General Meeting and Program - September 10, 2014
9912 San Jose Blvd. This month’s program will feature a discussion panel of members sharing information about JMTA and MTNA events and opportunities for your students. If you are a new member, or have just been “out of the loop,” this will be a great time to see all that JMTA/MTNA has to offer. _______________________________________________________________________ President’s Pen We have an exciting year planned for all our members! Recitals, Multi-Piano Festival, Student Day, Programs on JMTA/FSMTA/MTNA events, Music Therapy, and more! Be sure to check the calendar for dates of events and meetings, as well as application deadlines for events such as Concerto Competition and Scholarships. Also, join us at our Fall Reception! See more info in this issue of High Notes. ~Lorraine Eaton, JMTA President ________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATIONS CHAIRPERSON NEEDED JMTA is looking to fill our Communications Chair. This person is responsible for regularly checking JMTA email, as well as sending out the monthly High Notes. Editing knowledge is not required. You just need to be able to check email, and use your computer’s word processing program—things you are already probably doing! A written Manual of Procedures is available to help you. This job takes about 2 hours of time monthly. Please consider helping your association in this manner. To volunteer, or to ask for more information, send an email to [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ JMTA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES MAy 13, 2014 Home of the Krosnicks After a lovely program on Music and the Psyche presented by Mary Lou and Aaron Krosnick, the meeting was called to order at 11:10 a.m. Lorraine read the minutes from last month’s meeting, and a correction was made regarding Denise sending out an email blast. The treasurer, Paulette, announced that it was necessary to change our bank accounts from “personal” to “business”, and into Business Premier, and Money Market accounts. Denise handed out medals and certificates from Student Day, and members not present need to pick theirs up from Keyboard Connection. Mary Wingfield (Altruistic) pointed out the flowers presented to Mary Lou and Aaron. Lorraine reminded us that news to be included in the High Notes are due the 20th of each month (in the case of summer news, by August 20th). Piano Festival news – Paulette has been in touch with Erin Bennett about having the 2015 Festival at UNF, and will contact persons over the summer about interest in past positions. According to Kamila, there have been no applications for summer camps. Sandra Stewart announced that the Proton Therapy recital was outstanding, and lasted 1 ½ hours. Lorraine reminded us of the St. Augustine rally on May 28th, as we are encouraging teachers in that area to start an organization in that area. Lorraine passed out the information on a link from Katherine Edwards to be approved for our website. Reports from committees were to be handed in by committee members. A new communication chair is needed as Ansel is unable to fulfill this job. Summer meetings of the board are scheduled for June 18, and August 13 at Music and Arts in Mandarin. The new VP of membership is Susan Figletti, and Pam Searcy will take Mary Wingfield’s place as Altruistic and Corresponding Secretary , as she is moving to NC. The meeting was adjourned and luncheon was enjoyed by members Ileana Fernandez, Paulette Kilts, Denise Homsley, Lydia Sanchez and her sister, Lorraine Eaton, Kamila Shahtahktinski, Sandra Stewart, Pam Searcy, and Mary Lou and Aaron Krosnick. Respectfully Submitted Mary Wingfield ________________________________________________________________________ MULTI-PIANO FESTIVAL 2015 “The World is a Stage” Plans are underway for the next Multi-Piano Festival scheduled for Saturday, November 21, 2015. “The World is a Stage” will feature music with opera and musical theater themes. With the financial assistance the UNF Music Department, we will be performing in Lazarra Hall on the UNF campus. Participants will range from Levels 1 – 5, Advanced (high school) and teacher performers. A featured duet team performing advanced repertoire will be selected by audition to perform one 4 hand duet on the program. All performers are invited to enter the program design contest with the chance to win $50 if their design is selected. Committees are being formed now under the leadership of Lindsay Hardee and Paulette Kilts, co-chairs. Say yes, when asked to assist with this program so your students can have another exciting multi-piano experience. **An important discussion on the use of acoustic versus digital pianos will take place at the JMTA September 2014 meeting – be there to voice your opinion and volunteer to help! Listen and watch for updates on plans at monthly JMTA meetings and in the High Notes. ________________________________________________________________________ FALL RECEPTION Please join us for a fun time of socializing and enjoying music together! Gary Smart will be presenting an all-Gershwin program. Spouses are welcome to attend. Look for an Evite in your inbox with all the details. Date: Saturday, October 4, 2014 Time: 3:00-5:00p Place: Mechetti home 112 Bent Pine Court Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 ________________________________________________________________________ Constitution and Bylaws Vote The Constitution and Bylaws Committee has edited the current JMTA Constitution and Bylaws to better reflect our Association, and to be more in line with those of FSMTA. Previously, a document was emailed to the membership detailing those edits. A vote will be made by the General Membership at the September meeting to accept these changes. The Executive Board has already voted to accept the changes. Since you have already received the document, the changes will not be reviewed at the meeting (in the interest of time). There will however, be a time for questions and discussion, so please have any comments ready before the meeting. ________________________________________________________________________ Event Calendar Please view our website for any updates or additions to these events, as well as more details. Sept. 10, 2014 9:30a General Meeting and Program Keyboard Connection October 4, 2014 3:00-5:00p Fall Reception Mechetti Home October 8, 2014 9:30a General Meeting and Program Keyboard Connection October 12, 2014 3:00p Student Recital Peace Presbyterian Church December 14, 2014 3:00p Student Recital Arlington United Methodist Church January 7, 2015 10:00a Multi-Piano Festival Planning Meeting Keyboard Connection January 14, 2015 9:30a General Meeting and Program Keyboard Connection February 11, 2015 9:30a General Meeting and Program Holiday Hill Baptist Church February 23, 2015 Concerto Competition Application Deadline Ileana Fernandez March 7, 2015 Concerto Competition UNF March 8, 2015 3:00p Student Recital Deermeadows Baptist Church March 11, 2015 9:30a General Meeting and Program St. Paul’s Catholic School April 8, 2015 9:30a General Meeting and Program Keyboard Connection April 14, 2015 6:00p Student Community Recital Proton Therapy Institute May 13, 2015 9:30a General Meeting and Program Riverside Presbyterian Church High Notes is distributed on the 1st of the month excluding June-August and December. All submissions are due by the 20th of the month prior to distribution. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. Comments are closed.
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