: Monday, November 15, 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall at UNF Cost: Adults $10/Students free with I.D. Click on link for tickets and for details: The Cummer Family Foundation Chamber Music Series presents: “Generation Series Concert with Dr. Sunshine Simmons, clarinet and Dr. Erin Bennett, piano” Date: Tuesday, November 16, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Dr. James Hall, artistic director Cost: Free Admission Click on link for tickets and for details: “The Music of Jelly Roll Morton” Date: Wednesday, November 17, 7:30pm Location: Recital Hall at UNF Cost: Free Admission Dr. Gary Smart, piano Todd Delgiudice, clarinet Dr. Bill Prince, cornet Dave Steinmeyer, trombone Ken Calhoun, banjo Dr. Marc Dickman, tuba Danny Gottlieb, drums Click on link for tickets and for details: UNF Opera presents: “The Telephone and The Old Maid and the Thief – Gian Carlo Menotti” Dates: Friday, November 19, 7:30pm, and Sunday, November 21, 3:00pm Location: Robinson Theater at UNF Directed by Dr. John Daugherty Cost: Free Admission Click on link for details: “Jacksonville Electroacoustic Music Festival (jemFest)” Date: Saturday, November 20, (times below) Location: Recital Hall and Rm 2403 at UNF Cost: $10 Adults/Students free with I.D. Dr. Joshua Tomlinson, director Featured Performer: Dr. Sarah Jane Young Morning Paper Session – 10:00 AM Afternoon Concert – 1:30 PM Afternoon Paper Session –3:30 PM Evening Concert – 7:00 PM Click on link for details: UNF Orchestra presents: “Inspred by Bach” Date: Thursday, December 2, 7:30pm Location: Lazzara Performance Hall at UNF Cost: Adults $10/Students free with I.D. Dr. Simon Shiao, conductor Special guest: Professor Xiaodi Liu, oboe Bach Concerto for Oboe and Violin, Orchestra Suite No. 1, and Alleluia and Fugue by Alan Hovhaness Click on link for details: Jacksonville Symphony’s “Holiday Pops” Dates: Thursday, December 9, through Sunday, December 12 Location: Jacksonville Symphony Jacoby Hall Gonzalo Farias, Associate Conductor Bryonha Marie, Vocalist Brandon Michael Nase, Vocalist Dancers from Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Click on link for cost, details, and tickets: “Hope Concert: UNF Choral Ensembles & Friends” Date: Sunday, December 12, 4:00pm Location: Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Cost: Tickets through Friends of Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Britten, Charpentier, and beloved Christmas Carols Click on link for details: American Band Entertainment presents: “Stars & Promises Christmas Tour: Ring Out the Bells” Featuring Peter Mayer Date: Monday, December 13, 7-10:00pm Location: St Mark's Evangel Lutheran Church Cost: $35 Click on link for tickets and for details: _______________________________________________________________________ Find A Teacher Section on Teachers, please take a moment to check out your information on our Find a Teacher page. If you would like to edit, add, or delete your information, please send whatever you would like changed to our Internet Media chairperson Angie Holt at [email protected]. ______________________________________________________________ Music Exchange (Will be on again once meetings are in-person) Do you have too much music collected in your studio? Is there some you think you'll never use? Let's have a music exchange! Bring your unwanted music to any JMTA meeting. Bring home something new to you! Look for the "Free Music" spot. Music does not have to be brand new. ________________________________________________________ Need a Sponsor? Does anyone in the JMTA need a sponsor or need help in any way? If so, John Scott, owner of Great Scott Music School, is interested in helping our organization. If interested, contact John at [email protected]. ________________________________________________________ Have you found us on Facebook? Follow JaxMTA on Facebook for the latest happenings, photos, videos, and more! ___________________________________________________________ Events Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as for more details including application deadlines: November 10 9:30 - meeting 10:30 - program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: Technique without Tears Zoom December 5 3:00pm JMTA Student Recital Arlington United Methodist Church,1400 University Blvd. N., 32211 January 12, 2022 9:30am District IV Meeting Location TBA February 9 9:30 - meeting 10:30 - program JMTA General Meeting followed by program: TBA Location TBA Stay tuned for more events to come! High Notes is distributed on the first of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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