General Meeting and Program
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at St. John’s Cathedral, 256 E. Church St., at 9:30 am Come join us for an exciting demonstration on the organ by Tim Tuller, Canon for Music. ________________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen Hi all, I hope everyone is finding their rhythm and getting into a good routine of teaching and practicing. Fall is always a busy time and I am looking forward to hearing my students perform on their upcoming recitals and seeing their progress this year. I am also excited for the State conference next month. I want to take the time to reflect on our September program given by our new member Dr. Anita Renfroe. It was a wonderful program and helped remind me of a few things I need to incorporate into my teaching. I had honestly never thought of stretching before I sat down to play, or having my students do this. It definitely makes sense and is something I want to begin doing with myself and my students. Some other points that stuck with me was reflecting back on what you wanted to play and do when you were young. What kind of music did you want to play? How did that change over time? How is it still changing? Sometimes we get stuck in our comfortable routine and repertoire we are confident in teaching, but it is so important to continue to grow and try new pieces. Learn them with the student, and practice something new so you can teach it to them. Lastly, Dr. Renfroe said something that I personally try and practice in my own studio, which was “Teach the child, not the subject.” It is important to find each students strengths, musical or not, and play to those strengths. Use those strengths to find a way to get through to them and help them unlock the joys of music. Lindsay Hardee, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA Minutes from September 28, 2016 Call to order: 9:33 am Members Present: Lynn Freeman, Sandra Stewart, Denise Homsley, Lorraine Eaton, Anita Renfroe, Susan Figlietti, Angie Holt, Sandra Roberts, Kamila Shahtakhtinski, Erin Bennett, Sarah Blazs, Lindsay Hardee Treasury Report: Given by Lorraine Eaton.
Communications: Sarah continues at the moment, but the position is still open. Community Service: Sandra Roberts reminded us about the 9th grade and 12th grade Community Service Award. Ethics: Susan Figlietti had nothing to report. Internet Media: Lorraine renewed our domain name. Any announcements that are not made on High Notes can be published on our Facebook page. Piano Festival: Lindsay Hardee reported that about 17 people responded to the survey. Most people responded that they would like the festival to be on a smaller scale. Hopefully, UNF will still be available for this event, we may have to move to the smaller hall, the Robinson Hall. For a Multifestival 2017, we need to have a committee first. Sandra Stewart suggested that Lindsay send out an email to recruit volunteers. Members present voted Yes to paring down the Piano Festival, perhaps to 5 pianos instead of 10. The transportation of pianos is very expensive. Student Recitals: Sandra Stewart mentioned we need a venue for the March recital. Teacher Certification: Sue Holder is willing to help anyone interested in becoming certified. Concerto Competition: Erin Bennett is arranging to have this either March 12, March 26, or March 27. District IV Meeting: Lorraine said this will take place in January. She suggested an open mic, open to any performance art. Location has not been determined. Student Day: Denise Homsley said it will take place at JU on January 21. The application deadline will be sometime in December. Honor’s Recital: January 29th Other business:
________________________________________________________________________ Student Recital FALL STUDENT RECITAL–Our Fall student recital will take place on OCTOBER 9th, Sunday, at 3 pm, at ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 4171 Hendricks Avenue (San Marco), 32207. There is a $5 fee per student. Checks should be made payable to JMTA. If repertoire is under 2 minutes, participants are welcome to play a second solo (dependent upon total number of participants). Email student’s name, repertoire, and age/level of repertoire to [email protected]. NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCT. 3rd. Teachers should plan to bring a plate of cookies, please. Also: We need 2-3 helpers to roll piano back to rear of sanctuary when recital is over. Please help with providing volunteers. Dr. Michael Mastronicola ________________________________________________________________________ 2017 District IV Student Day Student Day will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2017, at Jacksonville University. The application deadline is December 10, 2016. Updated information to be added to the JMTA website soon! The Student Day Handbook is now available online and may be accessed by members at . For questions, please email Denise Homsley: [email protected] Student Day is one of the best structured and comprehensive music evaluation programs in existence. And, it gives students a great sense of accomplishment. Please begin preparing your students now to enter 2017 District Student Day! Denise Homsley ________________________________________________________________________ Open Positions in JMTA! Exciting opportunities to serve! Communications chair: Hello, I’m Angie Holt and I’m happy to be filling this position. I’m a provisional member of the JMTA and love music and history. I homeschool my kids and also am furthering my college education. I love teaching piano and seeing the gift of music come alive to others. I live in St. Johns with my husband and two kids, who have taken piano from wonderful teachers Paulette Kilts and Dr. Sandra Stewart. It is an honor to be a part of JMTA and I look forward to getting to know everyone. Archivist: Responsible for scanning old documents and pics onto our website. Currently being done by Lorraine Eaton, already District President. Piano Festival: Responsible for planning Piano Festival. Lindsay Hardee is co-chair of this committee and will continue to fill the position, but she needs help. ________________________________________________________________________ Want to become Nationally Certified? Are you a National Certified Teacher of Music? Check out the Process: Certification candidates are required to complete five projects:
Other helpful materials are available at the MTNA Certification website. (see American Music Teacher, August/September 2016, pp.32, 33) Sue H Holder, District Certification Chair ________________________________________________________________________ District 4 News We have elected a new Treasurer for D4. Current officers are:
D4 is sponsoring a Coffee Break at the upcoming MTNA Collegiate Chapters Piano Pedagogy Symposium (UNF Jan 14-15, 2017). Collegiate students from across the country are coming into town, and host homes are needed. If you have a spare bed to share for the weekend, please contact Erin Bennett. Concerto Competition dates have not yet been finalized. It will probably be in March. Chairperson Erin Bennett will have more information soon. Comments are closed.
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