Newsletter at a Glance
JMTA Meeting and Program JMTA Meeting - October 10, 2012
9912 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, Florida Come one and all to the October 10 meeting for a panel discussion about pedagogical issues facing all of us. Our panel will share some of their ideas that work for them in their studios, with time for questions and/or discussion. I will moderate and contribute at the end. Members will be encouraged to bring in their own creative ideas to share. This should be a valuable meeting with all of us walking away with fresh ideas. Our panel consists of Lisa Smith, Denise Homsley, and Beth Martelli. Please join us at Keyboard Connection! From the President’s Pen We have so many exciting events and plans for our students this upcoming year. You will want to come to the meeting so your students can every opportunity to perform, compete, and grow as a musician. Thank you to those who work hard in our organization. We’re always look for more teachers who want to get involved. Look forward to seeing you all at Keyboard Connection on Oct. 10th! Beth Martelli JMTA September General Minutes JMTA GENERAL MEETING – September 12, 2012 Home of Aida Ribeiro Mechetti Members Present: (9) Beth Martelli, Lorraine Eaton, Paulette Kilts, Lydia Sanchez, Susan Figlietti, Heather Schaeffer, Lindsay Johnson, Aida Mechetti, and Denise Homsley. President Beth Martelli called the meeting to order at 9:50 a.m. Paulette Kilts gave the Treasurer’s Report. She reported the 501c3 application has been filed, and we are now awaiting a response. Paulette presented the proposed JMTA budget for the upcoming year, and moved that it be accepted. Denise Homsley seconded the motion. The motion passed. Committee Reports: Concerto Competition: The 2013 Concerto Competition will be March 16, 2013 and will be in conjunction with the District IV Conference at Jacksonville University. High Notes: The next High Notes deadline is September 20. Historian: Lorraine Eaton showed us the new scrapbook she has recently updated. Membership: Lorraine Eaton reported that as of August 31, 2012, JMTA has 58 members. She also stated that it is important to renew in order to be listed in the yearbook, as well as participate in certain organizational activities. Lorraine proposed that the dues increase discussion and vote be tabled until District President, Liz Kiebler is present. Provisional: Susan Figlietti, new Provisional Chair, will be contacting the current two provisional members: Lorie Birmingham and Heather Schaeffer. Programs: The October 10th meeting will be held at Keyboard Connection. There will be a panel discussion by three teacher members on the subject of Pedagogical Issues. Publicity: Beth Martelli reported that Laura Fitts will be moving and a replacement Publicity Chair will be needed. Heather Schaeffer offered to take the position. Scholarship: Beth Martelli reported that March 9, 2013 is the next Scholarship Competition. The deadline will be two weeks prior. Student Day: Denise Homsley reported the tentative date for 2013 Student Day is Saturday, February 2, 2013. She will be contacting FSCJ to secure the date. The application deadline will be in December. Student Recitals: The next Student Recital will be October 14, 2012 at 3:00 pm at Arlington United Methodist Church. Application forms are to be submitted to Sandra Stewart at least a week prior. New Business: Beth Martelli reminded everyone of the President’s Fall Reception on Sunday, September 16th, at the home of Aaron and Mary Lou Krosnick. A sign-up sheet was passed for the reception food. Beth reported that Jacksonville is hosting the 2013 FSMTA State Conference in November 2013. The committee is meeting the first Friday of each month at Keyboard Connection. Beth encouraged everyone to assist with the planning of this conference. Beth encouraged everyone to stay for the September program by Dr. Michael Mastronicola, Copland’s Night Thoughts: A Composer’s Crisis of Identity. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise Homsley JMTA Recording Secretary JMTA Student Recitals JMTA STUDENT RECITALS Student recitals will be held at 3 p.m. on the following dates:
Each student must pay a $5.00 participation fee. Please make copies of the form below for each student entered. The following guidelines will help teachers to prepare:
PRINT Student Name _______________________ Age ____________ Level: Beginner Intermediate Advanced Phone _______________________ Teacher Name _______________________ Complete Title of Composition _____________________ Composer ______________________________ Length of piece ______________ ******************************************************************************************************************* Membership and Historian News Have you sent in your dues renewal? If not, do it today! You should have received your bill from MTNA back in April. You can send them a check, or pay online with a credit card. PLEASE be sure your contact information is correct. If your information changes during the year, please send all changes to me. New printed directory coming soon. Get your renewal in so you can be on it. A current directory can also be accessed at our website,, or the state website, New incentive to all new members joining this year—Each new member that joins will be given a special gift! Do you know someone that can benefit from joining our organization? Get a new member to join and you will receive a special gift too! Our vote on the proposed dues increase was tabled until the October meeting. Please attend the October meeting to vote on this proposal. The scrapbook has been updated with shiny new pictures! Be sure to check it out at our meetings. Pictures and videos can also be viewed on our facebook page (search Jacksonville Music Teachers Association). District Student Day 2013 District IV Student Day is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, February 2, 2013 at FSCJ, South Campus. At Student Day 2013 students will have the opportunity to excel at and showcase their musical performance, technique, aural skills and knowledge of music theory. The FSMTA District Student Day program is one of the most comprehensive evaluation programs available. Preparation for Student Day sharpens the musical skills of every student. Focused attention to musical details, technique, theory, ear training, and memorizing all serve to cultivate a finer musician, and it all culminates on Student Day where students gather at Florida State College, Jacksonville to test their mettle. Students also have the opportunity to meet fellow musicians as they attend recitals and wait to take their exams. Student Day is a rich, rewarding experience, and when students see their certificates, and the medals are pinned or draped on their neck – they know it was worth every minute! Please watch for date confirmation, and begin preparing your students to experience this great event! Baby Shower for JMTA Member Lyndsay Johnson Baby shower for Cordelia Hardee, Daughter of Lindsay Johnson and Joshua Hardee
“Who is that baby” Bring a baby picture of yourself and try to match other people to their baby pictures R.S.V.P to Lauren Chaney : [email protected] Apologies for the formatting in the Calendar. Technical difficulties with the website. Calendar of Events If anyone has an item to add to the calendar, please contact the website administrator at [email protected] Thanks! Oct. 10, 2012 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Panel Discussion – Pedagogical Issues Keyboard Connection Oct. 14, 2012 3:00 pm Arlington United Methodist Church 1400 N. University Blvd. Nov. 17, 2012 (Sat.) TBA District Meeting & Brunch TBA December 9, 2012 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Christian Family Chapel Jan. 9, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Erin Bennett Keyboard Connection Jan. 2012 (TBA) all day District IV Student Day, FCCJ South Campus Feb. 13, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Scott Watkins, China Trip JU Terry Hall Lobby March 13, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Lynne Arriale, Jazz Piano Keyboard Connection March 2013 TBA District IV Concerto Competition TBA March 17, 2013 3:00 pm JMTA Student Recital Jacksonville University April 10, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Concerto and Scholarship Competition Winners Riverside Presbyterian Church May 8, 2013 9:30 am JMTA Meeting Installation of Officers and Luncheon Holiday Hill Baptist Church Submissions for the October Newsletter are due on October 20, 2012. Please send submit them in writing to Tara Mock at [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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